Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 888: Three powers divide up the romantic bar

Peng Kun didn't expect that Fu Piaoxue would bluff these women with a few words. While he was surprised, he was also a little surprised.

The smug color on his face flashed, and Peng Kun answered, "It seems that you are not as firm as you imagined?"

Guanguan bit his red lips lightly: "I'm very firm."

"What about the little sisters behind you?"

Grasping the weakness of Guanguan and the others, Peng Kun's tone of speech became confident.

The weakness of Guanguan and the others is naturally the big family behind them.

They are not afraid of death, and can even choose to self-destruct when they cannot do anything, but they have sacrificed. What about the sisters who are not capable of her?

You don't need to guess to know their end.

That kind of inhuman torture and endless darkness is undoubtedly a **** on earth for some sisters who fear death.


Guanguan looked at the cold rain on the side, as if asking her what she wanted to say.

Leng Yu hesitated for a moment, then reached to Guanguan's ear and said a few words in a low voice.

Guan Guan's complexion condensed.

"you are serious?"

Leng Yu nodded.

"Some things, we always have to plan early, don't we?"

Bitter and helpless expressions showed on Leng Yu's face.

When he noticed her expression, Guanguan didn't understand in his heart that Leng Yu had no alternative.

After Guanguan guessed Wei Xiao's situation last night, she and Leng Yu had the final decision.

Precisely because of this, they need to arrange the following things well, and they can't be too selfish.

Taking a deep breath, holding back the disgust of Peng Kun's mouth and face, Guanguan said in a deep voice, "What do you want?"

Hearing Guanguan's words, Peng Kun smiled, and the two people behind him were full of joy.

No matter how stubborn people are, as long as there are weaknesses, they are not afraid that they will not be able to dissolve the line of defense in her heart.

It is now obvious that there are loopholes in Guanguan's psychological defense.

Peng Kun struck the iron while it was hot: "Don't say I didn't give you a chance. After Ni Qingcheng was picked up by the lord of Yi, you took the remaining sisters to join my bloodthirsty alliance. I can't guarantee many of them, but we have our bloodthirsty alliance as your backer. , In the future in this base, at least you women will not let anyone play with it."

"We can even keep some of the rules of the romantic bar to make your life easier."

"Only these?"

"Haha!" Peng Kun laughed, "With these, it's not bad."

"Brother Peng is right. In the current romantic bar, wanting to continue to keep the rules of doing business and not selling oneself is completely idiotic. But brother Peng, your bloodthirsty alliance is really quick to start. If it weren't for us to have some channels, the romantic bar was included by you. We are still kept in the dark."

"It's not authentic, it's too authentic. With so many beauties, you are not afraid to harm the bloodthirsty brothers."

As soon as Peng Kun's voice fell, there were two more noises outside the bar.

"Skull Gang, Demon Tower?" Peng Kun frowned.

Not long after, from the outside, two groups of people walked in.

"Wei Dabao? Black bat?"

Seeing the two people in the lead and the people in the bar, their eyes were extremely solemn.

The two groups of people who came in said, "Fortunately, we came in time, otherwise, the beauties here will have nothing to do with us."

"Brother Peng, this time your bloodthirsty alliance is too much."

Peng Kun's face twitched.

But he quickly suppressed the unhappiness on his face.

With a smile on his face, Peng Kun said, "Haha...Old Bat, Brother Wei, I didn’t expect you to be here too. See what you say? We are the three of the same family. We always do not distinguish between you and me, even if I am a bloodthirsty alliance. The Romance Bar has been incorporated. From now on, brothers come to spend, can I still ask for your money?

"Haha...that's what I said, but the other person is always someone else. We are embarrassed to make brothers spend money again and again. It is better to divide the points by ourselves and don't bother others." Skeleton Help Wei Dabao said with a smile.

The black bat agrees very much with the other party's words: "I also think. Brothers have to make clear accounts, who owns it."

"Since the two brothers have said so, what else can I say?" Peng Kun shrugged.

He doesn't want to divide the interests of the romantic bar, but he knows that there is no such possibility.

Now that people from the other two major forces are here, there is no reason to return empty-handed.

The relationship between the three major forces cannot be easily torn apart in certain matters.

The bloodthirsty league wants to dominate the romantic bar, which is now unrealistic.

"Then say so."

In a few words, the people of the three major forces seem to have reached some agreement.

When Wei Dabao spoke, the other two nodded.

At this time, the latter two finally set their sights on Guanguan and the others.

Looking at Guan Guan, who was only one or two points weaker than Ni Qingcheng, the covetous color in the black bat's eyes was so unconcealed.

Quick talk, the black bat said coldly: "Miss Guanguan, you have heard our words, I won't say more about it, you can decide! With our three major forces acting as the backing of the romantic bar at the same time, it will be the City Lord's Mansion in the future. , It will also give three points of thin noodles, you are not at a loss."

"It's not just a loss, plus a sister Ni who entered the city lord's mansion to become the partner of the lord of Iraq, my dear, the four most powerful forces in the sky city are all given to the romantic bar platform, in this sky city, who will dare to bully you in the future? "Wei Dabao pretended to exaggerate.

Guanguan and the others gritted their teeth at these people in front of them.

This group of bastards, who split up the romantic bar in such a way no one else, what do they think of themselves?


"You are shameless." Even if Guanguan chooses to be patient for the sisters behind him, these people in front of him are too much.

This is because Chi Guoguo doesn't treat them as human beings.

Humiliating people are so unscrupulous, do they really think that they have a romantic bar?

"Don't tell me this is useless. Lao Tzu speaks directly, Ni Qingcheng returns to the city lord's mansion, we have no objection, but the rest, including you, will belong to the private property of the three major forces. You can choose not to agree, or You can choose to work hard, but I hope you think about the consequences. I have never lacked means to deal with disobedient people."

Here comes someone tougher than Peng Kun.

The black bat directly pointed out that the relationship threatened Guanguan and the others.

No one would doubt the words of the black bat.

As a powerful person, once something is destined in his eyes, as the dominated party, there will be no human rights, everything he has to say.

Guanguan and the others were furious.

But now they are facing the three big forces that are stubborn, how can they cope with the attitude of these people obviously eating romantic bars?

If you say something wrong, the consequences are definitely not what Guanguan and the others want.

"What are you guys doing? The romantic bar should still be what I said now, right? I didn't go to the city lord's mansion before you started to plan the future of my sisters. Didn't you take Ni Qingcheng too much? "

Just when Guanguan and the others were being pressed by the three major forces and felt powerless, a familiar sound came from the second floor.

Afterwards, two figures appeared hand in hand in the sight of everyone.

"Sister Ni? Master Wei Xiao?"

"Ni Qingcheng? Mysterious person Wei Xiao?"

The two people who were coming down the stairs were dressed in black.

Wei Xiao's black windbreaker and black army boots were holding Ni Qingcheng in his hand, with a cold face and a hint of coldness on his body.

And Ni Qingcheng, in a black strapless dress with beautiful black high heels, with a charming look on his face, as if there is a breeze when he walks, three thousand green silks are slightly fluttering, enchanting and colorful.

Outsiders like Wei Dabao were shocked when they saw them.

The eyes of Wei Xiao and Ni Qingcheng were both incomprehensible and suspicious.

Didn't it mean that Wei Xiao was seriously injured? How can he still show up?

On the other hand, the expressions of the girls at the moment looked ecstatic.

Especially with the appearance of Wei Xiao's figure, others may not have been shocked too strongly, but Leng Yu, his body began to tremble with excitement.

Burning his gaze at Wei Xiao, Leng Yu felt that his heart was about to jump out.

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