Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1020: The death of Sakura Sakura

"Don't be self-defeating! Li Hongyun, Zhai Zhiming, first stabilize the situation! At this time you will escape, only let the dragons hide from behind, but also let our defense line collapse..."

Sakura Sakura is tightly wrapped around the four large dragons, but suddenly found that the Vietnamese team underneath turned around and fled, so can you not let Sakura Sakura anger?

To put it bluntly, there are also two masters in Vietnam, plus a dozen of third-level high-level masters, and the Vietnamese team also got an adventure in the South China Sea and got two "magic diamonds". Once thrown, they will skyrocket. The metal giants of a dozen meters high are trying to make a difference, and they are no worse than the lords at the main level.

in other words……

In fact, Vietnam is equivalent to mastering the combat power of the four masters. Such a force is not weak. If the Vietnamese team is willing to resist the battlefield, it will definitely share the great pressure for the Dongpu team. At the very least, at least Vietnam can also entangle four large dragons!

As a result, the coalition forces between Dongpu and Vietnam may not be able to tie in with this dragon... If you are lucky, you may be able to push the dragon back.


The leader of the Vietnamese team, Zhi Zhiming, was screaming and screaming at the same time:

"The lord of the village, I can only say apologize... Maybe your plan is indeed feasible, but our Vietnamese team is weak and can't stand the toss. Every time we die for a third-level companion, we Vietnam is equivalent. A piece of meat, if I and Lao Li also sacrificed in the big battle, then we have no lord-level powerhouse in Vietnam. When it is time, let’s not take a share in the South China Sea. Even our motherland, because no one guards, counts I was killed in the mouth of the insects... Captain of the village, I also ask you to forgive our selfishness... After all, we in Vietnam are better than the masters of you. Moreover, this battle will win, and this 'zero machine' is also yours. The spoils, why should I be your cannon fodder!"

阮志明's words, the heart of the Vietnamese team's heart...

Vietnam. However, it is a small country. Although the population after the end of the catastrophe is still 10 million, the Vietnamese are generally not very good, and there are no particularly qualified inheritors. It is difficult for the inheritors to advance to the third level. . Therefore, every time a three-level Vietnamese inheritor is killed or injured, Vietnam will be as badly wounded as a broken bone.

However, Dongpu is different. Dongpu has a population of more than 20 million after the end of the catastrophe. In the team of Sakura Sakura, there are seven masters, and Sakura Sakura is adhering to the atmosphere. With a legendary weapon, although it is the high-level realm of the lord, the combat power is no less than the peak of the lord!

In other words, the power of Dongpu. Ten times the number of Vietnamese teams!

Vietnam is so weak, naturally it is cautious, like a thin ice, no risk can take it. Nothing dares to swear, it can only be attached to the wings of the big forces. Occasionally I got a bowl of soup to drink...

Countries like Vietnam, which are struggling, are not in the minority, like Laos, the Philippines, Mexico, Egypt, South Africa, and Australia.

On the other hand, some big forces have much more decent scenery. Countries like the United States, India, and the Tian Dynasty have a large number of masters and strong people like clouds. Every day, there are a large number of inheritors whose strength has skyrocketed. Take India, a month and a half ago. The masters of the lord are only a dozen, but today, the strength of the global inheritors has exploded, and India’s lord-level masters have reached as many as fifty or sixty!

As for the Tian dynasty, there is no need to swear. It is just a city in the southern province of China. There are now twelve lords, like the Shanhe province of Yang’an. There are also seven or eight lords (half of which are Yang’s harem. Yang's double-practice method can quickly infuse female inheritors, and Yang An is the first surviving surviving genius in the world; other Dongwu, Sichuan, Shonan, and South Guangdong provinces Youzhou Emperor and Shencheng Modu are also the big provinces with at least five lords!

In other words, the world's strongest national celestial dynasty, twenty or thirty provinces add up, the master of the master level must be more than one hundred!

Therefore, those big countries and large provinces can let go of the Longtan Tiger Cave, and small countries like Vietnam can only survive in the middle of a crack...

"Stupid! You Zhiming, you know, you will also be chased by the dragons when you retire! Once our Dongpu team is defeated by the dragons, they will not let you go... In the vast sea, your flight speed is simply better than Not on these dragons!"

Sakura Sakura is irresistible, and he is arrogant toward Zhai Zhiming, but in such a mouth, the head of the cloud has been attacked by Sakura Jun, who has sneaked into the village, and saw the silvery poisonous cloud rushing toward her. Although the village of Sakura has escaped, the other dragon has come close, taking advantage of her unrelenting slogan, and the thick and thick tail of more than 20 meters is on her delicate body!


When Sakura Sakura was struck by lightning, her body clearly and audibly heard a "squeaky" fracture, and she also spit out a **** pale face. She bit her lip tightly and tried to stabilize her body shape. Once again, seriously fight with the four giant dragons.

