Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 277: King's Wrath

Master Li has also suffered blood mold for eight lifetimes.

After experiencing the base catastrophe, he escaped to the Haitian District after nine deaths. Master Li originally planned to seek refuge with Wei Xiao's base. As a result, halfway through the way, he encountered Nie Yunzhong, a group of people who had landed from the sea.

Master Li took a fancy to Nie Yunzhong's weapons and equipment and the forces behind him, thinking that anyone who took refuge in anyway would be refuge, and since meeting, it means fate.

So, after a conversation between the two sides, Master Li agreed to join the ancestors of the last two generations of Nie Yunzhong.

Originally everything was moving in a good direction, but Master Li never dreamed that Nie Yunzhong and the others actually moved Wei Xiao's people and killed one of his generals.

There is no one in Liming Base who is not afraid of Wei Xiao.

Knowing Wei Xiao’s power and the horror of his personal strength, if Nie Yunzhong and the others return to Haixin Island now, there is no need to say more. Li Shiye will definitely go with this group, but they want to fight Wei Xiao so desperately. Clash, huh!

If it weren't for the conditions, Master Li would like to pee on each of them, and then tell them: Are you awake?

With Master Li's departure, Nie Yunzhong and their two hundred people suddenly lost a half.

No one regretted his departure, but extremely despised.

"You can become the boss of a big power even with this kind of uselessness? Are you kidding?"

"Why Wei Xiao, the world's No. 1 killer? Does he write novels? I'm still blasting the sky!"

"Brother Zhong, no matter if this kind of person is gone, if he is really allowed to join our Tianjiao Club, he will know how to embarrass us if he brings him to the island."

A crowd of men and women babbled.

Looking at them, it's like the oldest in the sky, the second in the earth, and the third in theirs. Except for them, everyone else is a terracotta dog. It's not worth mentioning.

Master Li's radical reaction made Nie Yunzhong aware of the subtleties of the problem.

The so-called no wind and no waves.

Since Master Li was so afraid of Wei Xiao, it showed that the other party was definitely a capable person.

Of course, it is limited to this.

Nie Yunzhong would not treat Wei Xiao as a tiger just because of a few words.

He Nie Yunzhong, except his father, there was no one he was afraid of since he was a child, and the same is true for Wei Xiao.

"Well, it's just a dispensable person, I haven't taken it seriously yet. Let our people clean the battlefield. In the past few days, when everyone is collecting supplies, just be careful."

"Brother Zhong, you won't be really scared because of that Master Li's words, are you?" Jia Zhengjing joked.

The other men and women also stared at Nie Yunzhong in surprise.

"I'm just asking you to be careful. You should be clear about what happened to the white dog before. If you really encounter such a group of people, do you think you can deal with it alone?" Nie Yunzhong said.

Others know what Nie Yunzhong means, but so what?

Since the end of the world, on the island, they have always been the only ones to bully others. When will it be someone else's turn to provoke them?

A little sister said disapprovingly: "What's the matter? The big deal is that we return to Haixin Island. I still don't believe that they can cross the sea to our base?"

Nie Yunzhong didn't want to say more.

After the subordinates collected the surrounding guns, ammunition and materials, the group left the scene of the battle rumblingly.

Obviously, they still didn't take the death of Tong Qiang and others seriously.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, Tong Qian and their death scene.

Wei Xiao was standing next to Tong Qian's part of the corpse that had been eaten by the zombies.

There is no joy, anger, sorrow or joy on the cold face, and the calm eyes give people a sense of wavelessness.

At this time, all around Wei Xiao were armed fighters.

With him as the center, the inner and outer three floors are all people from the base.

"Master, apart from the unrecognizable corpse on the ground, I haven't found any useful clues." Lan Qiang came to Wei Xiao to report.

"I don’t need any clues. I only know that a mouse moved my person. Today, I’m waiting here. Let the base send all the helicopters and drones to dig the ground three feet, and give me that The group of mice found it out." Wei Xiao's normal and somewhat scary voice came out.

Everyone around knows that under the calm appearance of the Lord, violent storms are already brewing.

Lan Qiang was a little worried.

"Doing this will attract a large number of zombies?"

Wei Xiao smiled cruelly: "Wouldn't it be better. If we can't find it, let the zombies help us find it. For the mice hiding in the dark, I want to see how long they can hide?"

Hearing Wei Xiao's words, the people around couldn't help but feel excited.

Lan Qiang smiled bitterly.

Wei Xiao obviously didn't understand what he meant or made it clear, but he didn't take it seriously.

Lan Qiang is worried that attracting zombies will threaten his own people and the base. As for the enemy? He wished that the opponent would all die.

However, Wei Xiao's attitude is already very clear, that is, to find the enemy who killed Tong Qian at all costs.

The character of the Lord, the old man from the base, is not clear, and there is no room for discussion on this matter.

Without saying more, Lan Qiang nodded: "I'll get in touch now!"

"Wei Xiao, what would you do if you found these people?" asked Mu Wuqing who was next to Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao glanced at Tong Qian's corpse, and said without any emotions: "Murder pays lives, debts are paid, do I still need to talk about such a simple truth?"

"The master tells me to kill whoever I kill." The Phantom stood firmly on Wei Xiao's side.

Mu Wuqing was a little bit dumbfounded.

"I will help you too!"

"Then wait for news."

On the base, soldiers have already relayed the news.

For a time, the remote operation team, under the command of Ling Qiao and the others, dispatched the drones that Wei Xiao and the others had brought back from the battle base.

At the same time, the eight Wuzhi planes that were stopped in the base also lifted off with ammunition.

The whole Haitian District became lively in a short while.

Before leaving the Haitian District, Li Shiye, who was still on the edge of the Haitian District, quickly saw a helicopter flying from the sky.

Master Li looked pale.

"A group of idiots, I knew it would be like this, all of them are simply dead stars. Hurry up, Haitian District can't stay any longer."

Master Li panicked.

Ever since he met Wei Xiao, he knew that this person was not easy to mess with.

With such a big incident, he knew very well that Nie Yunzhong and others undoubtedly stabbed the hornet's nest.

What he didn't expect was that Wei Xiao's actions would be so fast, and he didn't care about the consequences.

Master Li didn't think that Wei Xiao didn't know the consequences of sending out a helicopter to cause a group of corpses, but he still did this, which meant that in order to find them, Wei Xiao was completely reckless.

Master Li is very scared now.

Bring the little brother to fill up the locomotive that he found, and gallop directly towards the area outside the Haitian District.

On the other side, Nie Yunzhong, who was still collecting supplies, also saw the helicopter.

"Shao Nie, this time we seem to really provoke a terrible force."

Nie Yunzhong is not blind, so he doesn't need Zhang Hao to say that he knows it.

You know, on Haixin Island, their entire base has only eleven helicopters, and six of them are for civilian use.

And above their heads now, there are three or four gunship helicopters, which are still in the headspace of their area, what about other places? Nie Yunzhong didn't think so.

"Drone, watch out for drones." Suddenly, a person who knew the goods found something flying in the distance and exclaimed.

Zhang Hao clearly understands what drones mean.

"Young Master Nie, let our people hide."

"Why hide?" a second generation ancestor asked inexplicably.

Zhang Hao's crying heart is gone.

"The drones have surveillance. Once they are caught, the enemy can quickly determine our location." Zhang Hao quickly explained.

Other people are not fools.

This is a helicopter and a drone again, which shows how strong the forces they provoke this time.

Not dare to hesitate any longer, everyone looked for a place to hide their presence.

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