Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1557: Fengwu Tiancheng falls

"Boom boom boom—"


"Come on..."

Fengwu Tian is outside the city.

An army of three-level super fighters in Jiutian City has launched a fierce attack on the towering city walls.

The enemy uses energy weapons.

The energy ray that was compressed to the extreme hit the wall, and the wall of eight or nine meters thick could not withstand a blow.

A large area of ​​the city wall was blasted down, and the soldiers of Fengwu Heavenly City who were on the defensive wall above the city wall were constantly buried in the rubble and ruins.

"Counter-attack, counter-attack, counterattack with all your strength."

On the city wall, Li Xiangfeng is organizing soldiers to launch a counterattack against the army of Jiutian City.

The same is the use of energy weapons.

Destructive beams of light plunged into the night sky.

Either roar, or the sky is full of flames.


In the fierce confrontation, the super soldiers of Jiu Tian City launched a charge.

Equipped with portable energy weapons, dense beams of light like meteors are constantly sweeping toward the city wall of Fengwu Heaven.

"Damn it!"

Watching the Fengwu Tiancheng warrior suffered heavy losses under the attack of Jiu Tiancheng, Li Xiangfeng, who was burning with anger, mobilized his abilities.

I saw a stream of water rising into the sky, exploding in the headspace.

The rain curtain fell, forming a protective shield to protect the city wall under attack.

"Destroy them—"

With this layer of protection, the safety of the Fengwu Heavenly City fighters is guaranteed, and the originally suppressed firepower is refilled.

Under the intense firepower, even if the Jiutiancheng fighters who attacked Fengwu Heavenly City were all fighters of level three or above, they suffered heavy losses.

The offense was blocked.

The charge of Jiutian City still did not stop.

"Boom boom boom—"

Suddenly, from the darkness, dozens of terrifying light beams with a diameter of 35 meters hit the water curtain.

The powerful impact shook the water curtain violently.

"Boom boom boom—"

As soon as the wave fell, a new wave of high-power energy weapons launched another attack.

In just two times, spider silk cracks appeared in the protective cover set by Li Xiangfeng.

Li Xiangfeng was shocked.

Seeing that the third wave of energy rays is coming again, without much thought, Li Xiangfeng once again mobilized his abilities to integrate into the protective cover to consolidate the rain curtain.


Feeling the power of energy rays personally, Li Xiangfeng's body shook slightly.

in the dark.

"Your Majesty, the opponent's ability player has taken action. With the weapons we are currently using, it will take a lot of time to break the protective cover. Unfortunately, the annihilation cannon is too large to carry with you, otherwise, a humble blow can crush the opponent's defense. ."

Chu Tianhe looked at the city wall shrouded in the water curtain.

"Ability person? Haha!" Chu Tianhe said with a disdainful smile, "Continue to attack, I will solve the opponent's ability person."


After the explanation, Chu Tianhe's figure turned into a blood mist and disappeared in place.

Li Xiangfeng, who was still resisting the bombardment of energy bombardment with his own strength, had blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth at this moment.

With a painful expression on his face, he felt that he would not be able to sustain it after a few more bombardments.

As he was thinking about how to deal with it, the energy cannon in the distance stopped attacking.

"Lost energy?"

Just as he breathed a sigh of relief, a mass of blood clung to the top of the blue water curtain.

Under Li Xiangfeng's gaze, the blood-colored object quickly spread towards the entire water curtain like dye dripping from the water.

In an instant, the green water curtain was soaked with blood.



Accompanied by the cracking sound, the water curtain protecting the city wall exploded in an instant, turning into rainwater that spilled on the inside and outside of the city wall.


Li Xiangfeng, who was supporting the water curtain, was bitten back, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and the figure stepped back again and again.

"Got you."

Suddenly a sound rang in Li Xiangfeng's ears.

Feeling startled, Li Xiangfeng just turned around and saw a scarlet claw grasping at him.

At the moment of crisis, Li Xiangfeng shook his hands and caused a stream of water to surround between his hands.

The front palms were pushed out, and the water flow released, colliding with the **** claws.


The two forces dissipated in the air as soon as they got on.

Before Li Xiangfeng had time to breathe, from all around him, blood-colored things like vines, like spider silk, spread towards him.

Li Xiangfeng was shocked.



The ground under his feet rippled, and then a lot of water emerged from it.

Later, under the control of Li Xiangfeng, the river that resembled a bursting embankment was wiped out in all directions.


"The strength is good, but unfortunately, in my eyes, it's just ants."


I don't know when, Chu Tianhe was already standing by Li Xiangfeng's side.

The big scarlet hand pierced directly through Li Xiangfeng's body, firmly penetrating him between his arms.

Chu Tianhe smiled contemptuously.

"Damn it, get out of me—"

Li Xiangfeng tried to struggle.

Unfortunately, Chu Tianhe didn't give him a chance.

A large amount of blood energy diffused from Chu Tianhe's hands, like petals wrapping Li Xiangfeng's body, and at the same time, all the abnormal energy he mobilized was locked in the blood energy.

With a "pouch", Li Xiangfeng's figure exploded with the **** energy that enveloped him, leaving no whole body dead.

After getting rid of Li Xiangfeng, Chu Tianhe shook his blood-stained arm.

Looking at the Fengwu Tiancheng personnel who were still blocking the Nine Heavens Warriors, Chu Tianhe's complexion condensed, and then he swept away towards the Fengwu Tiancheng soldiers in countless **** lights.

"what is this……"

"It's an ability person, it's an ability person, ah..."

A large amount of scarlet energy ran above the city wall.

The unstoppable Phoenix Dance Celestial Warriors are being slaughtered frantically by Chutianhe.

The firepower on the city wall was drastically reduced, and resistance was lost, and the soldiers of Jiutian City quickly rushed onto the city wall.

Under the frenzied slaughter, the soldiers defending Fengwu Tiancheng fell one after another.

"Get in!"


Breaking through the city wall, tens of thousands of Jiu Tiancheng warriors slew into the city.

"Oh oh—"


Just after the Jiutian City soldiers entered the city, the mutant beast army controlled by Chang Bai launched a siege on them from all sides.

Outside the city.

"Block them--"

Mutant beasts swept the audience.

The Warriors of Nine Sky City responded quickly.

The shouts of killing, the screams, and the roar of mutant beasts filled the entire Fengwu Heavenly City.

The city wall.


After eliminating the soldiers guarding the city, Chu Tianhe's figure reunited.

Staring at the Phoenix Dance Heavenly City in the endless flames of war, his eyes are like water and the wind is calm.


At this time, two figures appeared beside him.


It is Yun Ning and Lingying.

Chu Tianhe: "Find the person who controls the mutant beast. If you can catch it alive, you can catch it alive, and if you can't catch it alive, then kill it!"


The second daughter responded, and her figure disappeared on the wall.

There was a shout of killing in the city.

Chang Bai, who controlled the mutant beast, was also found by Yun Ning and the others soon.

Chang Bai, who had a certain gap in strength compared to Yun Ning and the others, didn't last long before he was severely wounded and caught alive.

Fengwu Tiancheng, which was seriously lacking in high-end combat power, quickly collapsed in the face of the nine-day army led by Chutianhe.

A few hours later.

With the arrival of the Jiutiancheng army.

Air forces blocked the airspace of Fengwu Tiancheng, ground forces rushed into the city, arrested all personnel in Fengwu Tiancheng, and drove them to the central square.

The base completely fell.

Inside and outside Fengwutian City, there are people from Jiutian City everywhere.

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