It’s just... She just slammed that blow, hurt her strength, and the battle state suddenly fell a lot. The battle that has been seen before and after, naturally becomes more and more difficult, the wound left by the four-headed dragon on her body. More and more...

"This, I don't care, how much the Vietnamese team can escape, oh, the lord of the village, it is really unstoppable, please, you can support it, for us to escape time, grateful!"

Seeing that Sakura Sakura was spurted by the dragons and vomiting blood, Zhai Zhiming was determined to escape. He snorted and threw two golden glittering **** in his hands. These **** swelled rapidly. The deformation, and finally became a dozen meters high, with hands and feet and wings, like the golden Buddha Buddha in the temple.

"let's go!"

Qi Zhiming greeted his companions, and the Vietnamese inheritors followed him to the top of the "Magic King Kong". Immediately, the magical King Kong fanned his wings and flew toward the sky with a bang.

"Damn! The Vietnamese who are afraid of death!"

Sakura Sakura of the village sipped a sigh of relief and screamed at the Vietnam smashing escape. Even the inheritors of Dongpu were roaring, but no matter how embarrassing, they could not recover the battlefield...

Losing the fighting power of Vietnam means that all the firepower of the Dragons is aimed at the Dongpu team, which is the 18th lord. More than fifty three-level dragons, such a battle, and what is the Dongpu team can resist?

"Awful... Now, you can only give up the 'zero machine'. It is the right choice to find a way to lead the team to escape."

Sakura Sakura’s heart was filled with anger. This time, she really lost her wife and lost her soldiers. Not only did she have to give up the "zero machine" of the giant soldier, but she also lost a lot of companions because of the breakout...

However, she worried that it seems to be a little earlier!

Because the dragons pursue a fighting spirit of "the thief first smashes the king", once they free up the manpower. Immediately concentrate most of the firepower to deal with Sakura Sakura!

"Not good! You can hold on to the village!"

The teammates exclaimed that the form at this moment has reached the most dangerous moment, after all, the Dragons suppressed the Dongpu team. There are actually ten lord-level dragons besieging together Sakura Sakura!

Originally, it was a four-headed high-end dragon. It has already smothered her and succumbed to blood. Nowadays, the ten dragons have doubled their pressure. Sakura Sakura is like a ball, and he is flying around. The body is covered with a blood that emits glaze.

At this time, Sakura Sakura does not say that it is a breakout runaway. Whether she can save her life is a very serious problem!


The golden dragon was suspended in the air like a castle. It waved its claws and slammed it on the delicate body of Sakura-mura. As soon as possible, she shot her in abundance, because The energy of the body has collapsed, and one of her shoulders has been shaken off by a huge force!

The legendary weapon "Thousand Sakura" that was tightly held was also unsteady, and fell into the sea when it was empty...

The consciousness of Sakura Sakamura was blurred, and the body was like a broken kite. It flew away toward another dragon. The dragon opened its **** mouth in a timely manner, spitting a stench, joyfully Waiting for Sakura Sakura to sneak into its mouth, so that it can taste the wonderful flesh and blood of this day's proud woman.

"Hey... I am in the village of Sakura, I am not so simple to die!"

Sakura Sakura’s brows trembled. She resisted the pain and suddenly activated the “blood of the phoenix” in her body. In the twinkling of an eye, her body surface burned with a flaming flame, which condensed into a mighty phoenix. !

Sakura Sakura’s body flashes, and it’s already a desperate thought. She knows deeply that this battle may be the end of her life. Since there is no hope for survival, let’s drag a few dragons back. !

"Zuo Ming, Lu Fei! When I use the Phoenix to burn the world, I can defeat half of the dragons... You take this opportunity, run away with your teammates, you can escape one is, rest assured, after decades, I can still Nirvana Reborn..."

"Do not!"

In the shouting of the heartbreaker of the Dongpu inheritor, Sakura Sakura rushed to the dragon with the red blazing phoenix fire, but the dragon was not a fool, and would not wait for it. You are coming to explode.

For a moment, all the ten dragons were scattered in different directions, hiding far away, and Sakura Sakura’s mouth was smeared with a smug smile, only listening to the "bang", the infinite flames came out. Burning half of the sky, Zhu Hongruxia...

This power is quite large. Although the dragons have escaped, there are still a few relatively weak dragons that have been shaken back and forth, and the chest is like a few blows.


The dragons gave out the joyful dragon humming sound. They finally defeated one of the most promising women in the human camp in the village of Sakura, and if they returned to the dragon world, they could report their achievements and let the dragon kings open their hearts.

at this time……

Sakura Sakura's exhausted energy body did not explode, but her blood burned more than half, and she had already broken her breath. It was no different from death. Her body plunged from the air to the sea. under.

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