Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1558: Pretending to be risky, almost lifeless

"Puff puff……"


Outside the Fengwutian city, in a dense forest to the south.

Song Xiaoyu, who had been chased by a large number of Nine Heavens City fighters, was leading Wang Dan and others to fight fiercely with him, and then retreated.

However, being entangled by these Nine Heavens City fighters and not evacuating fast, they are extremely anxious.

"Master Xiaoyu, you take the potion and go quickly, let's stop them, go quickly!"

Being entangled by these Nine Heavens City fighters, the longer time they dragged on, the more dangerous their situation would be.

The key is that they carry all the awakening potions and power potions extracted during this period of time.

If you wait for Chu Tianhe and the others to catch up, relying on Song Xiaoyu, a super capable person, will not be able to protect these important resources.

Song Xiaoyu couldn't bear it.

But she also knows the current situation.

It doesn't matter whether she is alive or dead, what matters is the supplies in hand.

Once they fall into the hands of Chu Tianhe and others, the consequences will be beyond their imagination.

"Be careful yourself."

"Relax, Lord Queen hasn't come back, we won't die easily." Wang Dan gave Song Xiaoyu a smile.

But Song Xiaoyu knew that what she said was no different from saying goodbye.

Knowing their fate, Song Xiaoyu was unable to protect them.

Unwilling to see these familiar faces again, Song Xiaoyu entered a state of invisibility and evacuated towards the beach with the members of the Shadow Guard.

Watching Song Xiaoyu and the others disappear into the air, Wang Dan, who had no more burden in his heart, turned around.

"Kill them all."

Let go of their hands and feet, hundreds of top fighters of Fengwu Heavenly City dragged the fighters of Nine Heavenly City with all their strength.

The new fight begins again.

The interior of Fengwu Tiancheng.

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

The sky is bright.

Standing in the square waiting for news, Chu Tianhe, at this time, someone successively reported to him about the situation of Fengwu Tiancheng.

First of all, it is natural to have full control of Fengwu Heavenly City.

The second is the number of zombies they found.

After confirmation, among the corpses of the zombies collected by Fengwu Tiancheng, three and a half of the corpses of the corpse emperor were well preserved, and they were all eighth-level corpse emperors.

In addition to the corpse emperor, there are nearly 700 complete corpses.

Below the corpse, the corpses of the fourth-level zombies are too large to be counted in a short time, but it is roughly estimated to be no less than 100,000.

At last--

"Your Majesty, Song Xiaoyu, the power holder of Fengwu Tiancheng, Wang Dan, the person in charge of the gene extraction base, and related personnel have fled the base. Our people are hunting them down, but so far there is no news."

The previous report made Chu Tianhe feel comfortable, but when he learned that someone in Fengwu Tiancheng had escaped their blockade and was still the most important member of a base, Chu Tianhe's face suddenly didn't look good.

The person in charge of gene extraction flees with a power holder?

It doesn't need Chu Tianhe to think too much, he can also guess that the hands of these escaped people must be carrying a lot of important resources.

"Do you know the direction they are running away from?"


"very good!"

As Chu Tianhe said, Yun Ning was responsible for the internal affairs of Fengwu Tiancheng, and he led a group of people to chase Song Xiaoyu and the others.

Wang Dan where they are.

Nine Heavens City soldiers continued to kill.

Their strength is not weak, with hundreds of people, after a night of battle, more than a thousand nine-day soldiers died in their hands.

Aside from their determination to see death as home, the main reason for achieving such a great result is the invisible suit.

It's a pity that the fighters of Nine Heavens City seem to have anticipated the black technology of the invisibility suit for a long time. Every enemy who pursues them is equipped with a thermal imaging camera, which also reduces the advantages of the invisibility suit.

Killing a thousand people with a hundred people is already their limit.

Until now, the number of people led by Wang Dan was less than twenty people who could still breathe.


Seeing the new round of chasing soldiers in Jiutian City, Wang Dan, regardless of his own injuries, launched the final charge with the remaining soldiers.

It was another fierce **** battle.

More than 30 people died in the battle in Jiutian City, but she was the only one left on Wang Dan's side.

Wang Dan, who had lost an arm and still had dozens of shocking scars on his body, was already at the end of his force.

With a sword in his hand, his eyes showed indomitable color, like a wounded beast threatening the people around him with a sword, he might choose someone to eat at any time.

