Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1211: Temporary residence here

Under normal circumstances, if you suddenly have a beautiful fairy in your home, and you are still drunk and have no resistance, then what do you do?

There are tens of thousands of answers for all kinds of people, or they are eager to go to the sky, or be careful not to offend, or take photos to the Internet, or dream of how to live happily with her...

But unfortunately, no matter which answer is meaningless to Lin Jia, because he is not a fairy, but a very difficult and hot potato, you dare to take advantage of her, she does not kill you alive. Moreover, the current Li Jiayu is still young, and has not released too much female charm.

"Oh, trouble, she is soaked, if she doesn't wipe it clean, I am afraid that it will catch cold... Although she is a kung fu, but it is always a girl... I can't watch the big broiler look like this. Ok..."

Although very jealous of Li Jiayu's force, Lin Jia still bravely ran back to the room, took a brand new towel that had never been used, and then smeared her hair to Li Jiayu. Her hair was excellent and she didn't swear at all. It feels so good, just like stroking a nice silky silk.

When Lin Jia put down the towel, her eyes were straightened, because Li Jiayu, who dries her hair, looked more cute and lovely. The slightly moist and fluffy hair was matched with the flawless face. It was called a watery sprout. Hey, Lin Jia subconsciously wants to find a mobile phone.

"If this is to take a photo and send it online... I don't know how many loli will control the bleeding... Oh, no. Still, it will definitely cause trouble for her..."

Lin Jia shook her head and forced her to take the urge to take pictures of her. She turned her gaze to her body, and she still wore the black and red battle tights with a lot of water stains on it, which was wet and slippery.

How should this be done...

I can’t take off her clothes, and I won’t say that she will be killed afterwards. It’s the high-end atmosphere of this dress that has smashed Lin Jiazhen, what is Nima’s? High-tech clothes. The styling is too sci-fi, and Lin Jia doesn't know how to unlock it.

Just as Lin Jia was in a dilemma, the dress suddenly spurted out the white smoke. Immediately, it was like ice and snow melting, turned into liquid pure water, flowing from Li Jiayu to the ground, and actually formed a large water stain. Almost the whole kitchen was wet.

"The trough..."

Lin Jia looked silly again. Nima, what clothes are there, how can they disappear into pure water at once? Is the dress made with ice? This **** is too high-tech, right? Is this little girl from the future high-tech world?

In fact, the main reason is that this set of clothes has reached the limit, the energy is completely exhausted. After all, the black Jiayu and Bai Jiayu teamed up against several legendary peaks of the worm mother, playing the groundbreaking space, and the clothes she wore on her body. It has also been affected, so after the black jade came to this parallel world, the dress has been flowing slowly like a liquid.

Plus, Li Jiayu was drenched again. After drinking the wine, the consciousness disappeared completely, so this dress did not have Li Jiayu's mental resonance. It finally collapsed, it reverted to its original form, and slowly repaired itself...

Since there is no energy blessing, the self-repair time of this suit will be very long and long, half a month short and half a year long...

But what to say, this set of clothes is also the high-tech crystallization of the city of the sky, even if it can only play 1% of the effect after the collapse, but it also bursts all the body armor of the world, even if it is bombed with a cannon, it may not Wounded Li Jiayu...

However, these latter words are not important at this stage. What is important is that Lin Jia has seen his eyes straighten, because Li Jiayu, who has no combat suits at this time, is cool and can only have a black safety pants and two pieces of milk. paste……

The dim candle shines on her jade-like skin, and it shines brightly and radiantly. The small face of the glittering snow is also coated with a touch of golden light, which makes it more beautiful.

Lin Jia only felt that he was "banging" his brain and thundering, and the lower abdomen also set off a hot heat. If he could, he would rather hope to reach out and carefully touch the broken skin. Feel the temperature of her body, then take off the two insidious nipples...

However, this kind of ** is just a moment and disappears. Lin Jia is not a good man, but he is also a good young man. He will not make such a slap in the face. He coughed and turned his head.

"It’s just beginning to develop... It’s only a little bit, it’s not as good as Xiaolongbao. This age is about the sixth grade of primary school. Oh, it’s a headache. You’re so drunk in my house, now even the clothes are gone. If you wake up, don't worry, I am a stripper."

What should I do now?

Do you really want her to stay at home for one night?

But what will be the nightmare of welcoming Lin Jia after she wakes up tomorrow?

Lin Jia sighed...

Now, she can only let her stay at home for a night, otherwise she can go where I am drunk, and there is so much rain outside, Lin Jia can't take her from the second floor window. , then it is too hot to destroy the flowers...

Lin Jia stretched out her hand and wanted to hold Li Jiayu lying on the ground, but when she saw her pure and moving face, he had some scalp numb, and there was a strange feeling in his heart.

He thought about it and ran back to the room to get a clean blanket wrapped in Li Jiayu. By the interval of the blanket, Lin Jia dared to take her from the ground to his room...

Carefully placed Li Jiayu on the soft bed, Lin Jia squatted down and couldn't help but stare at her face. Then the face of the tender Loli can be so thrilling, and where did she grow up?

This face is really not too greasy, three hundred and sixty degrees without dead ends, no matter how you look, it is so tempting, people look and want to see...

Lin Jiashi couldn't help it anymore. He wanted to condense this scene into eternity. Under the heart, he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and took a picture toward Li Jiayu's face.

At this time, Li Jiayu, who was lying in bed, suddenly raised his waist and opened his mouth and vomited toward the bed. He also had a slightly bitter taste.

Lin Jia's reaction was not fast enough. He didn't have time to escape. On the spot, he was spit with Li Jiayu. Even his mobile phone screen was hung with some greasy and chewed shredded pork...

"Ah, don't bring this..."

Lin Jia rolled her eyes and shook her clothes quite helplessly. Li Jiayu, who looked at her face and looked at her if she had nothing to do, shook her head and sighed:

"You can get rid of it when you spit it out. I have to take a shower. Hey, why are you so guilty..." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!

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