Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1485: Consequences of arrogance

The continuous failure of the encirclement and suppression army and the unfavorable record of the Immortal Sky City have greatly stimulated the bigwigs behind the major forces.

These big guys recognize Wei Xiao's strength and are not comparable at all, but you said that the soldiers under his command are not as good as the army of the Immortal City. This is definitely what the leaders of the major forces don't want to see.

In order to change the current situation of the encirclement and suppression army, as the Dark Night Army is pressing on with the encirclement and suppression forces of other forces, leaders of the major forces, led by the Wolf King, Xiao Chen, and Hersius, have entered the arena.



On the battlefield where the Wolf City army is located.

The army of Wolf City, who had been chased by the army of the dark night club for several days, finally launched a counterattack today.

Wolf King Xiaoyue Sirius came off in person.

Invite the two great abilities of the dark night club with one's own strength.

In this battle, although the opponent's strength was strong, facing the half-step Imperial Realm Xiaoyue Sirius, they were severely injured without taking ten moves in the hands of Xiaoyue Sirius.

Like an overlord standing in the air, the Howling Sky Wolf in a purple-black robe stared coldly at the two night envoys who were knocked to the ground by him.

"That's it? Who gave you the courage to attack this king's army?"

Severely wounded on the ground, the Rabbit of the Night and the Snake of the Night looked at the Howling Sirius in the sky with fear.

Xiaoyue Sirius is far more powerful than they imagined.

Unexpectedly, this battle will come quickly, and the unwillingness in the hearts of the white and fast two is particularly obvious.

Gritting their teeth, the two stood up to support their injuries.

The Rabbit of the Night said angrily: "What qualifications do you have to laugh at us? The dignified leader personally end up against us, and you lost from the beginning. Do you really think you are great if you beat us? Have the ability to fight with our emperor. Huh? Bullying the big with the small, what are you so proud of?"

"Is the Empress of the Dark Night? This king will look for her, but before that, Ben will not prevent this king from doing you."

Night Snake: "If you want to kill us, it depends on whether you have this ability."

"It's just a small effort!"

Xiaoyue Sirius' voice fell, no longer said, raising his hands, and when the two of them could hardly resist, the two tornadoes directly involved the severely wounded snakes and rabbits on the ground.


Being cut and torn by the endless wind blade, the two dark night make a cry of pain in their mouths.


Just when Xiaoyue Sirius was about to pinch the storm, one of the snakes and rabbits suffering from the pain looked at their companions.

"Maotu, run away—"

With a violent shout, the snake of the night releases the supernatural powers in his body with all his strength.

Like a volcanic eruption, the supernatural power erupted from the body of the night snake, instantly submerging one of the tornadoes controlled by the howling moon Sirius.

The night snake, whose whole body was disintegrating at this time, turned into an energy body with the help of the supernatural power that exploded with all its strength in the body.

After giving up his life, the snake of the night rushed out of the storm that trapped him with a huge amount of supernatural power, and rushed to the rabbit of the night with the strongest blow.

"Boom boom boom..."

The terrifying force touched with the storm summoned by Xiaoyue Sirius, the two forces impacted and repelled each other, and finally exploded in an all-round way.

At the moment when the powerful energy shock wave appeared, it not only cut off Howling Moon Sirius's control of the storm, but at the same time, even when the air waves diffused out, even Howling Moon Sirius had to stop the output of its abilities and return to defend itself.


The unprepared Rabbit of the Night was blown hundreds of meters away by the shock wave generated by this force.

She fell to the ground and spit out blood, looking at the turmoil of the sky and the wind, the eyes under the mask showed pain.


With this sound from between the teeth, his eyes turned to the Howling Sirius who was setting up a protective cover to resist the shock wave. Even if he was sad and angry, Maotu didn't dare to stay in place for a while.

With a badly wounded body, before Xiaoyue Sirius had time to attack her, he flashed away and left.

When Xiaoyue Sirius resolves the "suicidal" attack of the Night Snake and prepares to find the trace of the Night Rabbit, the opponent has disappeared without a trace.

