Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1019: Zero machine

"It’s actually her..."

Far away, Li Jiayu’s heart trembled, and she was slightly blushing after the horror. She was extremely respectful of the sister-in-law of Sakura Sakura, after all, a girl in her teens shouldered the burden of defending the Dongji Islands. In order to protect the people of Dongpu and sacrifice many times, and do everything in their power to fight for every benefit for the people, Li Jiayu asked herself, she is absolutely not as great as Sakura Sakura.

However, the fate of people, this world village Sakura Jun has not had time to dominate the East China Sea, Li Jiayu tainted the innocent body, although the red crown is still there, but the pink and delicate little flowers have already been devastated...

It is still a virgin, but the little flowers are no longer innocence, is it not a virgin in the village? Is she considered to be raped?

However, Sakura’s grievances and anger at Li Jiayu can burn the nine heavens. Although it has been half a month since the last incident, the delicate part of Sakura’s Sakura has been hurt for a week, especially It was the first two days, even when I was lying in bed, I felt a tingling sensation. Every night when she went to sleep, she would lose sleep because she remembered that "nightmare"...

Li Jiayu knows so many women, I feel the most sorry is the village of Sakura, but she is so unlucky to meet this woman, and does not say that Sakura Sakura will continue to chase Li Jiayu, even Li Jiayu himself, I don't know what kind of expression to face Sakura Sakura.

"Oh... it’s really troublesome, I’m still going to speed up... Heroes save the United States and shut my ass.”

Li Jiayu shook her head. I want to avoid the village of Sakura, but at this juncture, the Dongpu team and the Vietnamese team have finally handed over to the dragons!

More than sixty dragons, open their wings and roar, like a group of magical dances, covering the sky, a lot of hot dragons, dragon language magic falling from the sky, like a scene of the end of the world.

"Oh, not good!"

The weakest Vietnamese team screamed and they followed the Dongpu team. I thought that I could climb the protector and I could safely sail in the South China Sea. I never thought that Nima’s Dongpu team would attract such a horrible dragon, and this Vietnamese team would suffer!

How weak is the Vietnamese team?

Adding up to 20 people, most of them are the inheritors of the third-level high-level. As for the leader of the lord-level, only Li Hongyun and Qi Zhiming are the only ones, and they are still suffering from minor injuries, even the equipment is not A few decent. At most, there are only five or six lords, and as for the legendary equipment, there are half of them.

Although the two are also proud of the atmosphere of the heavens. However, these two people are obviously the kind of bottom, which is completely incomprehensible with the top figures such as Yang An, Fang Yun, and Sakura Sakura. They say that they are uncomfortable.

Therefore, the Vietnamese team was suddenly attacked by the dragons, and the dragons that fell from the sky suddenly burned the defensive layer. Immediately, there were five or six Vietnamese cockroaches burned to ashes by blazing heat, even at the peak of Vietnam. The generals passed through the sky. The dragon that was also swooped down into the mouth, smashed and died...

"The trough! Where are these dragons coming!"

"Not an opponent, let's escape quickly, how much is the escape, Nima 18 heads of the dragon, even if the old man is a legendary can not beat!"

"Hey brother, Xiaofen, Luosu, and Hu Laotou are burned without bones. You can protect their souls sooner, and sooner they will fly away, they will be completely finished..."

The people of the Vietnamese team are devastated. They screamed in horror. They saw such a terrible squad. They usually saw four or five lord monsters and scared their diapers. Now they face the 18-headed dragon, and they are still in the gold and battle systems. The dragons, this can exceed their tolerance too much, just like an ordinary soldier, surrounded by more than a dozen cannons and tanks.

Compared with the tragic situation of the Vietnamese team, the Dongpu team also did not have a good place to go. In the first battle, there were seven or eight Dongpu inheritors who were turned into coke by the dragon language lightning, even if everyone united to form a yin and yang guardian. The squad was also defeated, and a female creator was pinched by a dragon who swooped and swept, and took it in the air...

"Mom! You are looking for a dead end!"

Dissatisfied with the companion being killed, the Dongpu inheritor named Bo Feng Zuo Ming clenched his teeth, and took a ninja reel and smashed his finger to spread the blood on the paper. One sound:

"Come out! Thank you!"

When the voice just fell, there was a white smoke explosion. It turned out to be a giant orange cockroach that broke through the ground. This cockroach is full of venomous cockroaches. It is not a simple item, not only has the middle-level combat power of the lord, but even Equipped with a very large short knife, it is said that it is from the family of "Zhu Xianren", but also can use some of the celestial techniques, Rui is very powerful.

