Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 186: Tit for tat

"Unexpectedly, the method we used to deal with other survivors will happen to us one day. Second, do you think this counts as retribution?" Ba Xiong didn't seem to be in the accident, drinking. Drinking, smoking, and holding a top-notch beauty, Feng Qingyun asked calmly.

The second child standing beside him played with the submachine pistol in his hand.

"I don't know if it is retribution, but I know that if they think that they can defeat us in this way, it would be too naive."

"A group of courageous rats, I will make them pay a heavy price." The old fourth said viciously.

"Lao San, aren't you nervous?" Ba Xiong asked, looking at the youngest man on the side.

The third child smiled easily.

"What is there to be afraid of? Fighting with people and zombies is no different from what we were at the beginning. In this situation, I was caught in the enemy's ambush, and I just killed it. Speaking of this kind of battle, we also experienced it. Two or three times?"

Ba Xiong put down the wine glass, let go of the beauty in his arms and got up.

"Yeah! It's been a long time since I've experienced this kind of days wandering on the edge of life and death. I stayed in a comfortable life for too long, and if I don't move my muscles and bones, I forget my identity." With that, Ba Xiong began to wear equipment.

Wrist guards, knee pads, tactical vests, body armor, military helmets, etc., each piece of armor is worn by Ba Xiong, and then various weapons, magazines, and throwing objects.

Within a few minutes, the already fully armed Ba Xiong had a sniper rifle in his hand.

"My blood hasn't boiled like it is in a long time, second child, let us see what kind of group of people are beating our ideas."

Ba Xiong's words sounded like he didn't take the zombies attacking the base seriously. His goal was always Wei Xiao and others outside the base.

The other three smiled confidently.

"They better not let us down too much."

The second child put the submachine pistol in his hand into the holster on his thigh, and also replaced it with a sniper rifle.

The third child’s hand is a light machine gun, and the fourth child’s weapon is the most terrifying-Reaper Cannon.

"Brother, help, help me, ah..."


The last place to be safe.

With the screams of the younger brother from the front, the people behind have already pointed their guns at the entrance.


The agile appears.


"Da da da……"

The terrifying firepower rushed to the entrance like a torrent of steel.

The dense bullets were beaten into flesh at the moment when the agile took his head.

There are no extra entrances to choose from, and the agile people who keep coming from the entrance, under the strong firepower, have not entered the last parking lot.

The corpses of the agile were constantly piled up at the entrance.

Gradually, a wall of flesh made of zombie corpses sealed the entrance.


The agile leaping behind was blocked, and a frantic roar resounded throughout the underground parking lot.

"Can't make it? I'll help you!"

The youngest smiled viciously.

Put down the light machine gun in his hand, and took out a bazooka from the side where the weapons and ammunition piled up.

Loaded the shells to aim at the corpse wall and blasted back and forth several times.

The corpse wall was torn apart, and pieces of meat splashed all over the floor.

The blocked passage was cleared again, and the agile people behind were still rushing forward.

After nearly an hour of crazy shooting, no zombies appeared outside the entrance.

"Check the weapons and ammunition, replenish them so that they can go out with me." Ba Xiong didn't like to sit and wait for death.

He was planning to take the initiative to attack and replenish ammunition for himself as soon as possible.

The others did not neglect, and filled the bullets one after another.

Not long.

"Are you all supplied?"

"Okay, brother!"

"Set off!"

Outside, Wei Xiao and the others have not taken any action.

The sky is getting dark, and it is estimated that it will be dark soon.

"Master, there doesn't seem to be much movement inside." Li Cunyong said beside Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao contacted the Phantom: "Xiaoying, there are other entrances to this underground parking lot. It's up to you to leave."

Upon receiving Wei Xiao's instruction, the Phantom was full of spirits.

When there is no fighting, she, who has a very low sense of existence, can almost be ignored, but once there is a fight that belongs to her, the momentary change in her momentum makes Yi Jianfeng and others close to her seem to see a dark ghost. Born.

"Xiaoying understands!"

The Phantom returned Wei Xiao's words, and the figure disappeared in the residential area.

"Let's go! Now it's time for us to play."

Wei Xiao pulled out the bone knife on his back, held the gun in his right hand, and left the house with Li Cunyong.

Yi Jianfeng and the others quickly followed.

In the underground parking lot.

Ba Xiong led the fifty-odd people to the parking lot of the upper floors swayingly.

Along the way, they found that they were eating their companions, or sharing the agile people who sacrificed their little brother's body, and they all cleared them one by one.

Each floor of the parking lot has a lot of space, estimated to be two to three thousand square meters.

Stone pillars with a diameter of more than one meter support the parking lot, and the parking spaces inside which are 70% full of cars before the end of the world make the environment extremely complicated.


Wei Xiao and the others had just arrived in the parking lot on the top floor and were leading others to the next floor. Wei Xiao suddenly stopped.

"What's the matter, Lord?" Yi Jianfeng asked.

The corner of Wei Xiao's mouth curled slightly.

"The enemy looks harder than we thought. They are here."

Yi Jianfeng's eyes changed slightly.

"The Lord meant that they were killed from below?"

Wei Xiao nodded.

"Very confident, but they will pay for it. Everyone finds a good cover to hide and listen to my orders."


The people behind quickly dispersed, hiding themselves in the parking station.

Wei Xiao's figure climbed directly against the wall and finally hid in a corner.

Lower parking lot.

Ba Xiong and a group of younger brothers have arrived at the exit to the top parking lot.

He had been leading the way and stopped suddenly.

"Go up a few people and check the situation."

Ba Xiong never ignores his instincts.

Just now, when he stepped one foot into the aisle leading to the upper parking lot, an uneasy mood stopped him.

His instinct seemed to tell him there was danger above.

Hearing what he said, the old third pointed to the four younger brothers and asked them to go up and check the situation.

Although the four younger brothers were afraid, they did not dare to resist.

Holding the gun, he walked forward cautiously. Any noise around them will give them a huge shock.

"Brother, did you find something?" the fourth oldest asked.

Ba Xiong nodded: "Intuition, my intuition tells me that there is danger above. If I guess correctly, the danger above is the gang who made our minds."

"What? They dare to come in?" The fourth child was shocked and angry.

"Are they so impatient to die?" the third child said.

Ba Xiong motioned to the two brothers to stay calm.

"Do they know it soon."


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