Wang Pingan listened to the words of the Elf Queen, and the expression on his face gradually became complicated.

"Okay, Queen Xiya, I understand what you said, and I have no other questions. When will I help you deal with the Void Beast?"

Wang Pingan restrained his expression, stared at the Elf Queen, and said in a very affirmative tone.

"Young Master Wang, is this true? Are you sure you have thought about it? You should know that doing this is very risky. I have made the worst plan, that is, the Void Beast still has the strength of the peak of the Emperor Realm. When the time comes, I will sacrifice it and you will take people away from here."

"But even so, you may still be in danger of your life."

The Elf Queen seemed to be worried that Wang Pingan would regret it, and she confirmed with Wang Pingan again and again.

"Your Highness, I have thought it through. You should arrange everything. I will wait for your notice."

Wang Pingan shrugged his shoulders, looking calm, and didn't care about the dangers Xiya said at all.

If the Void Beast is really in the Emperor Realm and is immune to all kinds of damage, then a fierce battle is inevitable. If the elves do not evacuate, there will be a great loss of lives.

So before that, the Elf Queen must arrange everything.

"Your Highness, don't worry, the Master can definitely do it... You haven't even asked us if we found the Flying Dragons this time. As soon as you found out that the Master was promoted to a nine-star lightning magician, you thought about dealing with the Void Beast."

At this time, Ao Dai, who had been waiting for the Elf Queen to finish her words, finally found a chance to speak again.

"Hmm? Ao Dai, there is no way... You said that, I am really interested, how did Prince Wang get promoted to a nine-star magician so quickly."

"If we only know that our elves want to give birth to a nine-star powerful, it is impossible with the current resources. You have been promoted to nine stars in just one month. How did you do it?"

The Elf Queen also looked at Wang Ping'an curiously.

It is really a miracle that he got promoted so quickly, it is unbelievable.

"Nothing, just killed a few enemies and destroyed the flying dragon tribe."

Wang Pingan smiled and said lightly.

"Master, how can it be so simple."

"Your Highness, let me tell you, when we went to find the flying dragon tribe, the master killed a bone dragon beyond nine stars on the way. The flying dragon tribe not only has six nine-star masters, but also an old dragon in the emperor realm."

"But all of them were killed by the master..."

Ao Dai was very happy and kept introducing Wang Pingan's feats to the Queen of Jinglin.

"Emperor... Realm, beyond nine stars!"

"Young Master Wang is already a legendary wizard beyond nine stars?"

After hearing this, the Queen of Jinglin was shocked and stared at Wang Pingan, questioning word by word.

Her heart was stirred up by a thousand waves. What kind of amazing talent could kill an emperor realm master?

This time, the eyes of the Elf Queen looked at Wang Pingan with a fiery look.

This Wang Pingan is really too good.

"What is a legendary wizard? I am still nine stars, but I haven't made a breakthrough!"

After listening to the words of the Elf Queen, Wang Pingan also frowned. What the hell is a legendary wizard.

"Legendary wizard is the realm of magicians after nine stars. The records of the elves say that the strong who surpassed nine stars in ancient times were all emperors."

"A wizard is called a legendary wizard, and a bloodline evolver is a war emperor. As for the higher realms, there are only vague introductions in the records, which should be the holy realm, the magic saint, and the saint."

The Elf Queen seemed to know that Wang Pingan didn't know the division of realms, and patiently explained to him.

"Oh, so that's the case. I shouldn't have surpassed the nine-star emperor realm... By the way, Your Majesty, what changes will this bloodline evolver have when he becomes an emperor?"

Wang Pingan suddenly had an idea and asked the Elf Queen again.

This time, his bloodline power has evolved in a different way. He can completely transform into a dragon, and his strength is comparable to that of an emperor.

"Every bloodline evolver has the memory of the ancestor's bloodline. When they reach a certain level, the memory of the bloodline will automatically awaken. Generally speaking, after the bloodline evolvers of fierce beasts reach the emperor level, they can completely transform into the image of the ancestor."

The Elf Queen was very surprised and didn't understand why Wang Ping'an asked these questions.

"Oh, I understand. That's it. You should prepare quickly. I will help you deal with the Void Beast when the time comes."

Wang Ping'an nodded and didn't ask any more questions. He knew in his heart that his bloodline power had probably reached the emperor level because he could transform into a dragon.

"Well, thank you, Young Master Wang. I will call everyone to a meeting. You go and rest first."

"Ao Dai, take Young Master Wang and the others to rest."

The Elf Queen's frown finally relaxed and she smiled.The beauty of the country.

These days, Alexander, who was full of worries, finally put down her worries after hearing that Wang Ping'an could kill the emperor-level strongman.

No matter how powerful the Void Beast is, with Wang Ping'an's emperor-level combat power, it will definitely not be devoured by the Void Beast. As long as Wang Ping'an is there, the elves will definitely have a chance to rise.


This time, Wang Ping'an was warmly invited by the elves to enter and directly enter the tree houses inside.

Whether it was spiritual fruits or various fine wines and delicacies, they were all taken out to entertain Wang Ping'an and his group.

"Brother An, what did the Elf Queen talk to you about? Why do I feel that her attitude this time is much better than the last time? It's really too enthusiastic now."

Zhao Ziyuan looked at Wang Ping'an, wrinkled her nose, and asked curiously.

"Help the elves kill an enemy, you will know in a few days."

Wang Ping'an did not hide what he was going to do.

"Enemy? A very powerful enemy? It actually requires Prince Wang to take action?"

The mermaid queen was also curious.

The elves have a nine-star strongman, and they even invited Wang Pingan to fight. You can imagine how powerful the enemy is.


Others also looked at Wang Pingan at the first time, with a hint of worry in their eyes.

"Don't worry, this enemy is probably at most as powerful as the ancestor of the flying dragon tribe. There will be no problem. You will see it in a few days."

"It seems to be called the Void Beast, and I haven't seen it either."

Wang Pingan couldn't explain it clearly. Anyway, no one has seen what the Void Beast is, and no one can imagine it even if they are told. It's better to wait and watch the battle together.

"Void Beast?"

"I seem to have heard of it... In the records of the tribe, there seems to be information about the Void Beast, called it a disaster, but I don't remember what else was written. I'll know when I go back."

After hearing the 'Void Beast', Irene of the mermaid tribe suddenly seemed to remember something, frowned, and slowly explained.

The mermaids are also an ancient race, and there must be records of the Void Beast, but no one cares about it, and no one will bother to look up the relevant information.

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