Summoned the cymbals, the wind and the sound of the sound did not stop, he slammed his eyes, the two blood-red eyeballs in the scorpion burst into a strange demon light, and the three hooks were slowly turning, as if they could stop the time. .

"Mystery. Azure!"

With a loud noise, the strange eyes of the demon burst out of amazing energy, and the virtual air burned a cluster of black flames. It burned to a dragon and completely swallowed it into the black inflammation. ......

On the other hand, Meng Qiluo, who ate the "rubber fruit", was not to be outdone. Zhang Dazuo shouted "Cool Cool Nobel". In a flash, his arms were turned into a shadow, and the fists were like machine guns. I kept slamming back and forth, every fist, my arm would stretch back and forth for a hundred meters, and hundreds of punches would be combined, just like a mountain, and immediately smashed a lord-level dragon!

In addition to these two great masters with special inheritance, there are also many outstanding lord-level inheritors among the Dongpu team. For example, a young man who got the inheritance of "Beidou Shenquan", his face was gloomy, his eyes were cold, his hair was scattered, his fists were as real as he was, and he shot at a lord dragon, and he sighed lowly:

"You're already dead."

There is also the star of the "Knight Fighter Tianma" inheritance, he shouted, and summoned a white sacred dress to wear on himself. I punched out the "Tianma Meteor Fist", but I couldn't hurt the dragon with a bristles. Instead, I was shot into the mud by a dragon and a paw. I was seriously injured and vomiting blood, but he climbed up and shouted "Eruption." "The little universe", the power has climbed three or four times, hey, the Saints are like this. Only when you are vomited and vomiting blood will you come up with real strength.

There is also a primary school student who has gained the inheritance of the "light enabler". I saw that he summoned a tall robot, jumped into the robot, and then manipulated the robot to fly the dragon, so good.

Of course, there is also a primary school student "Kudo Shinichi". Although this product is the lord level, he seems to have no fighting power, that is, his brain is slightly better, and he can help command the war.

Although there are several masters fighting. However, the Dongpu team is still difficult to support, and the village of Sakura is also in a difficult battle, and the four-headed high-ranking dragons are crushed to death, and there is no way to break through.

The four dragons are Lei Guangyi, the dragon, and the golden dragon. The cloud of the dragon, the body of each head is more than 50 meters long, spread the wings can cover half of the sky, the momentum is connected. Even the peak of the lord level should avoid its edge.

In the village, Sakura is in the middle of the scorpion, with a creamy face, a pair of burning phoenix wings extending from the back of the back, and a handful of "Thousand Sakura" long knife in the hand, "瞬" to the Lei Guang wing On the top of the hand dragon, squat down!

"When you are"

With a full blow, he could only open a crack on the top of a behemoth like Lei Guangyi, and couldn’t break it. It’s the same as the other three dragons. The storm...

She turned into a cherry blossom sea, avoiding the shackles, storms, poisonous clouds, but the violent energy still brought her a light wound, making her uncomfortable.


Sakura Sakura is in a hurry, how can she not know that the Dongpu team can't beat this dragon, and she wouldn't want to lead the team to leave the island in the first time?

But looking at the "treasure" into the hands of the dragon, she can be willing to be willing?

Yes, it is the treasure!

Under the huge armor of the "zero machine", there is an incomparable powerful ** that contains incredible biological energy!

What makes the Sakura Sakura even more shocking is...

In the spine of this "Zero Machine" mech, there is still a human being hidden!

A girl named "Ling Bo Li", she is the driver of this "Zero No." mech!

In the exchange of ideas between the genius, Sakura Sakura learned from the mouth of "Ling Bo Li" that the giant mech was exhausted and damaged in the battle. If it can add enough energy to it, give it enough Time to fix, then it will start again!

A "zero machine" is enough to easily punch the mall building with a punch, and it is even more able to smash a cross-sea bridge. This kind of lethality is no less than the legendary powerhouse!

If the Dongpu team can get the "zero machine", then the power of the Dongpu team will inevitably expand several times!

Therefore, Sakura Sakura will be so obsessed with the "Zero Machine" that he has hesitated for a moment, and did not lead the team to avoid the dragon family in the first time...

Obviously, the dragon is also directed at the "zero machine". You don't want to see the dragons are a group of barbaric lizards, but the dragons also like to play alchemy, for the "zero machine" flesh The living body that is perfectly combined with the machinery is naturally full of interest.

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