"Boom boom boom——"

Before the blood domain reached Wei Xiao, the blood-colored skulls that wandered around the blood domain had already rushed towards Wei Xiao in a whistling manner.

Purple and white electric lights rose on Wei Xiao's body.

Form a protective layer to envelop him.

Move, flip, jump, dodge...

While avoiding the attack of the scarlet skull, while waving the scarlet skull that the Emperor Killing General could not dodge, exploded.

As the blood domain was about to press against the ground, Wei Xiao stood up and retreated a hundred meters.

The figure stood still, with a horizontal knife in his left hand at his side.

Spiral purple-white electric lights surround the blade.

Facing the pressing blood territory, Wei Xiao suddenly burst into a sharp light between his eyes.


Struggling to cut out with one blow.

Scarlet Blade Nine rises from the secluded, and all qi is united to cut through the blue sky.

A shocking, weeping blow.

Dividing the blood domain, tearing the sky apart, the power of a knife directly annihilated the blood domain released by Chu Tianhe in the sky.

Finding the figure of Chu Tianhe from the diffuse blood, Wei Xiao waved his right hand to condense his blood.

On the other half of the sky, a big scarlet hand was conceived.


The **** hands have nothing to resist.

He broke through the scattered blood area and reached Chu Tianhe's side.

He grabbed it, and bombarded the ground with his figure.


Along with the shaking of the world, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky where the Chutian River landed.

"Wei Xiao——"

In the thick smoke, there was Chu Tianhe's heart-piercing roar.

In the land where the green grass and yellow sand bulged, I saw the **** shadow gradually condensing.

Wei Xiao's face remained unchanged.

Purple and white electric light bloomed on her body.

With a "squeak", a large amount of purple and white electric light spread along the ground towards the place where the Chutian River figure was.

With purple and white electric lights flooding the space where Chutianhe is located.


In the area where the electric lights flickered and the beacon smoke was everywhere, there was Chu Tianhe's heart-piercing shouts.

At this moment, being blocked by purple and white electric light, Chu Tianhe's figure was exposed in front of Wei Xiao's eyes.

Wei Xiao, who was outside the chaotic space, locked onto Chu Tianhe's figure, and slightly tilted his hand at Killing Emperor Wu.


Wei Xiao's figure flashed suddenly.

With a sword held horizontally, his body was directly submerged into the chaotic area like lightning.


Chu Tianhe, who was in the chaotic area, suddenly felt a breath of danger.

When he saw where the dangerous breath came from, Wei Xiao's figure was already close at hand.

Too late to think about it.

Chu Tianhe struggled to break free from the imprisonment of purple and white electric light, and turned into a blood mist to try to dodge.


But Wei Xiao's attack was too swift.

The power can be called Wei Xiao's strongest mortal trick.

As soon as a part of Chu Tianhe's body became bloody, the figure of Wei Xiao brandishing a knife flashed past him.


Wei Xiao broke through the dense smoke from the chaotic place and came outside.

The body was fixed, and Emperor Killing was held horizontally by his side, purple and white electric light flashed, and on it, a line of blood fell to the ground along the blade of the knife.

Wait for the chaos to disappear.

In the **** sky, the figure of Chu Tianhe gathered again.

Chu Tianhe, whose expression was full of anger and panic, couldn't help looking at his right arm.

His right arm is gone.

Wei Xiao actually cut off his arm when he was elementalized, how could this be possible?


As if being greatly stimulated, Chu Tianhe roared up to the sky.

A large amount of blood and energy gathered towards him from all directions, and after his lost right hand poured into his body with the force of nature to regenerate, Chu Tianhe's figure disappeared into the sky.

Bloody storms appeared in front of Wei Xiao's eyes one after another, rolling bigger and bigger.

The atmosphere above has also become more and more terrifying and eerie.


Under Wei Xiao's gaze, suddenly, from the Scarlet Hurricane, two giant hands tore the convoluted storm to the outside.

Then came the big feet that support the body.


There was another horrified whistling sound.

The terrifying sound waves directly shook the convoluted blood energy.

Just like the sky exploded with a huge firework, instead, a giant towering sky over a thousand meters appeared in front of Wei Xiao.

"Wei Xiao——"

Shouting like thunder came from above.

Thunder and explosion, shaking the world.

