Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1170: Defeat, Yang An Heritage

The reason why the black jade can ride the end of the world, the world is almost no more rivals, this is all thanks to her violent dark summoning.

Especially when she was in the peak state, once she was besieged by many people to stimulate her strong willingness to survive, she could even summon five legendary high-order summoned beasts at the same time, and the lethality was amazing, even Yang An would have to avoid it. The edge does not dare to pick up.

And the Dark Summoning is still her natal talent. She is born to be able to perfectly control the Dark Summoning Beast. In many cases, she can not only use the "shifting flowers" to temporarily borrow the body and organ ability of the summoning beast, even she can share with the summoning beast. Life, summoning the beast, she will not die, so she can save her life under the siege of hundreds of powerful enemies.

More critical is...

After getting rid of the control of fate and smashing Yang An, Li Jiayu finally got his wish, and there was a hearty pleasure in the depths of his mind. The grievances of the accumulated anger were completely vented, and the thoughts were unobstructed, and the state of mind once again had a qualitative leap. Spiritual strength will once again skyrocket.

If she can stabilize, she only needs a little time, she can use the rising spirit to stimulate the realm, let her rise to the next level, to reach the full legendary peak, even if summoning the five legendary peaks at the same time The summoning beast is not difficult. If there is a chance to return to the previous battle, Yang An, he will be able to beat him to find his teeth.

but now……

All of this has become a luxury, Li Jiayu who lost the dark summoning, she will no longer have the capital to dominate the world.

Although there is still a vast amount of spiritual power...

But mental power can't be eaten as if you have stored 100,000 bullets and thousands of rockets. However, you don't have pistols and rocket launchers, so your bullets will become furnishings, and it is difficult to really threaten the enemy.

Li Jiayu is stunned. When the brain banged, it exploded. I only felt that the blood was flowing back, and I almost fell to the ground because of the strong shock.

"My summoning technique... How can I not think of it... No, it must be wrong, calm down, I am absolutely impossible to forget the summoning spell, it must be that my hand is too excited I can't think of it... take a deep breath. Calm, friends in the distant time and space, please listen to my call. Concrete and visible, come to this world, fight for me!"

Li Jiayu trembled with white lips, and some of the nerves sang a spell. At the same time, hold the heart of Yang An in one hand. The other hand was printed with one hand, but she still didn't feel the one-and-a-half-and-a-half summoning rule, and couldn't get in touch with the summoned beasts of other time and space!

"In the end, what went wrong... How can one of my summoning techniques be lost? Is it still a nightmare?"

Li Jiayu only feels that the whole body is cold. She really can't accept the insignificant heavy blow of losing the summoning technique. Because this dark summoning technique, she has been suffering for four years, and has suffered countless sufferings before she cultivates Mahayana. This is better than her. The life is even more important!

However, this world will always follow the principle of equivalent exchange.

Want to break the imprisonment and control of fate. This should be a great price, and for Black Jay. The most important thing is her summoning in addition to her soul. Her soul has been burned once, so she can no longer exchange it. Her body is the fruit of the world tree, and the last time she also had a breast. The same can't be done anymore, the fate of the balance can not move her **** to make her hips more tilted...

Therefore, the fate of the balance can only deprive her of the summoning technique, and the serious damage to her spiritual power, so that her vast and majestic spirit quickly passed away...

Black Jiayu did not realize that her mental power began to pass, nor did she expect that she would return to the ordinary in the near future. At this moment, all her attention was attracted by the lost summoning technique.


The fate of the balance floated on Li Jiayu's chest, shining with the milky white light, covering her spring color gracefully, because her clothes buckle has been untied, plus the big movement just now, her pair is full and full. The snow-capped peaks have already broken the shackles of clothing, completely exposed to the air, against the pure black cheongsam, the sheep's fat slippery jade swaying a white snowy **** skin.

Unfortunately, Yang An, as a party, has no chance to feast on her eyes...

"Destiny balance! It must be your ghost!"

