Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 278: The desperate Master Li

An hour later, where Wei Xiao was.

"Master, found a group of people."

"Stop them and wait for me to pass." Hearing the soldier's report, Wei Xiao's calm face changed slightly.

Bring Mu Wuqing and Phantom to the car, followed by a group of subordinates and drove towards the destination.

Master Li on their side.

Now Master Li killed Nie Yunzhong and their thoughts are all there.

They were still too naive, who thought they could escape from the Haitian District.

The helicopter appeared, attracting a large number of zombies close to them and in other areas.

The road is completely blocked by zombies, and if you want to pass through the group of corpses, it is tantamount to sending you to death.

The road ahead was blocked, and in desperation, Li Shiye and the others could only drove back.

On the way back, it was naturally discovered by people on the helicopter.

"The convoy in front will stop immediately, and the pair of cars in front will stop immediately, otherwise, we will take military measures..."

"Boss, what should I do now?"

Master Li gritted his teeth: "Leave them alone, keep driving."

The warnings on the plane couldn't stop Li Shiye and his determination to escape, and a dozen cars were still driving forward.

"The last warning, stop immediately, the last warning."

The warnings on the plane were still useless. Li Shiye knew that he must not fall into Wei Xiao's hands, otherwise, their chances of survival would no longer be guaranteed.

After seeing that the warning was invalid, the soldiers on the plane turned on the weapon launch button on the plane.

The target was quickly locked.

Hearing only two "swishes", the two shells directly separated from the fuselage and fired towards the convoy below.

The shells accurately hit the two cars in the front and exploded violently. The scrapped cars burst into heavy smoke, and the fire blocked the road ahead.

This is not over yet.

The people on the helicopter continued to attack the vehicle below. After the artillery shells were fired, the cannon began to fire at the bottom again.

Li Shiye, who was in the middle vehicle, was desperate.

Without carrying heavy firepower, they are not the opponents of the people on the helicopter at all.

"Don't shoot, we stop, we stop."

Continuing to run is undoubtedly a dead end, Li Shiye and the others, who dare not to be aggressive anymore, stopped their cars and walked out of it.

The helicopter did not get close to Li Shiye and the others, and hovered over a hundred meters above the sky, just monitoring them like this.

"Master, won't they come down?" Some younger brother asked puzzledly.

Master Li's heart is as gray as death, with a wry smile on his face.

"They are waiting for someone."

Waiting for someone?

You don't need to think about who you are waiting for.

It didn't take long for Master Li and the others to hear the sound of a motor vehicle.

Locomotives appeared in their sight.

All are armored vehicles.

Not to mention who was sitting inside, but the visual impact that this team brought to Li Shiye and them made them frightened.

They hadn't seen armored vehicles, but when they thought of the people in the vehicle, many of them shed cold sweats.

The motorcade stopped around Li Shiye and the others. From the car, who came out first, not Wei Xiao?

Still in a black battle suit, holding the unsheathed Bone Mo knife in his hand, Wei Xiao brought the people from behind and walked towards Master Li and the others.

"Take off their guns." Lan Qiang gave orders to the surrounding soldiers.

A group of heavily armed soldiers rushed into Li Shiye's team and forcibly collected the weapons in their hands.

Master Li held a glimmer of hope.

"Boss Wei, me, me, do you remember me?" Li Shiye quickly got close to Wei Xiao.

"Master Li?" Mu Wuqing was a little surprised when he recognized Master Li at the first glance.

Master Li looked flattered.

"Great, is Captain Mu too?"

Mu Wuqing frowned slightly.

"You are not at the dawn base, what are you doing here?"

Master Li bitterly said: "The Liming Base is long gone. If I don't come here, where can I go?"


Master Li didn't intend to explain more, but looked at Wei Xiao, "Boss Wei, what are you doing? Quickly let your men stop, we are not your enemy."

"How do you know that I'm here to find the enemy?" Wei Xiao stared at Master Li coldly.

Master Li's reef is terrible.


"I don't want to listen to nonsense. Let's talk! How did my people die? Do you dare to say a nonsense, I will break your limb."

Master Li was panicked.

Facing Wei Xiao's cold expression, he did not dare to talk nonsense.

By now, he only hoped that Wei Xiao could make a living without his people doing it.

Without hesitation, Master Li told Wei Xiao the process of Tong Qian and the others' murder.

"... Boss Wei, this is how things happened. I swear to God, what I said is true. My people and I have never done anything to yours. I also stopped Nie Yunzhong from them, but they do their own way. Can't stop it." After Li Shiye finished talking about the killing process of Tong Qian, he repeatedly emphasized that he and his people did not do anything.

"Nie Yunzhong, Haixin Island?" Wei Xiao turned his eyes and looked towards Haixin Island: "Okay, very good, I won't provoke you, but you gave me a big gift first, just don’t know if you can bear me. Anger?"

"You said that Liming Base was gone a long time ago, what's the matter? Wasn't it alright when I left?"

With the help of Wei Xiao's distraction at this moment, Mu Wuqing asked Li Shiye about the situation of the Liming Base.

Master Li looked at Wei Xiao and saw that he had been reluctant to give himself an answer. He smiled bitterly and said to Mu Wuqing: "After you and Wei Boss left for more than a week, we went to the battle base again, but we were not lucky. , Encountered a sneak attack by the poisonous and corrosive, and ended up in defeat..."

"We thought it would be over in this way, but we didn’t expect that the zombies would follow us all the time. That night, the third-level zombies sneaked into the base, causing a large number of first-level and second-level zombies to flood into the base. We were unable to stop us and could run. Everyone ran away, but those who didn’t ran away.

Understanding the situation clearly, Mu Wuqing's face became serious.

Toxic and Corruptor, these two are third-level evolutionary zombies with special abilities, and Mu Wuqing naturally knows how terrifying they are.

It was these two kinds of zombies that broke through the defense of the battle base at the beginning, so that the people inside had to fight to the death and bring enough weapons and ammunition to break out of the siege.

The dawn base suffered a sneak attack, and these two kinds of zombies existed in it, and the destruction was completely beyond suspense.

"Have you finished asking your questions?" Wei Xiao came back to his senses at this time and asked Mu Wuqing.

Mu Wuqing didn't understand what Wei Xiao meant, but he nodded.

"It's over!"

"That's good. Lan Gun..."


Wei Xiao looked not far away, and a cruel smile flashed on his face: "Receive the team, take their weapons, and we will go to the people on Haixin Island. By the way, let the people on the helicopter stay here for a while. , And then take a detour to return to the base."


Lan Qiang turned around and gave Wei Xiao's order.

The soldiers on guard in the Quartet received the order and returned to the armored vehicles one after another, and at the same time brought Li Shiye and their weapons.

"Boss Wei..."

Wei Xiao smiled evilly at Master Li: "Good luck to you"

Leave a sentence that made Master Li unknown, Wei Xiao didn't embarrass them either, and took the two daughters beside him into an armored vehicle.

Sit on the armored car.

Mu Wuqing next to Wei Xiao looked at him strangely: "Do you believe Master Li's words like this?"

Mu Wuqing refers to Master Li's saying that neither he nor his people hurt Tong Qian.

She didn't believe that Wei Xiao would believe what Master Li said just because of Li's short words.

Wei Xiao leaned on his back and said calmly: "There is something that will help me solve them."

The convoy comes and goes fast.

Master Li found that apart from losing their weapons, Wei Xiao didn't embarrass them.

When did Devil King Wei speak so well?

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