The more you fight, the more you will lose.

Asura is already at the top level of the evil spirit class.

Ancient Evil is rare and has explosive strength, but it is not so powerful that it can chop Asura like chopping melons and vegetables.

The only explanation is that Ancient Evil has awakened the talent of "killing Asuras".

Everything has its pros and cons. Chopping Asuras will burst out several times the strength, while chopping Yakshas and other ghosts may only exert half or even less strength.

But this is already very worth being happy about!

Dealing with other things?

Chen Qing should not have too many ghost pets!

Ancient Evil is the king bomb against Asura! This is enough.

Release a few ghost pets and put the Asura and Rakshasa bodies that are roughly intact at the scene into the Demon Suppression Tower.

Chen Qing returned to the princess's mansion.

There were two Yakshas beside Luo Luohong. They might be the two team members she was looking for for Chen Qing.

"Is the executioner dead?"

"No, but I seriously injured it and lost its trail after chasing it for a while. It's too chaotic now, and I'm worried about Shura, so I came back."

Luo Luohong was startled and frowned, "There are still two Daoshi-level Rakshasas in the princess's mansion, what can happen?"

Chen Qing nodded, "My fault. But I insist."

Luo Luohong shook her head and didn't bother with this question anymore.

She pointed at the two Yakshas beside her.

"Chen Qing, these two people will be incorporated into your team of ten men. One has clairvoyance and the other has super hearing. They are extremely rare detection personnel and must be used well."

One Yaksha was thin, but his eyes were huge, like a tarsori, with very strange proportions.

Another Yaksha stood upright, long and big, covered with fluff.

"Understood!" Chen Qing bowed and said, looking at the two Yakshas: "Welcome to the team!"

The two Yakshas immediately saluted and said respectfully: "Tenth Captain!"

They did not look down on Chen Qing because he was a human.

Especially the long-eared Yakshas, ​​who looked at Chen Qing with fiery eyes.

"I... I know you! Tenth Captain! Your literary talent and your heroism all impress me! It is my honor to serve you!"

Chen Qing was about to write something that would overwhelm Li Bai and Su Shi, when Luo Luohong handed him a rope.

"This is called the 'Da Shi Rope', which is specially used to tie up the Da Shi ghost. Now at the critical moment, the Da Shi ghost has an ambiguous attitude and is unwilling to stand in line. You tie back the eighteenth generation of Da Shi!"

Eighteenth generation!

Chen Qing's heart skipped a beat.

Da Shi ghosts are special. They do not have obvious differences between evil ghosts, evil spirits, and Taoist corpses, but look at the number of splits.

Ordinary Da Shi is the wandering soul level, without the ability to split.

If it can split once, it is the first generation of the great trend.

Split twice, it is the second generation of the great trend. That is, four people.

After the third generation, it can split again and become eight people.

And so on.

The second to the ninth generation of the great trend is considered to be the evil ghost level.

The tenth to the fifteenth generation of the great trend is considered to be the evil spirit level.

The sixteenth generation and above are considered to be the Taoist corpse level.

By the fifteenth generation of the great trend, it is already 30,000 people.

The sixteenth generation, 60,000.

The seventeenth generation, 120,000.

The eighteenth generation, 240,000!

Truly, one person is an army.

In ancient times, an eighteenth generation of the great trend could be called a million-strong army.

Chen Qing responded: "Yes!"

In Ximing City, the great trend ghost is the most difficult to see among the four nobles.

Because the great trend ghost is playful by nature, any fun thing can be instantly addicted, if it comes to the colorful world of the human world, it will be directly fascinated to death.

Luo Luohong handed Chen Qing another black token dotted with peach blossoms: "This is the black token of Peach Blossom Valley."

"I am very dissatisfied with your recent missions. This time, I must complete it!"


Chen Qing took the token and walked out of the princess's mansion.

Shuras are not good at naming. According to their naming habits, this ghost shop is probably a Peach Blossom Valley.

Looking at the big-eyed Yaksha: "What's your name?"

The big-eyed Yaksha immediately blinked his super big eyes: "Reply to the ten-man captain, my name is Hebiancao, a black-eyed Yaksha."

Surname Cao?

"Reply to the ten-man captain, my name is Qingqingcao, a cloud-eared Yaksha."

"Many Rakshasas have the surname 'Shan', and many Yakshas have the surname 'Cao'?"

"That's right. Rakshasas mostly use mountains, rocks, rivers and rivers as their surnames, and Yakshas mostly use flowers, plants and trees as their surnames."

"Oh... your names are more poetic, not comparable to those rough guys."

The two grasses were immediately happy!

After spending a long time with the Rakshasa, they really felt that all the Yakshas were cultured people.

Just like the riverside grass and green grass, how could a Rakshasa come up with such beautiful names?

"By the way, last time at Chuntaifang, there was a man with eyes better than yours.

The big Yaksha, is that also the Black Eyed Yaksha?"

"The one you are talking about is called Xiao Fenghua, a Duobao Yaksha. She is the best at finding natural treasures."

"Wow!" Chen Qing was surprised and said, "Awesome! Your evil spirit level is not the legendary clairvoyance and wind-hearing, right?"

The Cloud Ear Yaksha was about to speak when he heard the Black Eyed Yaksha pointing to the front: "Look! That's the Louhua Valley. "

Chen Qing narrowed his eyes slightly.

I don't know if the black-eyed Yaksha just interrupted him or did it on purpose.

Anyway, it's not good to ask anymore.

This is the Dongcheng Vegetable Market in Ximing City.

Like other ghost shops, the ghost shop and the vegetable market have been deeply integrated.

The ground is cracked everywhere, but because the sun is in the sky, the black air in it seems a little weak.

Holding the black token of Peach Blossom Valley, Chen Qing walked straight in and was immediately shocked.

Blue sky and white clouds.

The mountains and valleys are full of peach blossoms!

The grass on the ground is dripping, and the streams are gurgling between the peach trees.

Birds are singing and insects are flying.

The peach trees are full of all kinds of messy fruits. Peaches, pears and bananas are the most normal ones, and there are even watermelons!

There are half-human-high hams growing in the fields. Some powerful ghosts suddenly uprooted them and roasted them on the bonfire on the side. Other powerful ghosts are already roasting them, sizzling. Oil. Burnt and fragrant.

There was a well on the ground, and the water seemed to be wine. Several big ghosts were drunk and drank while playing at the well. With a splash, a big ghost fell into the well, but the others didn't care about its life or death at all, and rushed to grab the wine barrels and poured it all in.

There were also fierce physical fights everywhere. They kept changing up and down, and changing men and women.

There were also people playing chess. The rules were easy to understand after a few seconds. It was a simple game like four-in-a-row. One of them suddenly flipped the chessboard and ran away screaming, leaving the other one chasing him in a rage.

In addition, there were people playing all kinds of games. Some were playing eagle catching chickens, some were playing hide-and-seek, some were fighting, and some were playing something unknown, holding their stomachs and rolling on the ground with laughter.

If you ignore the big ghosts fighting everywhere, this place is simply a fairy tale world.

Yun'er Yaksha looked solemn and said quietly:

"Tenth Captain, there are many people from the Bailong family here. ”


The information that can be released now:

Yaksha→Flying Yaksha, Ground-walking Yaksha, Black-eyed Yaksha, Cloud-eared Yaksha, Multi-treasure Yaksha→?

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