Li Jiayu was so angry that her cheeks were dizzy, and she caught the branches of the fate of the fate in one hand and pinched it to her own eyes.

"You have finished! I will return the summoning to me! I am willing to exchange with other conditions. Even if you make my chest bigger, I will not have any complaints. No, even if you take my half. The body is also made, but in any case, you can't take my summoning! Never!"

Suddenly, the fate of the balance seems to understand Li Jiayu's words, even gave her a reply, and in her mind, a sound of no emotion:

"The equivalent exchange is irreversible... If you feel uncomfortable, then you can choose to go back a minute ago, I will no longer interfere with you, will not take your dark summoning, and will not let you recover. Memory gets rid of brainwashing control... But, you will be greeted by the man who can't get out of bed, you, really, will you?"

Li Jiayu heard the words, could not help but have a cold, then she was fried again, roaring:

"I am willing to have a fart! You have a dog and egg thing. I only know that I am pitted all day. Wu Tengyun, that time, you have made my chest so big. This time you deprived me of strength. I am **** and keeping you by my side. What to do! You roll, how far is it to go to me!"

Li Jiayu, who was in a desperate situation, couldn’t listen to any advice at all. She didn’t want to think about it. If it wasn’t because of the fate of the balance, at this moment she had already been under Yang’an’s sorrow, and where could the wind and the wind blow up Yang’an’s Chicken neck, pinch his heart?


Under the anger, Li Jiayu, who had a grumpy temper, gave the fate of the balance to the scorpion, and the strength was great. Even the fate of the fate was thrown into the wall, and a big hole was sag!

"That's worth it!!! You deprived me of the summoning technique. I can't re-cultivate it. I can't do it. I switch to dark soul technique, dark blood magic! As long as I have this kind of spiritual strength, I can still win the peak of strength. The whole world!!"

Li Jiayu said that the more excited, a pair of scorpions exudes bloodthirsty and violent glory, she glanced angrily at the hands of Yang An, but saw that he had long been unconscious, like a dead dog, Where is the fascination of "Long Aotian"?

"Yang An, can't help with this painful heart? Oh. Then I break your arms and see if you will be awakened, or you will fall into a deeper coma!"

Li Jiayu looked at Yang An. I found a vent and slammed it on Yang An’s shoulder, tearing one of his arms down! !

Yang An’s arm is so dirty that she doesn’t know how many women’s bodies are touched. Li Jiayu thought that this dog hybrid had touched her beloved Xiao Qingqing in her life. I also touched Bai Jiayu. She had just touched her chest through the cheongsam. She planned to tear Yang’s “dog claws” down and then pinch it!

But when she wants to tear it, it’s like tearing off Yang’s stick...


On the top of Li Jiayu's head, there was a crack in time and space without warning. From the inside, a huge suction was projected. It seems that Yang An and Li Jiayu should be sucked in at the same time!

This is the obstruction of fate!

Destiny can not let Li Jiayu kill Yang An!

Even if it is cross-border to obstruct. Destiny is not hesitating, it is impossible to watch the son of fate being killed by Li Jiayu!

Li Jiayu suddenly felt dizzy. Even if she lifted the spirit of the legendary peak to stop it, it would not help, she could not resist the pressure of destiny. After all, the level difference between the two is too much...

If there is no more variable, then Li Jiayu will definitely be sucked into the crack of the space and fall into the hands of destiny again...

Fortunately, the "Destiny Balance" that was abandoned by Li Jiayu at the critical moment suddenly violently exploded. It also projected a colorful radiance, solemn and heavy, covering the body of Black Jiayu, resisting the **** of fate!

In an instant, Li Jiayu’s consciousness was sober, she was glaring and stunned, and screamed and screamed:

"The fate of the shit!! Actually dare to harm me, well, I will destroy the son of your most beloved destiny, everyone will go to **** together!!!"

After finishing the conversation, Li Jiayu turned his heart into a heart, and his palm suddenly turned hard. He slammed the blood and splashed. Her hand was also drawn from Yang’s chest, but she saw her palm and held one tightly. Still in the heart of jiliè beating!

