Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1556: Never seen such a brazen person

From the huge surprised eyes of the sage judge, Wei Xiao had already got the answer he wanted.

Sure enough, Mu Wuqing and the others are still alive.

A smile appeared on his face. At this moment, Wei Xiao felt that a heavy thing that had fallen on his heart had disappeared.

Wu Qing and the others are not dead?

Ha ha ha ha……

If it wasn't for the conditions, Wei Xiao really wanted to laugh out loud.

But I am in a good mood now.

Looking at the saint again, Wei Xiao suddenly felt that he became cute.

How could there be such a cute zombie?

"Look at you, how can you take it all alone without confirming it with your own eyes? This is a big misunderstanding? I am well informed, otherwise, if we continue to fight, wouldn't it make the loved ones hurt and the enemies happy?"

You are sure that your last words are correct.

We TM are born enemies, OK?

Where can the loved ones hurt and the enemies quick?

"What tricks do you want to do?"

"Looking at what makes you nervous, I am here to confirm this, and at the same time tell you that the misunderstanding between us has been resolved, so this battle is over. Don't have any psychological burden on you, our previous agreement is still valid. . How can someone like me who keeps promises would tear up the contract? I’m not that kind of person.”

Hearing Wei Xiao's words, the holy judge grinned.

Isn't that kind of person?

Who directly broke into the territory of the corpse clan in the southern mainland to have ordinary zombies operated on?

Who killed the tens of millions of ordinary zombies in the Southern Continent?

And who else destroyed the corpse clan's stronghold in the southern continent by oneself?


We are all retreating from the southern continent. Who is TM who chased and killed Wanli and came directly to the African emirate to fight Laozi day and night?

Say you are not that kind of person?

I believe you a ghost.

"The way you look now makes the deity feel sick."

"Whatever. The purpose of my coming has been achieved. I hope you will continue to abide by the agreement between us." At this point, Wei Xiao paused and looked at the holy judge with cold eyes, "If you let me know that you took the initiative to hurt a stranger. For human beings below the capable, the scene of yesterday will reappear."

Finally, he gave the sage a wicked smile, and Wei Xiao's figure turned into a flash of light and disappeared into the sky.

The sage saw that Wei Xiao really left like this. Not only did he not relax in his heart because the battle finally came to an end, but, on the contrary, the soaring anger made the sage want to ruin the world.

What is bullying too much?

This is.

It was Wei Xiao who started the fight, and he was the one who broke the agreement, but in the end it was this chore who asked to continue to keep the contract. This TM good and bad guys were made by this chore, so what is he?

The most hateful thing is that Wei Xiao threatened him when he was leaving?

Mader, when do I need you as a human being to teach me?

But after the anger, the holy judge had to accept it.

He had already seen the first battle yesterday, and Wei Xiao's current strength was already above him.

This human being who was not yet his opponent, or even close to his opponent, has now grown to overwhelm his existence.

I have to say that even if the holy judge is unwilling to accept Wei Xiao's threat, he has to give in for the tens of thousands of people of the corpse clan.

Hateful, hateful!

"Wei Xiao, you won't be proud of it for too long. Soon, the deity will be able to slash you a thousand times, oh-"

The full of anger finally turned into a roar that rang between the heaven and the earth, and the huge body of the saint stayed in place for a while, turned his head and flew towards the abyss, and plunged into the bottomless abyss.

The border of the non-Emirati mainland.

"Master, are things done?"

Wei Xiao stood on top of Xiao Jiu's head.

"It's done, let's go back."

Xiao Jiu: "Return to the Immortal City or the Phoenix Dance City?"

"What do you mean?"

Wei Xiao looked at Xiao Jiu with a stern look.

Although I couldn't see Wei Xiao's expression, Xiao Jiu, who was shivering for no reason, knew that what he said was simply unnecessary.


Not daring to be naughty anymore, Xiao Jiu neighed and Zhenyu flew towards the southern mainland.

Southern continent.

Chutianhe and Ye returned here last night.

The impact of Wei Xiao's death on Chu Tianhe was not insignificant.

Fortunately, when he found a new target for revenge, he had already wiped out the slumping color produced by the fall of Wei Xiao.

Returning to Jiutian City, Chu Tianhe was not equal for a moment due to the stimulation brought by Wei Xiao's fall.

He needs a battle to ease his impetuous heart.

"Are you sure to do it now?"

"There is nothing to worry about. First kill the phoenix dance, and then kill the immortal sky. Do you want to go together?"

Ye shook his head: "The current power of Fengwu Tiancheng does not require two emperor-level powerhouses to act at the same time. This seat will hold you Bai Youwei and others who are welcoming Ni Qingcheng and others, and how many corpses and corpses will you bring back? The corpse and the finished medicine are half of this seat."

"Haha...the appetite is not small. But are you planning to share a piece of the pie with other forces?"

"Is it necessary?"

"Hahaha... no more need."

That night, after Chu Tianhe and Ye agreed to leave Jiutian City in the night, he ordered the three armies and all soldiers and horses to kill Fengwu Tiancheng mightily.

Phoenix Dance Heaven.

Bai Youwei and the others have been away from Fengwu Tiancheng for four days.

But so far, Song Xiaoyu and others have not received any news that Bai Youwei and others will return.

It's not that they didn't transfer information to each other. It's just that the personnel they sent out were the same as Ni Qingcheng before. The soldiers who passed the information left the two places as if they were missing, and there was no more news.

Song Xiaoyu and they are not stupid.

It is clear that there must be forces to hinder it.

They are not without doubt.

In the entire Southern Continent, apart from Jiutian City, who else has this ability to be an enemy of them?

Fengwu Tiancheng, gene extraction base.

"Why, it will take a few days to extract the genes from the remaining corpse emperor?"

Song Xiaoyu took over the newly extracted power potions from Wang Dan and the others, and asked about their progress casually.

Wang Dan said seriously: "We have worked overtime, but the genes contained in the eight corpse kings cannot be extracted overnight. Our conditions are not as good as those in the main city. Those who have experience in extracting supernatural potions, currently only have the entire base. For two people, one corpse emperor in two days is already the limit."

"However, more than 700 bottles of Awakening Potion have been extracted, and within a week, the remaining more than 800 bottles can be extracted."

Song Xiaoyu frowned upon hearing what Wang Dan said.

"Try to speed up the time, I foresee a crisis is coming, and there is not much time left for us."

"Well, we try our best."


Just as Wang Dan's voice fell, a series of basic footsteps came from outside the base.

"Master Song, it's not good—"

A soldier broke into the base with a panic expression.

Song Xiaoyu's face changed slightly.

"What happened?"

The soldier took a few breaths and hurriedly said: "Jiutian City, Jiutian City has sent troops to us."


"Just three hours ago, our spies in Jiutian City sent news that Chutianhe, the emperor of Jiutian City, mobilized 70% of the soldiers and horses of the entire Jiutian City to march toward us. Their vanguard troops will be in another two hours. Will be able to reach our territory."


As soon as the soldier's voice fell, there was a sudden violent shaking inside the gene extraction base established under the Fengwu Heavenly City.

What two hours?

The enemy's attack has come.

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