Apocalypse Rebirth: Chief, Don’t Move!

Chapter 921: Why should I tell you

This also shows that Bai Ling has never been a hot-headed person, and Zhu Shuaiyi admired him calmly and wisely.

Besides, without a hole card, who would risk it? They did n’t really lack that specific mutant pig. As for Tian Xiaobing, she dared to get close. Even when they were walking, he was still not dead, indicating that Bai Ling had a way to solve the poison on him, maybe it was just a matter of time.

It ’s not good to say something. If Bai Ling had contacted before, it was Shen Zihao and others who were poisoned.

From her eyes he didn't see the slightest attention to these people, obviously these people are not worth her bothering.

Zhu Shuaiyi ’s practice once again confirmed to them that the high-level abilities coming out of the large base are not only soft persimmons in addition to their abilities. It is best to weigh them before offending. It may be a dead net. It was bombed all over the world.

"Why didn't you tell us before?" Li Dongxu reacted a little bit angry again.

"Why should I tell you?" Zhu Shuaiyi said innocently, "Tell you, will you stay? I'm afraid not!"

As soon as this remark came out, Li Dongxu choked.

"And, I just want to see what you guys say about Sister Bai Ling, it turns out ... um ... Sister Bai Ling will love us more!" A cunning smile appeared.

The interest payment is very speechless with Meng Xin. This guy, like Bai Xiaoxi, is poisonous and has an indescribable sense of worship for Bai Ling. He ca n’t wait to treat her as a god!

"To be honest, your abilities are too low, even if you stay here, it's just a hindrance!" This is not a non-poisonous thing, but it can be said that Zhu Shuaiyi looks like it is saying that I am telling the truth Look, I'm so cute, I don't mean to despise you.

"And, if it wasn't for Sister Bai Ling's concern for you, we had left them with Xiaoxi at that time!" He said, staring at Yi Zhongtian and others with a bit of a grudge.

This appearance made Yi Zhongtian and others unconsciously rise a trace of shame.

Hell, this kid looks harmless to humans and animals. It is more transparent than that of Bai Xiaoxi, and more importantly, it also has a deceptive face.

Actually, so many things can be known in a short time.

So several people were silent, waiting for the news, but still couldn't lie down as relaxed as he did, really. . . not in the mood!

They did not know that Bai Ling was indeed quiet.

The thing was pierced by his own hundreds of vines with a strange face, after moaning and screaming, and then attacked by Bai Ling, he will almost cut off its roots again, in a blink of an eye The huge petals actually grew sharp serrations, and the serrations still radiated cold light. In a flash, the flower heart with the strange human face was wrapped up, and even the root was inside, and the remaining vines were covered with defensive vines. This also indicates that all its vines have been recovered and are hiding flowers that look like sunflowers. After falling from the air to the ground, the vine is like a living creature and inserted into the ground under Bai Ling's eyelid. However, instead of escaping, a thicker green mist erupted.

The whole flower branch swayed constantly, and the vines in that root were stained with more and more abilities, just like animals, they were in a temper and anger, as if they wanted to return all the damage it received to Bai Ling .

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