Chu Tianhe, who appeared in the strongest posture, found Wei Xiao on the ground. Before Hong Yin fell, a big hand that suppressed heaven and earth had already volleyed down.

Wei Xiao stared at the air rushing down his head.

The figure flickered and retreated a kilometer away.


When the terrifying giant palm fell, it directly shook the heaven and the earth, causing the earth to change its appearance in an instant.

The blow was unsuccessful, and Chu Tianhe's ferocious face looked down below.

The extremely large body trembled, and from the body, a large amount of blood was overflowing like a river, forming an overwhelming air current that swept the place where Wei Xiao's figure was.

Wei Xiao didn't dare to neglect.

With his right hand swinging, the air currents from the sky and the earth converged into countless blades with his mobilization.

Facing the engulfing air current, Wei Xiao pushed his hand forward, and the continuous sword energy covering one side greeted him head-on.

Annihilate the airflow, annihilate the blood.

The blade resembling a meteor, like a torrential rain, the strange energy that was pressing Chu Tianhe kept approaching his figure.

Just after the endless blade was less than a hundred meters away from him.

The blade soldiers that annihilated the blood stream were united in one place.

In an instant, a huge open sky blade stabbed at Chu Tianhe's huge body.


Chu Tianhe was not slow to react.

With both hands facing in front of him, he sandwiched the stabbing giant blade with his palms.


The shocking force of horror acted on Chu Tianhe's body, pushing his body, continuously sliding back towards the rear.

After blocking Chutianhe's continuous offensive, Wei Xiao turned into a lightning flash to appear above Chutianhe instantly.


I saw Wei Xiao bursting into the sky with a lot of purple and white electric lights.

The clear sky retreated, and the dark clouds struck.


Lightning bolts fell from the sky, and the huge body of Chu Tianhe flickered around him.

Chu Tianhe's eyes were solemn.

Bloody energy exploded in his hand.

The blood-colored energy that swallowed the sky and the earth followed the tip of the giant blade, instantly enveloping and annihilated.


And after he destroyed the giant blade, Wei Xiao's aura had reached its extreme.

The whole person was like Wei Xiao who had turned into a thunderous body, and spread out with a shout.

Under Chu Tianhe's gaze, he saw Wei Xiao casually holding a claw, and a blade of purple-white lightning condensed in his hand.

"Swish swish—"

"Puff puff--"

The entire sky was everywhere in the next moment with Wei Xiao's figure.

With the power of thunder, Wei Xiao pounced on the huge figure of Chu Tianhe every time, a purple-white electric light penetrated his body.

One, two, three... countless ways...

Under Wei Xiao's terrifying quick attack, Chu Tianhe, who had no reaction time, was quickly pierced into a hedgehog by the purple and white electric light.


Chu Tianhe roared, **** energy surged throughout his body.

At this time, Wei Xiao's figure fell to the ground.

With his back facing Chu Tianhe's huge body, a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

I saw Wei Xiao's raised right hand suddenly kneaded.


At this moment, the countless purple and white light blades that penetrated Chu Tianhe's body exploded in an all-round way.

In an instant, the blood-colored energy surrounding Chu Tianhe's body was dissipated by the purple-white light.

The horrible purple-white light beam pierced through the nine heavens like a light that opened the sky and reached the outer space.

As for Chu Tianhe's figure, it was completely shrouded in purple and white electric light.

Except for the scream that resounded through the world, he was completely absent.

Ten seconds later.

The soaring purple-white electric light is folded from the top.

The continuously condensing light beams finally turned into a line and disappeared between the sky and the earth.

Chu Tianhe's figure also appeared at this time.

However, when a large amount of blood energy is leaving his body and dissipating out of thin air, he can still maintain a clear and clear Chu Tianhe, and his eyes are full of incredible colors.

"This is impossible, how is this possible? I am also an emperor-level peak powerhouse, how could I lose to Wei Xiao, this is impossible—"

Chu Tianhe's unacceptable roar continued to spread from above.

In the riot, the body of the body that had dissipated slowly, under his last roar, speeded up the flow, and instantly dispersed into a cloud of smoke, completely dissipated in the air with a strong wind.



Chu Tianhe's figure lost his body and fell from a high altitude.

The earth trembled, and his whole body was plunged into the mud.

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