Bai Ling will naturally not give it a chance. Before he fell to the ground, he stepped on an attacking vine from the waist down, flipped down in the air, and the heavenly sword in his hand was like a rainbow wrapped in the petals into a bud Something hit. There was a slight murmur, as if it was stabbed on the soft cotton, and a pierced mouth could be seen faintly. Something like roots appeared on both sides of the mouth in the blink of an eye. It still wriggled and looked a little scary.

But at this moment clang, the roots of the original mouth were wrapped in the crystal clear blood-red heavenly sword that Bai Ling kept piercing in the blink of an eye.

And a powerful power energy burst out from the roots of the gods sword.

There are even roots that attacked Bai Ling's body directly along with the Tianshen sword.

Bai Ling's eyes narrowed and said in a cold voice, "You are really looking for yourself!"

After finishing this sentence, Bai Ling turned over in the air, and his hands were loosened directly, feeling that as she left the Tianshen sword, when she went down, the huge flower seemed to find a breakthrough, and the vines under the ground instantly drilled Come out, and each of them is extremely sharp with different abilities.

Who can think of it just after Bai Ling crossed a dozen meters.

There was a loud, loud noise.

And the sharp vines behind Bai Ling stopped instantly.

It turned out that Bai Ling had a three-meter-high flower wrapped in a bud like a sunflower, and was completely crushed by the weight of the sword of the day. According to the length of the **** now more than one meter and eight meters, it even punctured the flower stem directly. Among.

The key is that where the sword goes down that day, you can still see that the flower is shrinking continuously, as if suffering a serious contusion.

The roots in the wound were bleak in the blink of an eye, and then a stream of green juice flowed from the petals, and the petals slowly opened, revealing the strangeness like a sunflower with a white mask on the face. The same round flower bones.

At this time, it seemed to be blazed, with a hint of withering.

And the energy of the line above the cane in the huge rhizome also began to disappear, but the vine also became a withered cane.

"Sister!" Bai Ling heard the cries of the people behind him. Apparently, the suddenly disappearing vines of Bai Shan and Bai Xiaoxi brought a trace of suspicion, and the thicker fog around them covered their perception.

Tian Xiaobing's mental power was used once on this vine. I don't know why. Anyway, it was useless in this mist, perhaps because this strange thing absorbed some of his mental powers.

Bai Ling responded, "I'm here!"

According to their voice, Bai Ling probably knew that they actually had a relatively long distance. After the response, Bai Ling quickly ran to the plant with the sap left.

But as soon as he approached the vine of the plant, he saw a "Pouting" sound, that day the Sword actually fell out of the huge rhizome directly, that is, it fell down precisely, because of the weight, the rhizome also collapsed. On the other side.

Not to mention that, with the **** of the gods falling out, Bai Ling can also feel a faint force lingering around the **** of the gods. Suddenly, Bai Ling ’s eyes tightened, staring at the one next to the sword ’s hilt that day. A green diamond-shaped crystal nucleus, pure green, and even a glimmer of glare.

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