Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1212: gaming strategy

Lin Jia went to take a bath and bathed in warm hot water. He was full of foamy hair, but his mind was chaotic. So I still think that everything that happened just now is a dream. Literature wxba

"How can there be such a magical girl in the world that a chopstick is inserted into the wall, and it is more powerful than what it means..."

“Does she come from the cultivation of civilization or from the future high-tech era?”

"This chick is not chosen, how can I choose my family? Is she a gift from God, so that I can get out of the single body as soon as possible? But such a child is simply not suitable for being a girlfriend..."

"How can her eyes be blood red? The eyes are still cold and scary. What kind of past does she have? Is it a driver of the future era, or is it a small lord of a certain sect in the world of comprehension?"

"In this society, it is impossible to cultivate such a wonderful girl? How did she get through it? Is it because the thunder was defeated by the Thunder, or when it was driving up, it broke into the black hole? But the amount of her drink is too low. Well, isn’t it true that the comprehensible can push the wine out of the body...”

A series of thoughts passed through Lin Jia’s mind. Unconsciously, he had already showered. After putting on his clothes, he went out of the bathroom, but he saw that the table was still messed with a bowl of dishes, and the ground was full. Pure water.

Although Lin Jia is not a good man at home, but living independently for five or six years, I also know that the family must be cleaned up as soon as possible, but when he wants to clean up the dishes, he finds that the ground water is slowly surge.

Just like there is a kind of suction, the water stains on the beach are rolling toward the largest beach water stain in the center. The water drops are shining like pearls under the candlelight. A few breaths of time, these water stains are completely condensed into a ball. It turned into a water-sized water mass.

The water mass is crystal clear and looks heavy. The water on the surface is still sloping down, but it will quickly return to the water mass after it slips slowly. It looks quite strange and completely breaks the physical laws of the earth.

"It's too high-tech... How did it do it? It's the same as the liquid robot in Terminator 2, 20 or 30 years ago... I don't know if it can change back to her clothes tomorrow. , the amount, even if it can be changed back, it doesn't make sense. She can't usually wear that style of clothes in the city."

Lin Jia touched the water polo before. I only feel that it is slippery, greasy and cool, and I can’t tell you how comfortable it is.

"Hey, this magical water polo that breaks the laws of physics, if you take the auction, it will definitely cause madness. Selling 10 million, 100 million is not difficult. After all, this is unique. There is no place in the world." Water can automatically condense into a dumpling..."

Of course, this is just a boring illusion. Lin Jia has not had the guts to take this incredible water group as his own. This is also the clothes of the mysterious little girl. Who knows how many mysterious things are hidden inside, in case it also has The spirit of the genius recognizes the main function is terrible. If other people dare to move it, it may be countered by it...

Although this is ridiculous and grotesque, but the saying goes that it is not credible, there is no way to believe it. Anyway, Lin Jia is not going to touch it anymore. Just keep it lying on the ground, wait until the little girl wakes up and deal with it.

Lin Jia is exposed to too many comics, novels, and games, so she will be too imaginative and always make up for something that is not practical. Popularly speaking, he just thinks too much...

Go back to the room. Lin Jia re-ordered a candle on the table to make the light better, and complained:

"This **** ghost weather, the rain that rained outside gave me a blackout..."

If there is no power outage, you can turn on the fluorescent light and slowly appreciate her face...

But then again, she is also very beautiful under the candlelight, such as the elf under the moon, the sleeping face is still drunk with blush, Lin Jia looked and found that she had some greasy residual vomiting .

I took some sanitary napkins and wiped the corners of her mouth. Lin Jia’s breathing was a bit heavy. After all, she would smell the fragrant fragrance when she approached her, which made Lin Jia, who had not much love experience, nervous. The face was slightly reddened.

Looking at her slightly dry lips, Lin Jia quickly went to pick up a glass of water, and then she lifted it up slightly, gently pinching her chin and letting her open her mouth, so that she could fill her with some water, so that Her stomach is a little more comfortable.

After doing all this, Lin Jiacai took two steps back and panted, saying to himself:

"Can't watch more... If you look at me, I can't help but become a loli control. Mom, such a small girl, I can't help her even if she is so mad..."

Wiping the hot sweat on his forehead, Lin Jia put a blanket on Li Jiayu, sitting quietly on the computer chair next to him, his eyes immersed in ignorance...

Not long after, the house suddenly miraculously called, the lights resumed, and the time was as bright as the day, and Lin Jia also cheered with joy.

Ghosts made the difference, Lin Jia opened the notebook on the computer desk, and entered a line in Baidu:

"How to get along with the newly developed girl."

Lin Jiaping was also very talkative. He handled the interpersonal relationship with ease and was able to eat well in the university. However, he had no experience in dealing with children, let alone how to marry children, especially girls.

However, the results of Baidu are not so satisfied with Lin Jia, those are all nonsense, such as talking with them about toys, talking about school, talking about anime, talking about early love, chatting and eating, there is no technical content, and Lin Jia thinks It’s still very difficult to get along with Li Jiayu...

"I'm so bored... How can I search for this kind of thing... but now I have nothing to do, but I can search for something boring..."

Lin Jia slammed the keyboard and searched Baidu for "What should I do if my family came across a beautiful woman Loli?"

Lin Jia found a lot of answers, but most of them are novel fragments or some of Loli's self-fantasy, no nutrition, Lin Jia layer screening, suddenly bright.

"You need to use your gentleness to resolve her alert. She may have a tendency to be violent. She often beats you with a bruise and loses a lot of health. But every loli is cold and hot, as long as she pokes her heart, you can Catch her weaknesses and use this as a breakthrough to develop a good relationship with her..."

"When you get her a good value, you must always do something for her, take her to the shopping, take her to the concert, take her to buy beautiful clothes, and better go to her school to visit her... At home, I can do something embarrassing with her occasionally. Of course, you want her to treat you as a good brother..."

"Long-term training, she is yours..."

"When her good value reaches 90%, you can go to the task publisher to submit the task, and then pass the customs..."

Amount, etc...

Get through the customs?

Mission issuer?

Lin Jia suddenly looked dumbfounded, and Nima is clearly a strategy to develop a game of love!

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