Li Jiayu dug out Yang's heart! !

In an instant, the coma of Yang An lost his breath, his face was gray, and it seemed to be completely dead. The blood red hole in the chest was lost due to the loss of the heart, and the broken blood vessels and bloodshots were pulled out of the body surface. Especially disgusting and scary...

"call out"

At this moment, the opposite space crack has a greater appeal. The fate seems to be really anxious. It is no longer pondering the broken fate of the balance, but the black jade, but the 100,000 hurriedly sucked Yang. In the crack, I urgently want to treat him...

In a second of time, the cracks in the space and time of fate disappeared with the body of Yang An.

Everything, return to calm.

As if nothing has happened...

Only Li Jiayu's body is covered with blood, holding the heart, and the chest is smashing, which proves that there has been a major event that has changed the world.

"Wang Ba Gu! Actually took Yang An's body away!! Hey, but even if you can cure Yang An, he was stunned by me and I was cut off, I have already left a psychological shadow, see you next time. When I arrive, he will inevitably be scared to the bottom! At that time, he is being frustrated!"

Li Jiayu screamed and screamed, and hated the fate. Everything was counted, and she couldn’t think that her fate would actually appear in such a short period of time to interfere with her... so that everything fell short!

Just a small step, she can completely kill Yang An... Unfortunately, it is a pity!

"Yang, your heart is just like you, full of dirty and lustful, and it’s so restless in my palm... I don’t want to blast your heart!”

Li Jiayu sneered, throwing Yang's heart on the ground with one hand, and then she lifted her foot and stepped it into mud.

However, the fate of the opposite fate is no more idle...


The crisp metal sounds, Yang's heart is like a life, and the "唰" is in the blink of an eye, flying into the fate of the balance, absorbed by the fate of the balance!

Seeing that the heart of the great enemy was taken away by the fate of the fate, Li Jiayu did not fight one thing, and drunk in disguise:

"Looking for death! Even if you are a destiny balance, a legendary artifact, you are not qualified to take my spoils, see I will not break you!"

Just as Li Jiayu wanted to take up the mental power and condense the dark lightning ball to blow up the fate of the balance, suddenly, the fate of the balance trembled a few times, and then it spurred two rays, projecting to Li Jiayu. On her body, she shrouded her.

When he was jealous, Hei Jiayu took a nap, feeling like a cold, and there was a kind of disgusting and disgusting feeling in the depths of his heart!

"What did you do to me again!"

Li Jiayu did not lead the fate of the balance, even if the fate of Tianping helped her, she would save her from the fate of her fate. She did not have to forgive the meaning of the fate of fate, but remembered that the fate of Tianping took away. She summoned the technique and took away the heart of Yang An.

"As an equivalent exchange... I, extract the ability in the man's heart and pass it on to you..."

"Hey, is the power of Yang's heart? Is it the power of the dark fruit? Or is it his four heritages, or is his strong luck?"

"No... it's his 'flowery aura' and 'brain ring'... The creatures that are in close contact with you will fall under your 'flowery aura' and be weakened by the 'brain ring'. IQ..."

"Ah! Who wants that kind of **** halo! I don't want to! Take it back!"

"Equivalent exchange will be irreversible once it is carried out... If you are willing to go back two minutes ago, the man took off your button."

"Mixed stuff!"

Li Jiayu was almost suffocated by the fate of the fate of the fate, this goods, Nima is really good at making claims, where is her rare idiots, if the man has a "flowers aura" is better, after all, can be a great disaster A lot of sisters, a girl can make their own self-dedication, but she, she is now more **** than Bai Jiayu, ordinary people will be fascinated when she sees her, if she adds a "flowers aura", she I can't really imagine what will happen!


At this moment, the female elf who was slammed into the room and hit the wall and softly coughed and woke up. She opened the fascinating gem, biting her teeth, and wanted to climb up and save her good apprentice again. Yang An.

But when she looked up and saw Li Jiayu's moment...

She is still stunned! (To be continued...)

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