Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 183: Bai Youwei who confused the harem

Feeling the Phantom at this moment a bit strange, Wei Xiao looked serious.

"Who did you learn this from?"

Wei Xiao didn't expect that the Phantom would act like a baby with him one day?

This is definitely not the character that the Phantom should have.


As soon as Wei Xiao's voice fell, there was a sound of closing the door in the bedroom where Bai Youwei and Yan Yi were.

Good guy, don't need the Phantom to say that Wei Xiao also knows who it is.

My own young wife's daughter-in-law seems to be getting more and more presumptuous. He didn't take his little wife Yan Yi, but now he actually targeted the Phantom.

Angry and funny, Wei Xiao stared at the Phantom: "You Wei taught you this, right?"

Seen through by Wei Xiao, the Phantom, who has no secrets in front of him, nodded: "You Wei said, as long as you do this with you, you will promise me. I have been studying for a whole day to achieve this level."

Ugh! What a silly wife.

Wei Xiao was distressed and spoiled.

Squeezed her little face, and said gently, "Remember to get up early tomorrow."

"Master, did you agree?"

"Stupid daughter-in-law has done this. If my husband doesn't agree, wouldn't it make people sad?"


"The master is so kind."

It's rare to see the Phantom so happy.

Seeing her figure running towards the room after the sneak attack, Wei Xiao smiled slightly.

However, when he thought that his killer wife was almost tuned into a little sheep by Bai Youwei, Wei Xiao's face was warm and angry: "Bai Youwei..."

Bai Youwei and the others are in the bedroom.

"Yan Yi, Yan Yi, it's over, it's over, I'm over, if my husband knows that I taught Xiaoying sister to do it, my husband will not eat me? What should I do? What should I do now?" Bai Youwei said that she was very nervous.

Yan Yi looked at Bai Youwei in a panic, and said glutinously, "Sister Youwei, I think you are lying on the bed now, maybe O'Neill will miss you a few times."

"Will this, this work?"

"What can do it?" Wei Xiao suddenly opened the door and walked in.

"Oni sauce!"

Wei Xiao Chong Yan Yi smiled, and stared at Bai Youwei with bad eyes.

Bai Youwei put her hands together in front of her, with a strong smile on her face.

"Husband, why did you come to us? I thought you were going to Sister Xiaoying tonight?"

"Pretend, you continue to pretend to me." Wei Xiao watched Bai Youwei's performance with a smile.

Looking at Wei Xiao, Bai Youwei, who knew that she was struggling to no avail, squashed her small mouth, and said chumatically, "My husband, I was wrong."

"Do you know the wrong behavior?"

Bai Youwei looked aggrieved.

Turn around slowly, tilting up below his waist.

"Husband, please be gentle. If it is broken, people can't sit in your arms anymore."

At this time, Wei Xiao was rather dumbfounded.

Raising his hand, Wei Xiao, who seemed to be struggling, slapped Bai Youwei with a gentle breeze.

"Huh! Doesn't it hurt?" Bai Youwei turned her head and looked at Wei Xiao puzzledly: "Husband, do you want to try the feel first to see where the hitting is comfortable?"

Hearing Bai Youwei's words, Wei Xiao, who was still unbearable, condensed his thoughts.


"Oh! Husband, are you really fighting?"

"Hit? Humph, I'm going to punch you from behind."

Holding Bai Youwei in a hug, Wei Xiao directly threw her onto the soft bed.

Soon, there were noisy noises in the bedroom, and Bai Youwei was also crying again and again under Wei Xiao's chaotic stick.

One night passed quickly.

At 7 o'clock the next morning, Wei Xiao took Yi Jianfeng and the others, drove an armored vehicle out of the city, and drove away from the corpse on a road where corpses were piled up.


A survivor's stronghold before entering Fenghua District.

Wei Xiao found the group of people yesterday.

When facing Wei Xiao alone, they were not opponents. Today, seeing Yi Jianfeng and others armed to their teeth, the survivors here are even more afraid to have extra thoughts.

"Master, now I can be sure that the weapons and equipment in the hands of the target team were brought from the battle base."

After Wu Ming and the others saw the weapons and equipment that Wei Xiao had collected yesterday, they no longer had any doubts about their speculation last night.

"Then they are really lucky. You don't need to take much risk to have a foothold in the last days. Unfortunately, everyone is not guilty, and he is guilty of his crimes. After today, the remaining weapons and equipment are mine. Cun Yong..." Wei Xiao said very domineeringly.


"Take this bazooka, and you can shoot six rounds when I let you use it."


"Zhong Cheng!"


"The heavy machine gun is handed over to you. There are not many bullets. You save me a little bit. Good steel is used on the blade."


"Others see if they have weapons that need to be equipped, and if they don't, they will set off."

"there is none left!"

Wei Xiao was carrying a light machine gun.

"Then go!"

"This, this lord..."

Wei Xiao and the others were about to leave. Among the survivors who helped him "save" weapons overnight, the new leader hurriedly spoke.

"You still have something?"

Ma Huan was a little afraid of Wei Xiao, but when he thought of their decision last night, he bit his head and said: "My lord, we want to join your team, don't know if it will work?"

After asking this sentence, Ma Huan, along with all the seventeen survivors present, looked at Wei Xiao and them with a worried and nervous face.

Wei Xiao didn't seem to have any accidents.

"It's not impossible to join us, but you have to know that following us may be more dangerous than staying here. Are you willing to lose your life at any time?"

"Yes!" Ma Huan said firmly.

"Oh! Is this your personal meaning or do you all think so?"

"My lord, please take us away, we are not afraid of death."

Without waiting for Ma Huan to speak, the other survivors, both men and women, said in unison.

It seems that their decision was not made temporarily, maybe they thought it out last night.

"Well, arm yourself as quickly as possible. Later you may usher in a fierce battle." Wei Xiao did not refuse, but at the same time let them know how dangerous it is to join his team.

Wei Xiao's words obviously made some people hesitate.

But that was only a matter of moments. Except for some people who didn't even think about it, they were already arming themselves. For the rest, they hesitated for a while, and then gritted their teeth and insisted on their choice.

Staying here may be able to live longer, but it is not destined for long.

Following Wei Xiao and the others, maybe they will die in the next second, but if they survive, they believe that in the future they don't need to hide away like they do now.

Seventeen people quickly armed themselves.

Some people even wear two or three body armors.

I just said that I am not afraid of death, now, hehe!

Wei Xiao didn't say much.

"Set off!"

Obviously, an armored car can't fit so many people. Fortunately, Brother Po's people left a lot of usable cars yesterday.

At the greeting of Wei Xiao, everyone got on the car, and the three locomotives, led by Wei Xiao riding a motorcycle in front, drove towards Baxiong and their base.


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