Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1486: The Empress of Dark Night is going to make a move

Ugly cow didn't know what to say.

The man who defeated him came from the city of Scotia.

But it was not Xiao Chen who was the strongest in the base, but someone with other supernatural powers.

The previous few people said that they were all faceless figures in the last days, but he was defeated by an unknown person, and he was a little hard to tell.

Seeing the ugly cow did not speak, Liu Xian'er sat up straight.

"The emperor sees that you are living too easily, and you have forgotten who you are."

"The Empress..."

"To shut up!"

Just as Maotu was about to speak, Liu Xianer was directly drunk off.

Liu Xian'er, with cold eyes, stared at the four of them.

"The emperor doesn't know whether to say that you are ignorant or that you are not afraid of it. Do you really think that a force in the dark night can compete with other bases in the world? Naive, if nothing else, just say that the city is immortal. They can deal with you. How many abilities are used?"

"Chen Haojie, Lan Qiang, Pay Million, Leng Chengfeng, there are only four, and they are still the weakest four in the Immortal City. What is the result? The mouse was captured alive, and the dog was seriously injured and ran away. This is what you are talking about. Power?"

"Do you know how many of the Immortal City are stronger than these four? You don't know. Now the emperor will tell you that there are at least eight, and Wei Xiao doesn't count. The emperor really doesn't know where your confidence comes from. I feel that Dark Night can deal with all human forces in the East and the West at the same time."

"Failure is not terrible. What's terrible is how great you feel when you fail. Why did Chenlong (Dark Night Dragon) leave the game as soon as he received the order from the Emperor? It's because he knows the gap between Dark Night and other forces. You dare to take the initiative to attack under the encirclement and suppression of many forces. You are so powerful, why don't you deal with the corpses in the non-emirate continent?"


"Don't say anything, you are lucky to come back alive. The dark night of the east and west continents can no longer survive, so go to the southern continent! There is the last way out of the dark night."

After Maotu and the others listened to Liu Xian'er's words, although Liu Xian'er had awakened them, they were still a little unwilling.

Xu Gou gritted his teeth and said: "My Lady Empress, we are not without a chance. In fact, everyone knows that the entire East and West continents, the wolf king Xiaoyue Sirius, and the war **** Xiao Chen, are nothing more than a group of native chicken dogs in your eyes. Wei Xiao is the only one who makes you a little jealous..."

"If you can defeat Wei Xiao with your own hands, what fear do we have in the dark night from other forces?"


Liu Xian'er's face sank.

Wearing a mask, a cold gaze stayed on Xu Gou's body.

"You want this emperor to deal with Wei Xiao?"

At this point, if Xu Gou is afraid of Liu Xian'er's deterrence and shrinks, it is estimated that he will not be reused in the dark night in the future.

Xu Gou bit the bullet and responded: "Yes. Others say that Wei Xiao is the world's number one strong man, and his humble position admits it, but that is all before. The dark night is exposed to people again because of the West Pole, the same, From the group of survivors in the West Pole, the Empress also received a lot of potions to enhance her strength..."

"Excuse me for the offense of your humble position, Lady Empress, is your current strength really inferior to Wei Xiao?"

With the last word, Xu Gou directly raised his head to meet Liu Xian'er's gaze, not shy away from it.

Other people, at this time, also set their sights on Liu Xian'er.

As dark night envoys, even if they don’t know which step Liu Xianer’s current strength has reached, some time ago, calculating from the number of No. 5 potions provided by their nine headquarters for the headquarters, they created a strong person in the extreme emperor’s pinnacle. It's not a problem to come out.

What's more, the corpse emperor is also being cultivated here at the headquarters. Who knows how many supernatural potions Liu Xian'er has taken on the headquarters?

When Dark Night was hit by Wei Xiao for the first time, Liu Xian'er's strength had already reached the level of the Emperor of War. Now that she has taken an unknown number of power potions, is her strength really inferior to Wei Xiao?

Anyway, Xu Gou doesn't believe it.

"In fact, I also really want to know what the strength of the female emperor has reached today?"

"Master Chenlong?"

A sound rang in the cave at this time.

The four kneeling on the ground turned their heads to look behind, and saw a man in the armor of the emperor walking towards them.

"How did you come?"

Liu Xian'er spoke.

The person walked along and said, "Some things have to be resolved, but it won't work if they don't come."

The tone of the visitor was not at all polite.

Facing Liu Xian'er's question, his attitude didn't seem to be a relationship between superiors and superiors, but rather a feeling of being of the same level.

But no one was surprised.

Because they are used to it.

In the dark night, insiders knew that Liu Xian'er belonged to the twelve envoys with the highest status.

But I understand my own affairs.

It seems that the status of the twelve envoys is the same, but in fact, it is really necessary to calculate it carefully. Among the twelve envoys, the dragon of the dark night should be the head.

This is the result of Liu Xianer's secret support.

Because Chenlong is the only strong man in the dark night who has raised his strength to the extreme emperor pinnacle level.

Although his strength has only reached this realm in a short period of time, when the other Dark Night Envoys are basically still in the realm of the Emperor of War, Chen Long has already left them far behind, which shows its status in Dark Night and Liu Xian'er's preference for Chenlong.

It is precisely because of this that he has no fear in front of Liu Xian'er.

Liu Xian'er looked at Chenlong.

"Do you know what the result will be if this emperor loses to Wei Xiao and takes the initiative to send it to the door?"

Chenlong missed the sides of the few people who were kneeling on the ground, and went straight to stand under the steps.

"The humble position knows, but the lady emperor, there are some things that you can't escape if you want to escape. From the time the rat was captured by Chen Haojie and the others, your identity has been lost. Instead of waiting for Wei Xiao to come to the door to passively respond, it is better Take the initiative."

"If you can win, all forces in the human world will definitely respect you in the future, and the crisis of the dark night will collapse. If it fails, I believe that the female emperor has also made a good response."

Chen Long said neither arrogantly nor arrogantly.

It seemed that he asked Liu Xian'er to find Wei Xiao, which couldn't be easier for Liu Xian'er.

Liu Xian'er gave Chen Long a deep look.

"You seem to have confidence in this emperor?"

"Naturally. And this must be done. We don't give Wei Xiao an explanation. Even if we escape to the southern mainland, we cannot get rid of Wei Xiao's entanglement."

"Ha ha……"

Liu Xian'er smiled.

"You guys get up!"

Waved for the four of them to stand up.

Xu Gou they got up.

Weiyang: "My Lady Empress, are you really going to find Wei Xiao?"

Liu Xian'er got up, Miao Man's body was visible.

Wearing a butterfly mask, she sighed slightly.

"As Chenlong said, this time, Dark Ye must give Wei Xiao and all mankind a satisfactory explanation, otherwise, others can't feel at ease, and this emperor's battle with Wei Xiao is inevitable."

Hearing Liu Xian'er's words, Xu Gou and Maotu suddenly became energetic.

Is the Empress going to make a move?

Maotu: "My Lady Empress, I am willing to go with you."

"There is a humble job." Xu Gou agreed.

Liu Xian'er waved.

"This emperor has his own opinions, you don't need to participate."


"No but."

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