Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 889: God-like man

Master Wei Xiao is still alive?

Master Wei Xiao is still alive?

That's great, it's really great.

Unable to control her emotions, Leng Yu couldn't help but grabbed Guanguan's arm. In excitement, she regarded Guanguan's arm as a catharsis object. The strength between her palms continued to increase.

Guanguan was in pain, and Liu frowned.

With all the excitement on her face dissipating, she looked at Leng Yu with a bitter expression: "Leng, what's the matter with you?"

"Guanguan, we don't have to make any more choices. It's Mr. Wei Xiao, he's fine with him..."

"I, I know, but can you let go? You hurt me."

Leng Yu only noticed his actions at this time.

He quickly released the hand holding Guanguan's arm, and said incoherently, "Guanguan, I didn't mean it, you know, Master Wei Xiao, that's Master Wei Xiao...I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know, don't get excited."

"I, I'm not excited, I'm not excited at all."


These words also coax the children.

You are not excited, look at your body, it is almost flying out trembling.

But how did Guanguan know that the moment Leng Yu saw Wei Xiao, it was like a fiery red sun rising in the endless darkness.

His light not only helped Leng Yu dissipate all the darkness, but even the cold heart got warm in an instant.

People who have not witnessed yesterday's Chaos God Gang will never be able to appreciate the power and fear of Wei Xiao.

Just heard, how can one witness the shock?

Leng Yu was very fortunate to witness Wei Xiao's strength yesterday, and now his appearance, for Leng Yu, is hope, light, and an extremely assured sense of security.

She couldn't describe her current feelings. If she had to be a metaphor, Leng Yu was sure that she would be willing to let her do anything now, even if she gave everything.

Looking back, Wei Dabao and the others turned their attention to Ni Qingcheng and Wei Xiao.

Looking at the two holding hands, the black bat's face gradually revealed a trace of evil.

"It turned out to be Sister Ni. It's really strange today. Sister Ni, who has always been fascinating with men, is now willing to be held by a stranger. You said, if the Lord Yi knew about this, how would he feel?" Hei The bat said weirdly.

Wei Xiao, who was pulling Ni Qingcheng down the stairs, frowned upon hearing this.

The black bat hasn't realized anything yet.

"It seems that Sister Ni is not as cold as the outsiders said..."



Just when he wanted to continue to say something, everyone didn't react.

The black bat, who was still chatting beside Wei Dabao and Peng Kun one second before, had already flown out in the next second.

The figure slammed on a wall, and the whole person was trapped in it, unable to move.

"When did this happen?"

Both Wei Dabao and Peng Kun were stunned, and their pupils were wide open.

"Do you have any opinions?"

The voice rang in the ears of the two of them.

At some point, the black bat's previous position was replaced by Wei Xiao's figure.

Isn't he on the stairs?

how come?

The two were shocked.

I wanted to distance ourselves from Wei Xiao for the first time.

"Kneel down!"



Wei Xiao raised his hand, and came one person on their shoulder.

They couldn't keep up with Wei Xiao's speed at all, and they all had time to move away. They only felt an incomparable force on their shoulders, and their bodies seemed to press against a mountain in an instant, and their knees couldn't help but bend and hit the floor.

The floor tiles broke, and countless fragments spattered.

The two kneeling on the ground at the same time, with distorted faces and clear water at their mouths, they wanted to cry but couldn't cry, or laughed but couldn't speak, they kept making **** ho **** ho.


Upon seeing this, the armed soldiers in the first floor of the bar wanted to raise their guns and shoot at Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao's scarlet gaze turned to look at them.

Whenever he noticed Wei Xiao's gaze like coming from Jiuyou Hell, his heart trembled instinctively.

During this pause, Wei Xiao grabbed Wei Dabao and Peng Kun and shot two shots at the waist.

"Boom boom..."

The gunfire sounded, and thirty bullets were lit up in an instant.

Every bullet hit a person's head accurately.

When the bullet was finished, Wei Xiao smashed two pistols in his hand, and the fragments were thrown out by him. The remaining armed men either died tragically or wounded and fell to the ground wailing.


Do not misunderstand.

These two pig-killing screams were not from the wounded armed men, but from the late response of Wei Dabao and Peng Kun, who were kneeling on the ground with broken kneecaps.

Their scream was like the first snow in 2002, coming later than before.

"Shut up, you will die for me if you call again." Wei Xiao drank coldly.

Wei Dabao and Peng Kun immediately bit their lips, and pressed their hands to the ground with painful convulsions.


The armed men outside the door broke in at this time.

"My lord (boss)--"

"go out!"

This time, without waiting for Wei Xiao to do anything, Fu Piaoxue and A Fei, who stood still and dared not move, shouted at the same time.

This surprised Wei Xiao a little.

Are these two undercover agents in a romantic bar?

"Mr. Fu, this..." Some armed men hesitated.

"Have you heard you get out? Get out if you don't want to die." Fu Piaoxue shouted angrily.

Those who came in heard the sound, hesitated for a moment, and then withdrew.

Including the other two forces who stayed outside.

They didn't listen to Fu Piaoxue's words, they just saw other people withdraw and blindly followed the crowd.

Wei Xiao looked at the two.

It is not difficult to find that cold sweat is on both of their foreheads at this time.

"Are you helping me?" Wei Xiao asked jokingly.

Fu Piaoxue and A Fei swallowed, staring at Wei Xiao in horror.

A Fei said: "I, we are helping them."


"The strength of the adults and adults is simply not what they can contend. Rather than come in and die, it is better to stay outside." Fu Piaoxue continued.

Wei Xiao smiled coldly.

"There is self-knowledge."

Without seeing the two of them again, Wei Xiao turned and walked towards the black bat trapped in the wall.

But Wei Xiao didn't put down his defenses. He felt that he was locked in the few people behind him at all times, and he was not afraid that they would take the opportunity to attack him.

It is enough to experience something once, and Wei Xiao will not let it happen again for the same phenomenon.

At this time, Ni Qingcheng had already come to Guanguan and the others.

Although she was a little surprised by Wei Xiao's sudden outbreak, Ni Qingcheng, who was very adaptable, was not too surprised.

Holding Guanguan's hand, Ni Qingcheng asked concerned, "Are you all right?"

I don't know if Guanguan and the others have heard Ni Qingcheng's concern, but the trembling eyes of the girls now rest on Wei Xiao's body.

What should I say?


Powerful, domineering, unparalleled.

Wei Xiao did what they wanted to do but didn't dare to do.

The depression that had been depressed for a long time was released in an instant, and Guanguan and the others, who felt their hearts were about to jump out, looked at Wei Xiao with indescribable excitement and admiration.

"Is this Master Wei Xiao?"

"So strong, so powerful."

"Uuuuu...what to do, what to do? I feel that my soul is about to be conquered by Master Wei Xiao. He is so powerful, I really want to hug him and become one with him, so handsome."

Many women are trying their best to suppress their hearts. A pair of bright eyes, if there are special effects, it must risk countless gold stars.

That is to say, the conditions are not allowed. If it is possible, I am afraid that someone will say to Wei Xiao loudly: Master Wei Xiao, the slave family will give birth to a monkey for you!

Um! I think there should be another sentence here, "Don't pity me because I'm a delicate flower, please let Master Wei Xiao ravage me severely".

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