The white dragon family is here too?

Chen Qing frowned slightly...

He had teased Luo Luohong several times before, and it would be unacceptable if he teased her again this time.

Yun Er Yasha closed his eyes and listened for a moment, his face grim: "Captain of the Ten, the senior members of the Bailong family are probably here! Five Daoshi-level!"


Five? !


This was beyond his ability to handle.

Chen Qing immediately said: "Hei Mou, go back and report! I'll hold them here!"

Hei Mou took the order and left.

Chen Qing looked at Yun Er and said anxiously: "Qing Qingcao, the situation is urgent! Tell me where the 18th generation is! If we are kidnapped by the Bailong family, we will be sentenced to death!"

"Yes!" Yun Er nodded immediately, "The 18th generation is over there, two miles to the west."


Is there a distinction between the east and west in the Ghost House?

"Let's go!" Chen Qing took a few steps quickly and suddenly slapped his forehead: "How could I forget that person!"

As he said, Chen Qing said anxiously: "Where is the Loulan general! That is also the top priority! We must protect it!"

As he said, Chen Qing's heart pounded.

Brahma Rakshasa, Canaan Yaksha, Loulan general, where are these three, I have to know them!

Yun Er hesitated.

Chen Qing shouted, "What are you hesitating about! What time is it now! If Loulan Dashi is taken away by the Bailong family, you and I will both be sentenced to death!"

"Oh! Oh..." Yun Er was startled and immediately pointed to the other side, "He is playing in the mud in the northeast."

Playing in the mud...

Can we be more serious in this situation?

"Are there any other clues?"

"He... He has a longevity lock on his neck and gold bracelets on both hands."

Chen Qing was overjoyed!


Another key figure has been identified.

Whether it is for Shura or Chen Qing, Asura God is the top priority!

Every word about him is important information.

Dashi Gui is playful and simple by nature. No one has noticed the two of them yet, but it may not be the case in a while.

Chen Qing showed the Dashi Suo in his hand.

"Yun Er, how do you use this thing?"

"Just tie it up like an ordinary rope. The 'Da Shi Rope' is made of the tendons of the Da Shi Ghost King. As long as you tie up the first generation of Da Shi, you can control all the clones."

Chen Qing was slightly stunned.

Sure enough, it's still Shura's style!

The Xiao Zhuge family also killed people at will, and they were even more severe to Da Shi, pulling out the tendons of his ancestors to mess with his descendants.

"I understand." Chen Qing was about to leave and act alone, but suddenly frowned: "How to distinguish the first generation of Dashi?"

Yun Er shook his head and said: "Captain of the Tenth Corps, Dashi actually has no seniority difference. All clones are of the same generation. Only when I am here can I tell who the first generation is."

"To deal with Dashi, you can only use the Dashi Rope. There is only one of this kind in the world. If you don't have the Dashi Rope, even if you catch his first generation, it will only be a loss of a clone for Dashi."

"By the way, each Dashi will place several clones in many secluded places, so that even if most of the clones die, they can develop again with this clone."

This thing is a bit tricky!

Originally wanted to act alone, it seems that I have to take this guy with me.

If it is true as he said, Dashi is also an extremely abnormal existence, which is almost immortal.

The most important thing is that no one can control them except Shura who has the Dashi Rope.

"I understand, let's go."

The two of them set off quietly.

But there are so many big men in Taohua Valley that it is really hard not to attract attention.

Fortunately, all the big men are stupid. Even if they see two people, they don't care much.

Chen Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

Somehow, I feel like I am in a kindergarten now...

No, to be more vivid, it should be said that it is a mentally retarded shelter.

Everything here is like a dream, and I don't know what caused it.

If I build one myself, why do I have to work so hard to build a factory and deceive black slaves?


Suddenly, a big man laughed: "Lose, lose! You lose!"

Another big man was full of anger, facing his face, closing his eyes and lips, looking unhappy.

In this way... are they going to kiss?

Chen Qing was just curious, and the smiling big man made a "he-tui" sound, and a mouthful of thick phlegm hit the other big man's face heavily.

"Hahahaha, tut tut tut~ tut tut~" The big trend that had just output the heavy weapon was overjoyed and danced with joy.

The big trend that was output was about to explode with anger, and the four hands were randomly

Wiping his face, spreading the sputum evenly, he shouted angrily: "Come again!"

Chen Qing was horrified!

This is too wild!

Qing Qingcao also grimaced.

In order to dispel this disgust, Chen Qing changed the subject: "I know that there are three types of great trends: copper skin, iron bones, and Yaksha. Do you know how to distinguish them?"

"I don't know..."

"There is also Prajna great trend, and there is also Four Noble Truths Great Trend, and there is also Five Aggregates Dharma King!" A voice above the head sounded proudly, obviously very satisfied with himself for being able to say something they didn't understand.

This is a great trend.

Lying on a peach tree - maybe it can't be called a peach tree, after all, the variety of fruits on it can catch up with a fruit supermarket.

Anyway, one peach at a time, only bite the reddest one on the tip of the peach, throw away the rest, and pick another one.

Chen Qing once again refreshed the simplicity of the great trend.

If it were someone else, if they wrote this message on paper, they would have to stuff it into a fish, then eat the fish, digest it into shit and poop it into the Pacific Ocean to feel at ease.

But this guy actually said it?

Just said it?

Chen Qing was stunned for a moment, and immediately raised his thumb: "You are so amazing! You are definitely a polymath among the great powers, and a Zhuge Liang among the fools!"

"Hahaha!" The great power was overjoyed, climbed up, swung back and forth on three legs, and laughed on the swaying peach branch: "You have a good eye! I am Prajna Dashi! The wisest among the great powers!"

"Not bad! As soon as I saw you, I knew you were not a stupid person!" Chen Qing raised his thumb again: "Why don't we compete in brain power?"

"Let's compete! Whoever loses will eat the other's spit!"


What the hell is playing such a cruel game with you!

Chen Qing shook his head: "No, no, you are cheating!"

Prajna Dashi was slightly stunned, tilted his head, and made a very standard thinking gesture.

Suddenly came to his senses: "You are not right! You may also lose, and you will be the one who cheats!"

"No, no, change another one!"

Prajna frowned after hearing this, and after a while, she came up with a terrible punishment with a heavy face: "The loser will admit that he is a fool."


Chen Qing's face was extremely heavy, and he squeezed out two words with gritted teeth: "Okay!"

"I will go first, I will go first!"

Prajna frowned: "Drawing is round, writing is square, winter is short, summer is long. What is this?"

Chen Qing was stunned.


Qianmian Niang quietly reminded: "Master, this is the sun~"




Chen Qing suddenly realized.

Hum hum sneered: "It's the sun!"

Prajna Dashi paused, pouted: "Hum! You're right, you ask the question."

Chen Qing thought for a moment, and slowly said: "There is a fairy valley in the world, with thousands of fruits on the trees, meat growing in the ground and producing wine..."

"Haha, I know! This is Peach Blossom Valley!"

"No! My riddle is not to guess the place name, but: Why can this place become so rich and beautiful?"

"This is not difficult for me!" Prajna Dashi laughed: "It's because of Yu Ruyi!"

Yu Ruyi? !


You bad guys!

So you stole the things that my prince baby lost? !


Dashi→Second to ninth generation Dashi (divided into copper skin Dashi, iron bone Dashi, Yaksha Dashi, Prajna Dashi, Four Noble Truths Dashi, Five Aggregates Dharma King)→Ten to fifteenth generation→Sixteen generations or more→?

? →Yu Ruyi→?

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