Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 859: Take myself too seriously

Wearing sexy, light makeup, looks far better than others.

With Wei Xiao's eyes, these three people are all top beauties who can score 90 points or more.

Before the end of the world, it was definitely a goddess-level existence.

But in these last days, such a person is reduced to a "stumbled" woman in Fengyue Place.

Of course, there is still a certain distance from peerless.

"My lord, these three are the most beautiful girls in our romantic bar, Lan'er, Min'er and Qixue. Qixue is the ninth beauty in the heavenly immortal list!" Xiaoyun introduced to Wei Xiao.

"Qixue (Miner, Laner) has met adults."

A soft and weak sound came from the three people, and they were ordinary people, but the bones were all crisp.

Wei Xiao, who was sitting on the sofa, looked as usual.

"Yes, good value for money."

Xiaoyun smiled slightly.

Signaled Qixue and the others to sit next to Wei Xiao.

They are all veterans, Qi Xue and the others can't let go of it.

When he approached Wei Xiao, someone got into his arms.

The screams of the adults and brothers made people feel uncomfortable.

Then Xiaoyun asked the waiter outside to bring in all kinds of snacks and drinks.

Very rich.

The four glass tables in the room are full.

These drinks alone are worth a thousand dollars outside.

When everything was delivered in, Xiaoyun respectfully resigned from Wei Xiao, and then left with the waiter.

"My lord, you are really rich. This is the first time that Nu's family has seen these food and wine."

"Brother must be very capable in the last days."

"We are so lucky to be with adults."

Being pursued by three little beauties, Wei Xiao didn't feel much.

But it is undeniable that rich people have extravagant lives at all times.

"I think you all bring musical instruments, start your performance! Others don't have to surround me, have fun, I like the lively atmosphere."

"Yes, my lord!"

Everyone let go.

Music begins, singing and dancing rise to the court.

Dancing to dance, to accompany the wine to accompany the wine.

Wei Xiao also went to the village to follow the customs. Although he would not possess them, he still had to act on the spot.

Therefore, with a little beauty in each hand, and nephrite in his arms, that comfort and discretion, really makes people want to replace it.

I don't know how long it took, outside.

"Mr. Luo, you can't go in, Qi Xue already has guests today.

"Qixue's guest is neither the city owner, nor the bigwigs of the major forces, why can't I go in? I want to see who has taken the top three cards of the romantic bar at one time."

"It really doesn't work, it's not up to the rules."

"I don't make trouble. I just want to know who the other person is. Doesn't he even give me the face of Luo Feiying, the twelfth in the ranking list?"


On the corridor, several figures approached the private room where Wei Xiao was.

Xiaoyun in it seemed to be stopping some of them, but she seemed powerless.

The leader clamored and came to the door.

Without waiting for Xiaoyun to stop, he pushed open the door directly.


Quiet in the original lively private room.

The music and dancing people stopped, and the young ladies who were drinking with Wei Xiao also looked sideways at the door, and everyone seemed to be frozen.

Only Wei Xiao, with Qixue in his arms, holding a deck of cards in his hand, looked calmly towards Xiaoyun and the others.

Xiaoyun is a little anxious.

"My lord, I'm so sorry, I can't stop them, I'm disturbing your interest."

The few people who came in were not as nervous as Xiaoyun. The headed Mr. Luo was actually the same Luo Feiying that Wei Xiao met at the gas station five days ago. He dragged his Bawang step and walked directly towards a glass table.

He glanced at Wei Xiao, then at Qi Xue in Wei Xiao's arms, and finally his eyes were all on the drinks and snacks on the glass table.

Luo Feiying came to a glass table, picked up an unopened bottle of red wine from above, took a look, and then smiled and said, "Today, I heard Xiaoyun said that there is a young man who has covered the top three top cards in the romantic bar. , I didn’t believe it at first, but now it seems that you are really not an ordinary rich man. You have two or three bottles of premium red wine, so I’m afraid it’s worth a lot of money, right?"

Wei Xiao put down the cards in his hand and let Qixue in his arms sit aside.

"What's the matter with you?"

"Hi, man, don't be so cold, we just want to meet you and make friends. You may not know us, but if you say our name, I believe you don't mind becoming friends with us." With Luo Feiying A man who came together said frivolously.

Wei Xiao frowned, the unhappy expression on his face revealed.

"My name is Luo Feiying, and the twelfth gun **** in the sky list is me." Luo Feiying first introduced himself.

When it comes to his ranking, the opponent's eyes are still full of arrogance.

The other three are not far behind.

"Yue Chaoqun, ranked thirty-seventh in the sky list, and was given the nickname Jade Gentleman."

"Ali, ranked forty-three in the sky list, the name Popeye."

"Dongfang wins, ranking seventeenth in the sky list, friends can appreciate it, and honorably call it an undefeated blue dragon."

Wei Xiao looked cold.

"Did you finish?"

"Brother, haven't you heard of our name?" Dongfang Sheng frowned.

"Go away when you're done."


Several people didn't expect that they had all reported their names and the other party would dare to talk to them like this.

Doesn't this person know what it means to be able to occupy a place in the sky list?

A fierce color flashed in Luo Feiying's eyes.

In this base, except for those at the top of the ranking list, who wouldn't give a little bit of praise to everyone else who heard his name?

What's more, there are other top ranking people coming with him this time.

The other party didn't give face so much, not only slapped him in the face, but also didn't pay attention to the members on the top list.

It has been a long time since he was on the list to receive such treatment.

Luo Feiying put down the wine bottle in his hand, walking towards Wei Xiao with a dislike on his face.

At this moment, Wei Xiao stood up from his seat.

Xiaoyun had a bad feeling when she saw this scene.

Not daring to hesitate, turned around and left the room.

Luo Feiying didn't stop Xiaoyun, and said to Wei Xiao with a displeased expression: "Brother, don't speak so irritably. We are wrong if we are uninvited, but when we go out, who doesn't make a few friends? I think it's OK. Some identities, getting acquainted, will not do you any harm."

Wei Xiao glanced at a few people.

"It looks like you are not going to leave?"

"Heh! Kind of personality, kid..."

Seeing that Wei Xiao's oil and salt hadn't entered, Ali was already very upset. He moved his muscles and muscles, and he took the initiative to show his well-developed figure.

However, before he moved forward and finished speaking, Wei Xiao's figure had disappeared in place.

Everyone didn't see what was going on, only heard a loud voice.

Ali, who was standing next to two of them one second before, was embedded in a wall in the next second.

The corners of his mouth twitched and his eyes turned a few times, and there was no movement.

"When did this happen?"

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