Wang Ping'an frowned and carefully sensed the situation around him, but found nothing.

"Alas, what you said is true. Xiao Cui's realm may fall at any time... As for me, I may die after exhausting my source."

The Elf Queen looked tired and spoke slowly, with endless helplessness and sadness in her words.

This may be the fate of the elves.

The elves have always used a nine-star strongman for so many years. A big reason is that they have to suppress the alien race, and the ancient tree of life can no longer produce higher-level fruits.

In fact, every elf queen will use secret methods to sacrifice part of her power to the next generation of queens and the ancient elf tree when she is about to die, so as to suppress the alien race again.

"No... How could it be like this? Your Highness, how could it become like this."

"And you said that as long as the master's thunder magic is promoted to nine stars, it can kill the alien race? What exactly is the alien race? Why have you been unwilling to tell us?"

At this time, Ao Dai, who had been silent all the time, spoke.

Although she has recognized Wang Pingan as her master, she has always been concerned about the elves. She has always known about the plight of the elves, but she has never asked because it is a secret that only the queen can know.

Now that Wang Pingan has returned, he has successfully promoted to the ninth star and can even kill the emperor. In her opinion, no matter what alien race it is, it will definitely not be Wang Pingan's opponent.

"Young Master Wang, your thunder ability has been promoted to the ninth star?"

The elf queen ignored Ao Dai, but stared at Wang Pingan with surprise, trembling all over and questioned.

"Big brother, are you really a nine-star thunder magician?"

Xiao Cui was even more exaggerated. She had stretched out her hand to pinch Wang Pingan's face. It was like a dream and she couldn't believe it was true.

She is the spirit of the ancient tree of life. She has seen countless amazing people, but she has never seen dual-attribute magic, and they are all SSS talents.

It is difficult for every SSS-talented strongman to be promoted, but Wang Pingan dared to be so fast, like riding a rocket, it is simply a miracle.

"Well, I have indeed been promoted, and my lightning magic is already nine-star."

"Queen Xiya, I wonder what you want me to do?"

Wang Ping'an nodded, looked at Xiya with a confused face, and asked curiously.

Although he had guessed in his heart, Wang Ping'an really had no idea what to do.

"Really? That's great. Maybe our elves are saved."

"This is actually a long story... Let me tell you slowly."

Xiya was excited to hear that Wang Ping'an was already a nine-star lightning magician, and her eyes were full of hope.

"I don't know how long our elves have been here. A lot of information has been lost... It is said that our lineage is just a branch."

"The reason we stay here is to guard against alien races..."

Xiya sighed, with a complicated look, and began to tell Wang Ping'an.

In ancient times, the elves were one of the most powerful races and had always lived in the ancestral star. According to records, this place is the birthplace of the ancestral star.

During the war, the ancestral star was also attacked by the void beast and finally torn into pieces. Her elves have been guarding here because they want to suppress a void beast at the peak of the emperor realm.

For so many years, the elves have been suppressing the void beast. Later, many elves sacrificed themselves and severely injured the void beast, which fell into a deep sleep.

In that battle, the elves suffered heavy casualties, and the tree of life fell from nine stars to seven stars, and it has never recovered...

"Is this place the ancestral star? There should be hundreds of races coexisting at that time, what about other races?"

Wang Pingan was stunned when he heard this. He didn't expect that there were so many secrets in ancient times.

"Well, to be exact, it was a fragment of the ancestral star. At that time, there were indeed hundreds of races coexisting, but 99% of the emperor-level strongmen went to fight the void beast. In the end, the ancestral star was shattered, and the hundreds of races suffered heavy casualties and their strength became weaker and weaker."

"After the ancestral star was shattered, the elements of heaven and earth became thin, so everyone never recovered from it."

"At that time, our elves still had an emperor, so after discussing with other races, we suppressed the last void beast under the ancient tree of life of the elves."

Xia muttered, and then explained to Wang Pingan one after another.

"So that's it. According to what you said, the one suppressed below is a void beast. What realm is the void beast now?"

"And what exactly is the void beast?"

Wang Pingan frowned slightly, and then quickly relaxed.

"The void beast below used to be at the peak of the emperor realm, and now it is probably still at the emperor realm... The void beast is a wandering beast in space, specializing in devouring planets with abundant vitality."

"The void beasts appear in groups,Each Void Beast is very powerful, swallowing the sky and the earth, and invulnerable to swords and spears. According to records, there are only three ways to kill Void Beasts in ancient times. "

"The first is thunder magic, which can kill Void Beasts at the same level; the second is that special bloodline evolvers at the same level can suppress Void Beasts; the third is that you must have a cultivation level above the Emperor Realm to completely kill Void Beasts."

After saying this, Xiya told Wang Pingan a little uneasily.

By saying this, she also hinted to Wang Pingan that this Void Beast is very powerful and very difficult to deal with. With the strength of nine stars, it is almost impossible to kill it.

"Your Highness Nuwa, so nine-star magic can't kill Void Beasts? Then the master comes back..."

Ao Dai understood what was going on.

She turned her head and looked at Wang Pingan, then looked at the Elf Queen.

"Well, I have indeed thought about this matter, but as long as there is a nine-star thunder master to help me, I will definitely be able to injure the Void Beast again. ”

“If the Void Beast’s strength has not been greatly reduced, it’s hard to say... So this is also a gamble.”

“Prince Wang, I know it’s dangerous to do this, but if the Void Beast leaves here, it is estimated that everyone on this land will die.”

After Xiya finished speaking, she stared at Wang Ping’an again solemnly.

“No problem, whether it’s for your elves or for the safety of all of us, I’m willing to help you.”

“But I still have a question, why did the ancestral star change so much? The elements of the world are more concentrated than before.”

Wang Ping’an nodded, stared at Xiya, and asked curiously.

“I don’t know about this either. After the prophet of our tribe got old, no one in our tribe has awakened the prophet’s bloodline... In ancient times, when the prophet left, there was a prophecy: After thousands of years, the ancestral star will return, the human race will be king, and all races will prosper.”

Xia shook her head and continued to explain to Wang Ping’an.

“The human race will be king, and all races will prosper? ? ? "

When Wang Pingan heard this prophecy, he looked strange. It seemed to mean that he was the chosen one and that the human race would lead the ancestral planet to glory again.

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