Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 860: One person

The sudden change frightened everyone.

Luo Feiying stared in horror at Wei Xiao, who had been standing next to Ali's previous position for some time, and his lips trembled fiercely.



The two people around didn't know when Wei Xiao appeared.

Dongfang Sheng wanted to say something, but Wei Xiao didn't give them a chance.

One person, the two have no resistance, their figures flew out, each sinking into a wall.


In the private rooms on the left and right, the guests who were also having fun with the young ladies suddenly saw a human-shaped concave-convex surface on one of the walls in the room. They were so scared that they shot in advance, pushed the young ladies away and climbed up to stand up. .

Wei Xiao is here.

Wei Xiao, who was very clear about his own strength, knew the situation of the two of them without having to check.

Just like Ali, if nothing else is said, the inside of his head is definitely a paste, and it is impossible to save it again.

In the end, Luo Feiying, who was left, did not dare to hesitate when he saw this, and took out a pistol from his waist to aim at Wei Xiao.

With a swish, Wei Xiao came to Luo Feiying in an instant.


Unexpectedly, when Wei Xiao's speed was so fast that he couldn't even react to it, Luo Feiying's figure stepped back and stabilized until he touched the glass table behind.

"Do you think there are bullets in your gun?"

Wei Xiao said suddenly.

Luo Feiying's pupils shrank, and he instinctively checked the magazine in the handle.

At the moment when he distracted, Wei Xiao already grabbed his neck.

"Give you a chance to cherish it, and pretend to be in front of me? How many lives do you have enough for you?"



He didn't give Luo Feiying any chance at all, and Wei Xiao, who would never let others speak cruel words, directly squeezed Luo Feiying's neck.

Quickly took away the pistol and magazines in his hand and waist, Luo Feiying's body collapsed directly to the ground.

Looked at the gun in his hand.

It should be modified, but the appearance is good.

Wei Xiao was not polite, and put the two pistols away.

The four people with some strength on the sky list received a box of lunch during these few breaths, and everyone in the private room was still in a state of shock.

Wei Xiaofeng looked at Qixue lightly.

"You don't seem to be afraid at all?"

For ordinary people, even if they don't scream when they see such a scene, they will be rushing to escape from this place of right and wrong at this moment.

Ke Qixue and the others didn't seem to feel the same. Apart from being shocked at Wei Xiao, the death of four people at the scene in a row did not seem to surprise them at all.

Qi Xue returned to her senses.

"As expected of an adult, even the twelfth-ranked gun **** in the sky can't stop you from a move. You are really amazing."

With that, Qi Xue took a step forward and cleverly leaned into Wei Xiao's arms.

Other women, the eyes looking at Wei Xiao at this time were also full of worship.


The calmness of the women made Wei Xiao somewhat uncomfortable.

Are these women so adaptable?

After several observations, it was found that the women in this romantic bar were indeed not scared at all, and Wei Xiao couldn't help but look at them a bit high.

The heart is not so strong.

"Take them out and we continue to play ours."

Xiao Lan nodded.

There were waiters outside the door, as well as other guests. Xiaolan directly ordered the waiters to carry Luo Feiying and the others away.

On the contrary, the waiter was not as calm as Xiaolan and the others, they entered the room tremblingly, took a lot of effort to pull off the three people on the wall, and then carried out together with Luo Feiying on the ground.

Wei Xiao looked at the bustling guests outside the door.

"Do you want me to come to you too?"


In an instant, the people watching the excitement outside disappeared without a trace.

Let you come?

Mad, what are you kidding?

The people on the top list can't stand your slap, just our little arms and legs. If we come here too, will they burst on the spot?

Horror, extremely horrible.

The twelfth-ranked gunshot was killed in seconds. When did such a fierce man arrive in the base?

Recalling what happened to Luo Feiying, especially the first three...

Damn, it's so cruel.

"Sir, do you want to continue?" Keren'er Nuinuo said in his arms.

Wei Xiao smiled indifferently.

"There is still some time, let's go outside. It is more charming with ancient dances and ancient musical instruments."

Some time?

What's the meaning?

Qixue looked at Wei Xiao puzzledly.

Wei Xiao didn't explain, he hugged her and walked towards the ancient venue outside. After that, those beautiful women in ancient and modern costumes came out one after another and continued to perform ancient dances full of fairy spirits for Wei Xiao.

In the bar.

At this time, the outside has fallen out.

The guests who witnessed Wei Xiao killing Luo Feiying and did not want to stay on the fourth floor. They came to the first and second floors of the bar. When others saw their panicked expressions asking, they told them what they knew. .

"What, Luo Feiying was killed by a single move?"

"How is this possible? Are they the top five in the top five?"

"It shouldn't be! Even if City Lord Yi is the number one in the sky list, it is impossible to kill Luo Feiying with a single move. Could it be..."

"Fourth-level fighter?"

Bar on the fifth floor.

"Ni, Sister Ni, something went wrong."

Xiaoyun hurriedly came to the room where Ni Qingcheng was and said intermittently.

Ni Qingcheng and others, who were frowning about Yixiu, heard Xiaoyun's words, and everyone's expressions became extremely cold.

"What happened?" Guanguan asked first.

Xiaoyun didn't dare to neglect, she told Ni Qingcheng and others about Luo Feiying, Wei Xiao and others.

"...That's the way it is. I think they might not reconcile easily, so I'll inform Sister Ni right away."

"These **** are looking for death. Is it true that the rules of my romantic bar are decorations?" Guanguan angered, "Go, I want to see who gave him Luo Feiying's courage to challenge the rules of the romantic bar."

Guanguan said that she would take Xiaoyun and leave.

"Let's go together! I also want to see who is spending a lot of money in a bar."

Ni Qingcheng got up, picked up his mood, and left the room with Leng Yu and Guanguan.

On the corridor.

After Ni Qingcheng and the others came out, someone reported what happened to them.

As they walked, Ni Qingcheng and the others became more and more surprised.

One person can solve Luo Feiying and others with one move. How powerful is this?

The other low-ranking people didn't say that just a Luo Feiying, not everyone can easily solve it, but what did they hear? Luo Feiying also had no room for resistance, which could not help surprised Ni Qingcheng and the others.

"Xiao Yu, if it's you, are you sure to solve Luo Feiying with one move?"

Leng Yu thought about it as he walked around, and nodded: "Yes, it can be done with my strength when the other party is unprepared. But according to the situation described by the waiter, Luo Feiying is obviously already prepared. His gun No one dares to underestimate the skill, but even so, it was solved by one move. The strength of the person who killed him is probably the best among the third-level fighters."

"A mysterious person who doesn't have any ranking in the base, is it from outside?" Gu Gu guessed.

Relying on their guesses, they were destined to not understand Wei Xiao's heels.

Ni Qingcheng said indifferently: "Just go and see."

Everyone nodded and couldn't help but speed up to the private room where Wei Xiao was.

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