Chen Qing was overjoyed!

Before he could go to the abandoned baby tower, a golden light came to the side of the piercing cloud arrow.

The terrifying thing about the piercing cloud arrow is that no matter who it is, this shot is sure to hit.

The embarrassment is that after one arrow, he has no fighting power.

He was caught and stuffed into the abandoned baby tower.

At this time, there is no need to waste time. After picking and choosing to let a hundred soldiers enter, the abandoned baby tower finally advanced!

The golden light rippled, and the abandoned baby tower continued to grow higher.

It became a hexagon with three doors.

Unlike the towers and pavilions seen by Juejian, it has no flying eaves and corners, and is very heavy and simple.

Of course, a rich man's gold suit can't be too plain.

Tomb tower, done!

Test the ghost table...

3422! X-level evil ghost!

Good guy!

When others first enter the evil ghost level, they are only 100, but this guy is directly off the charts.

Feeling happy, looking at the swarming soldier ghosts, he suddenly felt that they were extremely cute!

There are military merits everywhere here, so we can't kill them anymore.

Chen Qing put away all the ghost pets and left the barracks with a golden light.

"Ma Yi, where is the general? Go get him!"

"In the center of the dirty land."

"Oh, by the way, the fourth floor of the Demon Suppression Tower is called the dirty land? What does it mean?"

"Maybe the dirty land marquis knows more about this. Catch him later and torture him!"


Chen Qing was happy to hear this.

This old man definitely has a grudge against the dirty land marquis!

Dare to offend our baby Ma Yi? Get him!

The Impure Land is about a thousand miles in radius, not too big, nor too small,

It is roughly comparable to the area of ​​a small country.

There are mountains, rivers, lakes and basins.

In fact, Chen Qing has been to the center.

It is the place where the general offered sacrifices to the heaven before.

All the centers are located here.

But unlike the last time, there are no soldiers and ghosts training, and all the soldiers and ghosts look idle.

They are lying all over the ground.

Anyway, there is a guide by his side, and Chen Qing passed all the messy forces and rushed straight to the general's mansion.

At least there is a little defense here.

But it is limited to "a little".

"Who is it!"

"There is an assassin!!"

Many of the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun rushed out.

Ten thousand enemies stood with their heads held high, and the golden spears swung...

With the power of Ten Thousand Enemies now, they can completely overwhelm others with force.

But he used his spear skills to the fullest, and each spear could hit the vital points of the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun from the most tricky angle.

Fast! Precise! Skillful!

Bang bang bang bang bang!

The sounds of the six attacks were almost continuous, and the next moment, six Eighteen Riders of Yanyun fell to the ground together.

"This general is a match for ten thousand people!"

Chen Qing: "..."

Caught one of the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun, "Where is the general?"

"I don't know!" The man was surprisingly hard-mouthed, and angrily said: "Kill if you want to!"

A light flashed in Qianmian Niang's eyes, staring straight at him.

He was stunned for a moment, and murmured: "The general has been missing for many days since he went crazy..."

"Crazy? What crazy?"

Chen Qing frowned!

I am going to be tied to a madman in this life!

The first ghost pet, the crazy ghost.

Zhong Kui, crazy.

Want to get a general, crazy again!

Oh, yes, Mai said there is a powerful madman in the Impure Land...

"Not long after the boundary pillars were repaired, the fourth realm of the Impure Land returned, and the general went crazy..."

Chen Qing frowned.

"Where is the Blood Robe Marquis?"

"I don't know..."

"Where is the Impure Land Marquis?"

"In the dungeon. We are guarding him here."

Oh? !

As long as there is a survivor!

Let the Eighteen Riders of Yanyun lead the way. The entrance to the dungeon is very secret and is located in the general's mansion.

Turning all the way down, we soon arrived at the dungeon.

Five single rooms...

Uh... The prison should be counted as a "single room", right?

There are three empty rooms inside, one of which is covered with blood, and the ground is also covered with sticky plasma. The setting is like a cheap horror movie with plasma.

It's just that the blood looks very fresh, and it is actually wriggling gently, as if it has vitality.

And in the other room, it is the Impure Land Marquis.

The last time he came to the altar, Chen Qing had a deep impression of the Marquis of the Impure Earth: a high-collared black robe with blood and gold wrapped around it, extremely luxurious.

But now, he has been tortured beyond recognition.

The Marquis of the Impure Earth kneeled on the ground, his hands were locked, and he was pulled up and fixed to the wall.

The elegant black robe had been torn into rags, and his body was full of penetrating wounds, his ribs and shoulder bones were exposed, and his internal organs could be seen.


There was also a hole, and one could even see the brain inside.

The most eye-catching thing was the thin ropes that pierced his body, which were covered with blood beads, and these blood beads were actually slowly wriggling.

Feeling someone approaching, the Lord of the Evil Earth croaked:

"Kill me... Kill me..."

He slowly raised his head and saw the people in front of him. His voice paused and he said in disbelief: "Ma... Mai?"

"This is my master!" Mai shouted: "Why don't you show your respect?"

The Lord of the Evil Earth was stunned for a moment, and immediately said: "Greetings... Greetings..."

Then he was stunned again.

Who is this? !

How can I greet you if you don't introduce me? !

Mai Yi also reacted and immediately introduced: "This is the master of the world of the dirty world!"

The Marquis of the Dirty World was stunned, "Realm... Realm master? You... You are the master of the world?!"

Seeing that he was about to die, Chen Qing waved his hand and said: "Don't say anything, wait until I kill you first."

"Don't!" The Marquis of the Dirty World was shocked: "Master! You, you, you, you ask! I will tell you! I will tell you everything! Don't kill me!!!"

"I confess everything!! I, I surrender!"

Chen Qing was too lazy to explain: "You will understand immediately."

One sword!

The Marquis of the Dirty World fell to the ground!

Until his death, he didn't understand!

What kind of person is this!

He will confess! Whatever you want, he will give you!

Why did you kill him just because of a disagreement!

The Marquis of the Dirty World quickly turned into a black mist and merged into the Demon Suppression Tower.

The chains and red ropes that bound him loosened and hit the wall of the dungeon.

Now that the two towers have merged into one, it is up to Chen Qing to decide which tower to put the black fog into.

After a moment, Chen Qing thought about it, and the Marquis of the Impure Earth appeared in front of him in full.

He looked at his body, "What kind of magical power is this? Impure Earth to shape people? Staff to release? Weapon to release?"

"Let's study this later. You are my ghost pet now," Chen Qing asked, "Where is the general? And the Marquis of Bloody Clothes?"

When this was mentioned, the Marquis of the Impure Earth immediately gnashed his teeth:

"That lunatic!! That beast!! A fucking beast!!!"

"A fucking beast!!!"

Chen Qing: "..."

The Marquis of the Impure Earth cursed for a long time, and finally vented his anger. Then he came to the dungeon full of blood, looked at the blood plasma on the ground, and said dejectedly:

"This is the Marquis of the Bloody Clothes."

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