Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1171: The last winner?

The eyes of the female elf chiefs became blurred at the moment, and a pair of beautiful eyes seemed to be full of water stains, and a deep soft light was shining under the glory.

She looked at Li Jiayu's sight and was ashamed, and she also had a worry about her suffering and loss. She lived like a pure girl who was captured.


She is in the middle of the arrow.

Her heart was filled with the arrow of love by Cupid, and it was already difficult to extricately like Li Jiayu. The figure of Li Jiayu was completely imprinted into her soul and became an indispensable part of her. At this moment, her eyes only contained her. I have Li Jiayu alone.

Most of the female elves are like water and cold, and they rarely like humans...

However, don't forget the terrible degree of "Fantasy Aura". Yang An is able to conquer hundreds of female elves by relying on the "flowers aura", and now Li Jiayu inherited the "flowers aura" in her Under the blessing of the country's appearance and infinite charm, her "flowers aura" is enough to increase the killing power by ten times. Men and women will kill, even those who are determined to be strong will still be fascinated.

Moreover, the elf female patriarch has been affected by Yang An’s “Flower Aura of Light” for more than a month. It has been assimilated by the “Flower Aura” in strict subtleties. Strictly speaking, she does not like Yang An, but the brain is aura. Therefore, she has now completely transferred the feelings of Yang An to the black jade.

"Hey? Why are you looking at me like this?"

Black Jiayu's eyebrows stunned, and some disgustedly glanced at the elf female chief. In her opinion, this female patriarch was Yang's Ji Yun, that is an unclean woman, and she must have been surrendered by Yang An. Under the root of the dragon, the land is the slave of Yang's sire.

For Yang An's woman. Black Jiayu has always been polite, and it doesn't matter if it kills and blasts, but she feels very strange now...

The female patriarch also yelled at her to kill and save Yang An, but why she woke up and looked at her with affection, and she was still shy and squeezing.

"Is it because of the affair of the flower idiot?" Hey, it seems that Yang's women are all smashing goods, and they are guilty of making flowers, not a good thing!"

Black Jiayu thought of a turn, but also thought of the answer. In all fairness, the elf female patriarch is really charming and charming, saying that her national color is not too much, even if compared with Xiao Qingqing is not inferior, it is no wonder that Yang An would be so obsessed with this female elf.

but. The beautiful woman is also in the eyes of the black jade, but her heart is only Xiao Xiaoqing, and other people can't enter her eyes.

"Jiayu adults, I am really sorry... I, I seem to have had a nightmare, I actually watched Yang An hold you into the room and violently... I..." The female chief put away the bow and arrow, red The face is arbitrarily explained to Li Jiayu, and now there is still a shadow of Yang An in the heart of the female patriarch?

"Do not talk nonsense. I have no time to listen to your nonsense!"

Li Jiayu rudely interrupted the interpretation of the female patriarch, and said:

"The reason why you leave your life is because you still have a little use of value... Hey, Yang An’s goods are ruthless. But they are both loyal to each other, and they are willing to risk their lives. Do not hesitate... very good, if one day Yang An still dares to come back, you are my hostage prisoner. I don’t mean Yang An’s self-investment!”

At the end of the day, Li Jiayu’s lips rose. Bringing a cruel smile, she came cruel and ruthless, and her heart was full of temper and darkness. She was willing to do something more despicable for her, as long as she could kill Yang An.

The elf female patriarch bowed her head and did not dare to scream. She only felt that even if Li Jiayu was a prisoner, she had no resentment. As long as she could stay with Li Jiayu, she would be satisfied with seeing Jiayu every day. This is the highest level of "flower idiot". Realm, reverse to accept!

"The urgent task now should be to conquer the city of the sky... Oh, Yang Anzhen, Yang An, you can't think of losing your wife and folding soldiers. The South China Sea Treasure attracted so many people to watch, and ultimately it was not in my hands... Sure enough, the sentence is true. If people are unlucky enough to reach the limit, they will definitely come to work..."

Li Jiayu muttered to herself, and the smile at the corner of her mouth suddenly became smug. The mood was so good. She swept her eyes on the female patriarch and said coldly:

"Take me to the control room... I want the city of the sky to recognize me as the Lord!"


Where the female patriarch refused, Li Jiayu immediately led the room out. When the two went out, hundreds of female elves were waiting for them. They were still whispering, and the lobby on the top floor was slightly noisy. Suddenly, here it became silent, leaving a heartbeat in the shock, and they all turned their eyes on Li Jiayu as if they were magical, and they would not move away in an instant. ......

These female elves, like the female patriarchs, are influenced by the "flowers and auras" and love black jade...

It took Yang An a month to soak in them, but Li Jiayu only took a second to fully capture their hearts. If Li Jiayu wants them to die, they will never frown!

However, Li Jiayu did not pay attention to the gang of female elves, even if they each had a lord-level combat power, Li Jiayu also dismissed them.


Li Jiayu already owns the city of the sky. In front of the city of the sky, hundreds of lord-level combat power is just a joke!

Soon, Li Jiayu went to the lowermost control center of the palace. She couldn't wait to communicate with the ball of light and sent her own blood to make the ball merge her genes and recognize her.

Everything progressed very quickly. In just a few minutes, Black Jiayu became the new owner of the city of the sky, and the city of the sky was trembled with rumbling, and the high-rise buildings were brightly lit and dazzling.

Looking outside, the more shocking visual impact will happen immediately, but see the sky city connected with the bottom layer, even in the violent shaking, the time flies, the dust, the rock, the mighty energy Flying in the sky!

This "big **** soldier", which is half the size of a sheep city, is finally going to return to the blue sky. It is destined to become the sky hegemon!

Li Jiayu left the control center and ran outside the palace. She greeted the wind and watched the magnificent city that restored the energy and magnificence. She also looked down at the increasingly distant soil below...

She suddenly laughed.

"Hey, how did you lose the summoning of the darkness... I still got the city of the sky, captured hundreds of female elves, and the world still trembles under my feet!"

"I, the Dark Summoner Li Jiayu... is the real winner, only I can laugh at the end!"

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