The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.


Ma Yi was stunned and looked at the blood plasma on the ground: "This... is this the Bloody Marquis?"

He frowned: "Why?"

"The general is crazy!" The Impure Marquis gritted his teeth and didn't know where to start for a moment.

After a while, he said, "Since the fourth boundary pillar was repaired, it has been connected to the fourth realm of the dirty land again..."

"Let me interrupt and ask, each boundary pillar corresponds to a world, and each world has a number, right?"

"To be precise, it is the boundary stone inside the boundary pillar. With the dirty land as the foundation, the twelve boundary stones gave birth to twelve continents, which were bound together by the boundary stones to form the dirty land."

"From what you said, the 'dirty land' as the foundation was not bred by the boundary stone?"

"The dirty land is the most densely yin in the underworld. Legend has it that it is the place of ancient wars, and ghosts are constantly born, most of which are soldier ghosts and archers."

Chen Qing suddenly thought of something.

If there is no accident, the fourth floor of Han Yuan's Demon Suppression Tower also produces soldier ghosts.

It is not such a coincidence. I think the person who built the tower did it deliberately.

So, what is the positioning of the Demon Suppression Tower?

The source of soldiers?

Chen Qing remembered clearly that Zhong Kui went to the upper floors and brought back an abyss dog.

It was obviously not from the human world or the ghost clan.

"After repairing the fourth world pillar and connecting the fourth world, the general found a mummy, a mummy with Vajra indestructibility..."

"Is it the 'Fu Shi'?"

"Legend has it that Fu Shi is no different from humans, so this mummy should involve 'Wu Xiang'."

The Lord of Earthly Branches!

Chen Qing frowned and motioned for the Lord of the Impure Earth to continue.

"I don't know what method the general used to trick a kind of Gu called 'Po Fa Gu' from the crazy Taoist, which can break the Vajra indestructibility..."


"The 'Heart Gu' that the general planted on us was tricked from the crazy Taoist... Hey! Hey, my Heart Gu is gone!"

The Lord of the Impure Earth was ecstatic!

"I... I am free!!"

Chen Qing looked at him with a smile.

The face of the Marquis of the Impure Land froze...

How could he forget the new master in front of him...

But looking at Mai's condition, he should be better than the general, right?

He coughed twice and continued: "The law-breaking Gu can break the Vajra Indestructibility, but it requires the blood of a powerful person. In the entire Impure Land, the most powerful one is the crazy Taoist, but he dare not make any plans. Apart from him, there are only me and the Marquis of Blood Clothes..."

Everyone finally understood!

Whether it is modern medicine or the legend of spirits and monsters, blood is the most filthy thing.

The last time Shura wanted to catch Sun Wukong, he also used a spider web soaked in the blood of the Bodhisattva.

"Xue Yi left before me and was already bleeding me, but luckily that beast went crazy!"

"Crazy for the best! Damn beast! Beast!"

Chen Qing was puzzled: "Why did he have to get that mummy?"

"That beast wanted to refine that mummy!"

Humiliated Marquis spit heavily and cursed: "This beast is dreaming!"

What does refining a mummy have to do with this broken magic Gu? !

Can you explain it more clearly?

Chen Qing frowned, his brain was not enough.

"That beast likes to use 'heart poison' to control others. Seeing that the mummy was powerful, he wanted to plant the heart poison. But he failed and suffered a backlash. Although he kept it a secret from us, I think he was seriously injured."

"Later, he figured out a way: cut the mummy into hundreds and thousands of small pieces, and plant the heart poison in each piece."

"But the mummy is indestructible, and it is impossible to cut even a little bit. He didn't know from where that the crazy Taoist had the law-breaking poison, and somehow found out the realm where the crazy Taoist was, so he found a way to repair the boundary pillar, find the crazy Taoist, and trick the law-breaking poison into his hands."

"In the following time, he cut off piece after piece of the mummy, but shockingly, those pieces turned into children after they were cut!"

Chen Qing, Ma Yi, and Liu Er were all stunned.

Turned into children?

"That beast forcibly planted the heart poison in these children, but the more children were cut, the more soul power the beast had. Soon it was not enough, and then it was attacked and went crazy!"

"Then... this is what happened."

After listening for a long time, I finally understood.

This general... is a talent!

He has a flexible mind, dares to think and act, and has a scientific research spirit. He is a rare scientific research talent in the new era.


Must recruit!

He stood up and said, "Then

Where is he?"

The Marquis of the Impure Land was stunned: "He is a madman, how can anyone know where he is..."

"Search! Search like a carpet, I don't believe you can't find him!"

Anyway, there are many soldiers here, we can always find him.

With a thought, he has turned into the appearance of a general.

The Marquis of the Impure Land groaned and almost jumped up.

Ma Yi's pupils also shrank...

It seems that the general is really not a good thing!

Chen Qing waved his hand: "'Fake Form' magical power."

"Pass my military order, summon the army, and assemble at the altar! "

Soon, the rhythmic sound of the horn spread.

Hearing that the general was back, the soldiers were all excited.

This guy might really be a fucking beast, but his prestige is here, and he will respond to the call.

The military horn that sounded was very particular, like a Morse code, long and short.

In the dense military horns, the troops were assembled.

Chen Qing stood on the altar, looking at the 80,000 troops below, and his mind was inevitably a little excited.

He said loudly:

"There is a villain who pretends to be this general! What crime should he be punished for!"

All the soldiers shouted in unison: "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The sound was deafening.

"No need to kill! Find that person! This general will interrogate him strictly! "

The military order was passed down layer by layer, and Chen Qing didn't care about it anymore. With his command level, it is likely that the more he commands, the more chaotic it will be.

After a while, the army was disbanded into small teams again and again, spreading to all directions of the dirty land.

"Master, the abandoned baby tower... No, the tomb tower, the tomb tower has also produced a lot of soldiers, why not send them out together?"


The tomb tower has been placed in the corner of the third floor. Because it has evolved to level X, the speed of sending troops is very fast, reaching 20 soldier ghosts per hour.

With a thought, 36 soldier ghosts and 1 archer appeared in front of him.

It's still his own personal army that is so majestic!

Golden and noble.

The number is too small, so forget about his own personal soldiers.

Thinking of something, he sent a normal soldier ghost over.

He pointed at his own soldier ghost again, "You two have a competition! "

The two ghosts didn't hesitate at all, and chopped directly with their machetes...

The expected sound of weapons colliding did not appear.


With a slight sound, the machete of the ordinary soldier ghost broke into two pieces.

The ordinary soldier ghost was stunned looking at the half-broken machete.

Chen Qing was also stunned!

At the moment when the personal soldier swung the machete, he saw a layer of white frost on the blade!

If I'm not mistaken, it's the ghost fire of the underworld!

"No way..."

Chen Qing murmured: "Swing the machete again and let me see."

Swing again!

Sure enough, there was a ghost fire of the underworld on the blade!

It's just that the height of the flame is limited. The ghost fire of the dragon bone is like fluff, while the personal soldier's is like a thin layer of flour sprinkled on the blade.

Let the other personal soldiers swing their machetes, and all of them have ghost fire of the underworld!

Chen Qing was a little shocked.

Looking at the archer, "Shoot an arrow! "

The archer pulled the bow to its full length and shot an arrow into the sky.

The arrow split into two in the air, then into four... and finally became thirty-two arrows, which were inserted into the open space with a thumping sound.

The moment it hit the open space, white flames rose from the open space, like white and soft hair, swaying gently, and had already burned half of the house-sized open space into nothingness!

Chen Qing stared blankly, muttering:

"I'm rich..."

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