Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 1569: If you want it, then give it to you

Wei Xiao turned around with the Killing Emperor Wu, and walked towards Chutian River step by step.


Suddenly, there was a loud noise where Chu Tianhe landed.

From the deep pit, a cloud of blood spewed out and swept straight towards Wei Xiao's figure.

Wei Xiao saw this scene without any dodge action.

The long knife glowing with purple and white electric light was sent forward by him.

"Pouch" with a sound.

The long knife seemed to pierce into something, making a dull sound.

After that, centered on the place where the long knife stabbed, the filamentous purple-white electric light diffused in all directions.

Blocking the blood-colored air currents around forcibly condensed them into one place, and then turned into a power grid to condense all the blood-qi into a mass, re-condensing the figure of Chu Tianhe.


Heart-piercing screams continued from the mouth of Chutian River.

Many attempts have been made to elementize but have been locked tightly by the purple and white grid, and the blood gasification has ended in failure.

Wei Xiao picked up Chu Tianhe's body and smiled coldly.

"A futile struggle, do you think I will give you a chance?"

Chu Tianhe calmed down, staring at Wei Xiao with bloodshot eyes.

"Why, why is this? Obviously you and I are both the peak emperor rank, why is the gap between us so big? I don't accept, I don't accept--"

"Haha!" Wei Xiao smiled, "Who told you that there is no gap at the peak Emperor? An egg of the same quality collides with a rock. Who do you think will break in the end?"

Chu Tianhe was taken aback when he heard the words.

"I also said how dare you fight to the death with me. The feeling is that you have taken the power potions obtained in Fengwu Tiancheng to increase your strength to the peak. It is no wonder that you are so arrogant. But unfortunately, for my strength, you. I don't know."


"Well, this game ends here. Perhaps death is also a relief for you."

With that, Wei Xiao's blood pupils were full of murderous intentions.

Feeling the killing intent on Wei Xiao, Chu Tianhe was shocked for a while, a look of fear appeared in his eyes.


At the last moment, when he really faced death, Chu Tianhe showed fear in front of Wei Xiao.

It stands to reason that he shouldn't have performed this way in front of Wei Xiao.

But until now, when death really fell on him, Chu Tianhe realized that in addition to seeking revenge from Wei Xiao in his life, he still wanted to live.

But is it useful to understand this now?

Seeing that Wei Xiao was about to do it.


Suddenly, at the end of the plain, a soft drink came.

Wei Xiao's hand was stagnant.

The lightning glowing on his body faded.

Picking up the figure of Chu Tianhe and looking towards the sound source.

I saw in the distance, several figures rushed towards him at extremely fast speeds.

"Ning'er, Xiaoying?"

Chu Tianhe saw the identity of the visitor clearly, and there was a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

Yun Ning and the others stopped at a distance of 20 meters from Wei Xiao.

"Stop it, Wei Xiao, if you don't want them to die, let my husband go right away." As soon as Yun Ning came, he threatened Wei Xiao with his mouth.

Wei Xiao frowned slightly.

Looking at the two people behind Yun Ning.

One of them, Wei Xiao knew his identity at a glance-Chang Bai.

But the other one was not Wei Xiaojian's forgetfulness, but the first time he saw the other party, he really didn't recognize who the other party was.

But that was only a moment's matter.

"Xiaoyu?" Wei Xiao tried to call out.

Yes, the other person is Song Xiaoyu.

But her situation is terrible.

The whole person was shaved off by others.

The lack of limbs and the loss of facial features are extremely miserable.

If she wasn't still there, Wei Xiao wouldn't have been able to call her name.


Song Xiaoyu obviously heard Wei Xiao's call.

It's a pity that she, who couldn't speak, kept shaking her head at Wei Xiao except for the whimper.

If someone understands Song Xiaoyu's meaning, they will know what she wants to say to Wei Xiao at the moment: Brother Xiao, leave us alone, kill them.

Seeing Song Xiaoyu's inhuman appearance, Wei Xiao couldn't help taking a breath.