The Jiutian City soldiers surrounded her, and did not rush to do anything.

"His Majesty……"

Suddenly, a noise came from behind.

As everyone was stunned, Chu Tianhe's figure staggered the soldiers from the periphery and came to Wang Dan's eyes.

Wang Dan looked at Chu Tianhe ferociously, with the long sword in his hand pointed at him.

Chu Tianhe didn't talk nonsense: "Tell me, the final destination of other escapers? As long as you tell the truth, I can spare your life."

When Wang Dan heard the words, his tight nerves were slightly loosened.


With a sudden smile, Wang Dan looked at Chu Tianhe contemptuously.

"Do you think I'm afraid of death? If I'm afraid of death, I won't stay here."

Chu Tianhe frowned.

While waving his hands, **** streamers shot towards Wang Dan.

"Puff puff" sounded.

The blood-colored light beam, which was more penetrating than a bullet, avoided Wang Dan's vitals and penetrated her body.


Wang Dan let out a dull painful moan.

But she who didn't say anything, gritted her teeth and held up the pain in her body.

"Just ask again, where are the rest of you going?"

Wang Dan clenched his teeth.


The pain in his body finally turned into a powerful scream, Wang Dan slammed towards Chu Tianhe with a sword.

"Is it bad to be alive?"

Looking at the hard-working woman in front of him, Chu Tianhe snorted coldly.

A mass of **** energy condensed in his hand.

The first time Wang Dan rushed to him, he sent it out with a palm.

The **** energy spread to Wang Dan's figure, blasting her into a blood mist in the blink of an eye and dissipating in a messy dense forest.

After doing all this, Chu Tianhe looked at the surrounding environment with no waves in his eyes, and soon found that he was abnormal, without saying hello to anyone, directly incarnate a blood beam and shot towards the front.


In the sea, huge tentacles extend from the bottom of the sea.

Song Xiaoyu put the box containing the genetic medicine in these tentacles, and then said to the creatures under the sea: "Brother Octopus, I'm sorry to trouble you. You must give these medicines to You Wei and the others."


The octopus, who was on the bottom of the sea, rolled up the box containing the genetic medicine and surfaced.


There was a whine in his mouth, and the ink-colored liquid spouted from his mouth, converging into a line and appeared in front of Song Xiaoyu.

Won't you go?

Song Xiaoyu smiled indifferently.

"Can't go, you leave quickly with the gene potion, no matter what happens in a while, never come out."

Brother Octopus glanced at Song Xiaoyu for the last time, without saying anything, the huge body sank to the bottom of the sea, and disappeared together with the genetic medicine taken away by the tentacles.

Seeing that Brother Octopus successfully took away the genetic medicine, Song Xiaoyu put down the last big rock in his heart.

"Finally feel relieved."


"Captain, Chu Tianhe is here."

Just after breathing a sigh of relief, a member of the Shadow Guard appeared next to Song Xiaoyu and brought her desperate news.

"It turns out that you are here, so I can find it easily."

The Shadow Guard noticed the figure of Chu Tianhe, it definitely did not happen in a short time.

It's a pity that Chu Tianhe is too fast.

When the Shadow Guard noticed that Chu Tianhe had rushed to report to Song Xiaoyu, Chu Tianhe also chased him up.

"Chu Tianhe——"

Song Xiaoyu was like an enemy immediately.

Chu Tianhe didn't talk nonsense, and stretched out his hand to Song Xiaoyu: "Hand over the things you took, and I might be able to give you a happy one."

Song Xiaoyu: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Hehe! You won't cry if you don't see the coffin."

"Bang, bang, bang—"

As soon as Chu Tianhe's voice fell, at this moment, from both sides of the coast, a burst of gunfire sounded at the same time.

Chu Tianhe, who was extremely confident of his own strength, didn't make any extra moves, his body moved slightly, and a protective cover directly enveloped him.

But when the bullet touched the protective cover he placed randomly, he witnessed the bullet breaking through his defense in an instant.

At that moment, Chu Tianhe, whose soul was almost frightened, instantly turned into a blood mist and disappeared in place.

The bullet penetrated the blood fog and sank into the ground.

"Boom boom boom—"

After several explosions, large pits with a diameter of about two meters appeared on the ground.

Very scary.

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