Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 184: Leverage

More than half an hour.

Wei Xiao took Yi Jianfeng and the others to the back of a house.

The front of the housing area is the base of Ba Xiong and the others, and the distance between the two sides is about 500 meters.

When they came, Wei Xiao avoided the parking lot completely, and now there was a building in front of them to cover it up. For those younger brothers who Ba Xiong arranged to guard outside, they had no idea that the base had been targeted by a group of people.

Wei Xiao let them get out of the car.

Bringing Leng Chengfeng and other people with sniper rifles to the top of a tall building.

"Master, where is the target base?" Leng Chengfeng asked.

"Did you see the situation over there?" Wei Xiao pointed to the entrance of the underground parking lot and said.

Leng Chengfeng glanced at it.

"Could it be there?"

"Yes, I'm bringing you here. I intend to let you lie in wait. I will leave in a while. Before I give you any news, keep an eye on the outposts at the entrance of the underground parking lot."

"Master, what are you going to do?"

Facing Phantom’s inquiry, Wei Xiao smiled evilly.

"We still need some helpers."

Phantom, Yi Jianfeng and the others were arranged, and Wei Xiao left in an off-road vehicle.

When Yi Jianfeng and the others learned of Wei Xiao's plan, many people showed incredible faces.

They were nervous and exciting inside, and they were full of awe for Wei Xiao.

I can think of luring the zombies to do the defense of the striker to break through the target base. This kind of personal danger, except for Wei Xiao, is that no one dares to do it at all.

Even if you think of it, no one dares to do it yourself.

Jing Tianzhong and their hearts were resistant, but this was Wei Xiao's decision. Even if they couldn't bear it, they still had to obey Wei Xiao's orders.

"In the last days, there really are no good people and bad people, only people who survive."

This is a sentence summed up by Yi Jianfeng and the others after they learned about Wei Xiao's plan.

In the distance, in the middle of Haitian District.

When Wei Xiao came here, it had been more than three hours since he left Yi Jianfeng and the others.

Before getting close to the tide of corpses, Wei Xiao could already see the blackened area.

Holding Bone Moknife tightly in his left hand, and holding two grenade in his right hand, Wei Xiao felt his heart beating rapidly at this moment, and the blood in his body was boiling as if it were being boiled in a pot.

"This is probably my craziest time in the last days!"

Standing in the car, Wei Xiao laughed at himself, and saw that he pulled off the tabs of the two grenade in his hand and threw the grenade out.

"Boom boom—"

Two explosions sounded one after another, and the violent explosion instantly attracted the attention of the corpse tide hundreds of meters ahead.

The wave of corpses that was originally quiet and comfortable, after these two loud noises, like a dam bursting, a torrent of corpses from the rear corner suddenly surged towards Wei Xiao. .


The ear-splitting roar resounded throughout the city, and countless crazy zombies rushed in the direction where Wei Xiao was as if they had been beaten with blood.

Agile people have the advantage of speed. From discovering Wei Xiao's movement to launching a charge, within a few seconds before and after, hundreds of zombies were separated from other zombies.

Wei Xiao sat back in the driver's seat unhurriedly.

The car started, and after a group of zombies were less than 50 meters away from him, Wei Xiao blasted the accelerator, and the off-road vehicle galloped forward like an off-string arrow.

The agile chased Wei Xiao frantically in the rear, not much slower than the off-road vehicle.

With Wei Xiao deliberately slowing down the speed, more and more agile people followed.

The initial distance of fifty meters was constantly getting closer in the pursuit of the zombies.

Wei Xiao has been paying attention to the distance between the agile and the off-road vehicle through the rearview mirror. Whenever the distance between the two could pose a certain danger to Wei Xiao, Wei Xiao would accelerate.

At the highest speed, he even drove to 180, which was called speed and excitement.

Around five o'clock in the afternoon, in the underground parking lot.

"It's getting dark, why hasn't the Lord returned?"

Leng Chengfeng and others, who had been on the roof of the residential area for a day, discovered that Wei Xiao had not appeared after he left, and was almost waiting for sleep.

"Nothing will happen, right?" Hu Shuixian worried.

"No, I know the master's strength best. Not to mention just to attract zombies, even if he is surrounded by zombies, he can return intact." Phantom's trust in Wei Xiao has reached a blind goal.

Since Wei Xiao completely let her surrender in the first place, she had never doubted that Wei Xiao could die in the last days.

The hostess said so, naturally others did not dare to refute.

"It is estimated that the road was delayed. Now except for the city center, the zombies in our direction are basically concentrated in the Haitian District. If the Lord wants to attract enough zombies, we can only go to the middle of the Haitian District." Li Cunyong Said.

Haitian District was not close to them, and many road sections were blocked, and it took time for Wei Xiao to attract zombies from there.


Just when everyone thought that it would take some time to wait, Leng Chengfeng, who was rarely distracted, spoke suddenly.

"What's coming?"

"Master, ten o'clock direction."

Everyone quickly looked in the direction Leng Chengfeng pointed.

Sure enough, on a road less than a kilometer away from them, an off-road vehicle was approaching them.

Similarly, behind the off-road vehicle, there are no fewer than thousands of zombies that are as fast as the wind, making Yi Jianfeng and the others thrilling.

All are agile, and there are as many as thousands.

"All are ready to fight!"

According to Wei Xiao's plan, once he attracted the zombies, it was time for Leng Chengfeng and the others to act.

The people who didn't dare to neglect one after another arrived at the location arranged by Wei Xiao.

Leng Chengfeng aimed his sniper rifle at a sentry outside the underground parking lot.

With his mouth tilted and his eyes extremely cold, he muttered to himself: "There are no good people or bad people in the last days, there are only people who live, bye bye you!"


Gunshots sounded, and a bullet passed through the air and directly landed on the head of a sentry several hundred meters away.

A little brother who was patrolling outside suddenly exploded his head and blood splashed all over the floor.

"Where's the gun? Where's the gun?"

The other brothers reacted, all of them crawling on the ground in fright.


Another person was shot.

"Asshole!" The remaining little brother was furious.

"Big brother, big brother, the exit was attacked by the enemy, the exit was attacked by the enemy..." Someone quickly took out the walkie-talkie to contact the Baxiong and the others in the base.

After receiving reports from outsiders, someone brought the walkie-talkie to Ba Xiong's eyes.

"They're here!" The cold-faced **** looked calm and composed, as if everything was in his grasp.

Ba Xiong picked up the walkie-talkie.

"Have you found any enemies? How many enemies are there?"

"I haven't seen it, we don't know where the bullet came from, big brother... my god! Zombies, zombies are coming..." The younger brother wants to say something, but in addition to the word zombies, There are no other languages.

Ba Xiong couldn't sit still, and suddenly stood up.

"Copy guy, come with me!"


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