How cruel did this girl fall into the hands of Chu Tianhe and the others?

Wei Xiao's eyes were flushed, as if blood was dripping at this moment.

Looking at Yun Ning and them, a cruel smile appeared on his face.

"You are really fine. I think Wei Xiao is cruel, but now I compare myself to you, and I realize that I am a good person, and a great good person."

Facing Wei Xiaowan's words from Jiuyou Purgatory and Killing Yi Sensen, Yun Ning, Lingying, and the Jiutian City soldiers who came with them, trembled involuntarily.

Yun Ning knew very well how much stimulation Song Xiaoyu's current state had brought to Wei Xiao, but she couldn't control that much.

"No matter what you think of us, if you let my husband go, I will return these two people to you. Otherwise, they can only give my husband a funeral."

Seeing Yun Ning and the hostages held by them, Chu Tianhe, whose hope of alive was a little bigger, suddenly grinned.

"Wei Xiao, you can't kill me."


Wei Xiao laughed suddenly and unscrupulously.

When his laughter stopped and his face turned cold-blooded and merciless, he looked at Chu Tianhe again.

"You are too happy too soon."

With that, Wei Xiao, who didn't have any emotions, said to Yun Ning and the others, "Do you think it's possible to use them to threaten me?"

Chu Tianhe and Yun Ning trembled in their hearts.

I felt that Wei Xiao's words didn't seem to be joking with them.

After hesitating for a moment, Yun Ning pretended to be calm and said: "Don't want to fool us. If you really don't care about these two people, I will let you stop, and you will not delay until now. Don't think about finding it from us. A chance to save these two people."

"I tell you the truth, we all have micro-forbidden weapons installed on them, and everyone here has a starting device. If you dare to mess around, everyone will die together."

Even thought of this step?

"It seems that you are taking me down?"

Ling Ying: "You let Brother Tianhe go. We guarantee that the two of them are safe and sound."


Wei Xiao smiled.

He glanced at Chu Tianhe and Yun Ning.

Wei Xiao's expression suddenly changed, and he said helplessly, "Okay! You won. Chu Tianhe, I didn't expect that you still had this hand, and finally relying on your own woman to save his life, you really made me look at me with admiration. ."

Chu Tianhe was initially a little excited when Wei Xiao gave in.

After all can survive, who wants to die?

But as Wei Xiao's words deepened, Chu Tianhe's expression gradually became gloomy.

Chu Tianhe, who has always been pretentious, is now regarded by Wei Xiao as a waste that needs a woman to survive. To him, this is tantamount to rubbing his last trace of dignity on the ground.

His heart was raging, but Xiao Ming was still holding Wei Xiao's hand, and he wouldn't irritate Wei Xiao.

"Alive is the greatest ability."

"you're right."

Returning to Chu Tianhe, the long knife that Wei Xiao pierced into Chu Tianhe's body burst into a purple-white electric light hidden in his body.

"Return this waste to you."

Without hesitation, Wei Xiao flicked the long knife in his hand, and Chu Tianhe's body instantly separated from the blade and flew towards Yun Ning and the others.


Looking at Chu Tianhe who was flying over, Yun Ning didn't even think about it, and straight forward to catch him.

At this moment, the power grid trapping Chu Tianhe's body suddenly burst into a dazzling light.

At the same time, Chu Tianhe's face changed drastically when he felt a strange force in his body hitting his body trying to break out.

"Don't worry about me, get out of the way--"

Chu Tianhe's reminder sound was already at its limit, but unfortunately, he still ignored how much Yun Ning cared about him.

When he heard his reminder, Yun Ning had already caught his figure.

As soon as the two met, Chu Tianhe's purple and white electric light exploded.

A huge ball of light enveloped them in an instant, accompanied by a roar, electric light blasted, space shocked, and powerful purple and white electric light drenched the square.

"Big Brother Tianhe, Sister Yun Ning--"

"His Majesty--"

The sudden change made Lingying and the others bewildered.

At this moment, Wei Xiao's figure disappeared.

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