Xiaoyue Sirius did not continue pursuing.

Putting away the abilities, looked at the wolf city army waiting in the rear.



"Kill them—"

As Xiaoyue Sirius screamed, the wolf city army, without the interference of the enemy's supernatural powers, launched a charge against the dark night fortifications thousands of meters away.

A few days of suffocation had long caused all of them to accumulate this anger, and now they were vented, and the combat effectiveness demonstrated by the army of Wolf City directly broke through the sky.


The encirclement and suppression of Wolf City is on the right track. Similarly, in other places such as Ice City, Sike Hugh Base City, the leaders of the parties and the supernatural powers in the base joined, and the advantages of the dark night suddenly disappeared.

Without the interference of the supernatural beings, as far as the combat effectiveness of the fighters below level 5 is concerned, most of them are the armies from all sides who fought over in a war with the corpse clan, and their strength is far above the dark night.

The relentless encirclement and suppression of the coalition forces officially started.

A few days ago, the dark night ambassadors of the major headquarters of the dark night who were still full of confidence, when they saw the strength of the leaders of the major forces, they did not understand until now that the first group of people who became supernaturalists, even if they had some of the gains. The resources can not be compared with people like himself, but in terms of strength, there are few people who are weaker than the dark night.

Some people may have forgotten that the improvement of the power of the power is not only the way to swallow the power potion.

Potion No. 5 can indeed accelerate the improvement of the power of the powers to the greatest extent, but if you are willing to work hard in other aspects, accumulate bit by bit, over a long period of time, it can also catch up with those powers who do not take the No. 5 potion. .

Especially the help of awakening medicine.

The power potions obtained by cultivating zombies in the dark night may not be able to produce awakening potions.

They have never dealt with the corpse emperor in the wild, unable to harvest the corpse of the corpse, and the corpse emperor they cultivated was killed when they were young, and it is even more impossible to obtain the corpse to extract the awakening potion.

The promotion is too dependent on the No. 5 potion. Because of this, even if the Dark Night Slayer gets a lot of the No. 5 potion, it is seriously lacking in other aspects. This also causes most of the Night Slayer's strength to be inferior to the powers of the major forces.

The encounters of the major strongholds in the dark night quickly spread to the ears of the empress Liu Xian'er of the dark night.

Dark night headquarters.

The Empress of the Dark Night, Liu Xian'er, was slightly tired and leaned on a recliner.

At this moment, in front of her, several people wearing silver masks were kneeling.

Ugly cow, Mao rabbit, Xu dog and Wei sheep

They are all night ambassadors, and they are also fugitives who failed after fighting with the coalition forces.

"Now you all know you have escaped?"

Liu Xian'er said lightly.

The few people kneeling down were ashamed.

Think about how they threatened to fight the whole world with one force a few days ago, but they came so quickly.

As soon as the leaders of the major forces came out, their strength suddenly fell apart.

Maotu: "My Lady Empress, although we are defeated, we are not convinced. If we can make arrangements in advance before the leaders of all parties go down, it is not us who will fail."

Liu Xian'er glanced at Maotu.

"What? Do you think you still have the power to fight?"

"Yes. Our Twelve Envoys of the Dark Night have different strengths. The enemies we face are all beings whose strength far exceeds ours. If we deploy in advance, in the previous battles, Xiaoyue Sirius will face the most. The strong dragon of the night, the final result is yet to be known."

"What Maotu said is exactly what Humble Job wanted to say. If it weren't for Axue, the leader of Ice City, to besiege me with Zimou'er, I would not fail." Weiyang said.

Xu Gou: "The army commander of the Immortal Celestial City, Lan Qiang, was fighting against me. His strength was comparable to mine, but the army of Immortal Celestial City was too powerful. Under their siege, I had to choose to escape. Let me have a team capable of contending against the elites of the Immortal Sky City, the previous result is different."


After listening to the three of them, Liu Xian'er sneered.

He looked at the ugly cow who didn't speak.

"Ugly cow, do you think so?"

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