Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 185: Man is not for himself

Entrance to the base.

Wei Xiao drove the off-road vehicle directly into the fortifications at the entrance of the base.

When the off-road vehicle was about to collide with the fortifications in front of him, Wei Xiao pulled away from the vehicle body, and quickly got up after rolling more than ten meters on the ground. His figure rushed into a building and disappeared.

Ba Xiong's fortifications were knocked out by an off-road vehicle. Although the agile men who chased Wei Xiao lost the goal of Wei Xiao, they found more survivors.

"Da da da……"


The battle between the agile army and Ba Xiong's younger brother is on the verge.

In the entrance, Ba Xiong was rushing outside with a group of younger brothers.

When they were less than ten meters away from the exit of the base, what they looked at was the scene where the younger brothers were being eaten by the agile.

The imposing group of people freezes on the spot.


When the agile found them, they all roared frantically.

"Depend on!"

Ba Xiong was furious.

"Quick, suppress the fire, close the entrance door."

Ba Xiong was the first to come back to his senses, he didn't panic because of the agile figure, and immediately shouted to the people around him.

The little brothers around him didn't have the guts of him, and the first reaction of some people was to run back.


"Who dares to run?" The youngest shot several people who wanted to escape immediately.

The second and fourth eldest carried light machine guns on top, firing frantically at the agile outside.

"Brother, hurry up!"

At a critical juncture, other people simply can't rely on it.

When the two good brothers suppressed the agile men who discovered them first, Ba Xiong found the automatic switch of the exit door and pressed it down.

"Stay back!"

It will take time for the gate to close, but more agile people find that they, at the speed of agile people, during the period when the gate is closed, enough agile people rush in.

Everyone fights and retreats.

The agile people rushing into the base also reached nearly a hundred in just a few breaths.

They are extremely fast. Even if they are suppressed by the light machine guns in the hands of the second and third child, as long as they fail to cause fatal damage to the agile in the first time, the agile can rush to the front of Ba Xiong and the others to deal with these people. Bringing certain casualties.


"Big Brother..."

Someone was unfortunately pulled by Ba Xiong and the others to act as a substitute for death.

Seeing that the younger brother was divided by the agile in twos or twos, Ba Xiong and the two brothers, who had no change in their expressions, retreated to the back row, then raised the submachine gun in their hands and screamed and fired at the zombies entering the base.

The other brothers also launched a counterattack.

The little brothers in the front row barely survived, but Ba Xiong and the others, after paying more than a dozen casualties, eliminated all the agile people who entered the gate.

The gate was closed, and outside was the sound of agile men attacking the big iron gate.

The lingering second second wiped a handful of the pieces of meat on his body, and said coldly: "These people are so cruel, I actually thought of attracting zombies to attack us."

"Brother, I don't know how long this gate can last. We have to make early plans." The fourth child reminded.

"Leave a part of the people here to guard. Give me guns, no matter what comes in from outside, kill them all for me."

"Second, you come with me. Put our remaining heavy machine guns, light machine guns, and rocket launchers on the aisle leading to the lowest base. I want to see if there are no zombies to cover them, how many lives they have enough? Feed our bullets!" Ba Xiong is also vicious enough, relying on his weapon superiority and the environmental superiority in the parking lot to prepare to attack Wei Xiao and the others in an ambush.

No one dared to disobey Baxiong's words.

Everyone began to work in groups to prepare.

There were more than 20 people behind the gate, all of them were sweating coldly, swallowing wildly in their mouths, and the fear in their eyes and the tension on their faces were clear at a glance.

Outside, Wei Xiao had already joined Leng Chengfeng and the others.


Wei Xiao nodded, and the figure came to Li Cunyong.

"Now it's your turn. Blow up the door of the base for me."

"Yes, Lord!"

Li Cunyong began to act.

The figure followed Wei Xiao to the first row of houses directly opposite the base entrance.

Li Cunyong carried the rocket launcher, and aimed at the entrance of the base to launch a cannonball.

The rocket dragged a long tail and hit the gate blocked by the agile.


With a terrifying blow, dozens of agile men were blown to pieces, and the gate they blocked also showed a huge gap.

This is not over yet.

Another shell was shot out.

This time, the gate could no longer withstand the bombardment, and the gate was torn apart.


The people behind did not know how many were stabbed, scratched, and screamed repeatedly by the flying iron pieces.

"Oh oh oh..."

Zombies don't care about the life and death of their companions, and the screams inside undoubtedly succeeded in attracting them.

Without obstacles, a large number of agile people poured into the underground base.

"Run, run, the zombies are coming..."

People who were not disabled in the explosion saw the corpses pouring in like a tide, and they were frightened one by one.

They didn't care about any companions or guns, and one by one they crawled and rushed toward the base.

Some of the agile people who entered it were eating the injured survivors who could not escape, and the other part was chasing those who escaped.

The screams in the base and the roar of zombies are endless.

The sound of intensive footsteps quickly reached the ears of the survivors of the second line of defense inside.

A heavy machine gun in the middle is ready.

"Don't shoot, brother, don't shoot."

A part of the younger brothers chased by the zombies ran out from one end.



"Da da da……"

The people guarding here, regardless of whether it was a person or a zombie, a living thing appeared in front of them, and they opened fire collectively.

The few people running in the front were sifted by their own weapons.

The younger brother who was running from behind them saw this scene, one by one, he was distraught.

"Asshole, they don't want us to live at all, they fight with them."

In despair, people can do anything.

Someone used bullets to seal the escape route, and then some agile men screamed and hunted them down.

Because you don’t let me live, everyone should not think about it. Some of these people who ran up from behind took up their guns and charged against the bullets in front of them. Others took out all kinds of throwing objects in their hands. Pull off the tab and throw it forward with one last breath.

"Dodge, grenade bombs!"


"Ah... my eyes, my eyes..."

Because of cannibalism, the second defense in the base also fell in a few minutes.

The people who fled still exist, but waiting for their end, they are not much different from the people before.

The deepest part of the base.

Ba Xiong and the others could clearly hear the screams, explosions and the roar of zombies coming from the base.

Now beside Ba Xiong, except for some women who were already scared to hide in a corner and shivering, the other men and women who were capable of fighting were all armed to guard the entrance.


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