Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1305: Zerg Zerg!

Today, I really broke a lot of news. I learned a lot about Li Jiayu from Lin Jiazui.

The beauty reporter is thinking about it with great enthusiasm. The first-hand information that is so explosive is definitely a great achievement after returning to the TV station. Once reported, it is not a sensation in the country!

As a result, her career will also be further improved, and her popularity will be greatly improved. Even if she wins the annual journalist award, it is not impossible...

However, the beauty reporter is obviously not satisfied, she also wants to dig more material!

"Lin, did your cousin really come from a family of martial arts? That should only exist in the third-rate novels. According to human science... what is really good inside, what is the exaggeration?"

Lin Jia’s mysterious smile, standing with his hands, revealing a meaningful expression, not ill:

"In this world, there are too many unsolved mysteries. If you don't know, does it mean that there is no such thing? Just like a year ago, when the fairy did not come, who would believe that there is a fairy in this world? Who else? I believe that there are hundreds of meters of black dragons in the world. Didn’t the American side learn enough lessons? How many military ports were destroyed? How many towns were ravaged by black dragons? How many fighters were smashed by black dragons and claws? ?"

"Oh..." The beauty reporter was suddenly picked up and had nothing to say.

"So, never look at the world with common sense... Don't forget, some people have traveled to the outside world some time ago, and they are also broadcast live on the Internet... So, it is not surprising that the internal martial arts are now, and the Chinese heritage. Five thousand years, who can guarantee that there is no unknown power in the world..." Lin Jia suddenly dressed up as a **** stick.

The beauty reporter turned to the side and looked at the cameraman silently, and took a deep breath to look back. Lin Jia said with a smile:

"Lin classmates are right... There are too many unsolved mysteries in this world, it is difficult for us to find out... Lin, your cousin's internal strength is so deep, then you..."

Lin Jia puts a hand in his hand: "I am just an ordinary person. Even playing basketball will be like a dog. Where do you know what internal power is... I hope that my cousin can pass me a half-style, hehe."

The beauty reporter glanced at Li Jiayu, who was still gorging, and said: "I hope it can be, I believe that one day, one day, your cousin will make some internal exercises clear to the public... By then, all China will pick up A new style of martial arts, once China has a style of martial arts, it is the arrival of the era of the sublimation of the quality and spirit of the whole people, sweeping the rotten color!"

"Yes, I also believe... cough, but my cousin is still young. Maybe I have to wait for ten years and eight years to wait for her to open up..."

Lin Jiaxin is thinking inside, Li Jiayu is a natural power, where is there a fart in the heart to teach others?

Therefore, Li Jiayu is not expecting the embarrassment, but he should count on him to count on Lin Jia. When he is vindictive, he will naturally create an era of vindictiveness and point the earth to cultivate vindictiveness. At that time, Laozi is a real emperor, wow hahahaha!

"In any case, Mr. Lin's cousin still surprises us... with the beauty of flowers, the food in the black hole, and the instinct of the bottomless... I believe she will be a new generation. National idol, if you can, I hope that Mr. Lin can give her more ideological work and let her go to the provincial TV station for further interviews..."

"I will, no problem."

"Mr. Lin. There will be some more gossip questions... Well, this is the case. You know, how many martial arts families still exist today? It is said that those masters who have achieved great success can live to be over one hundred years old. ,is this real?"

"How many martial arts family I really don't know... However, as far as I know, it is not difficult to practice martial arts. It is difficult to train infuriating... So today, in this society of materialistic and air pollution, there is no truth. Several people can practice infuriating, which is why Li Bobo and cousin ran to the Antarctic continent, because it is extremely close to nature, the environment is bad and there is no pollution at all... It is more suitable for quenching infuriating... Of course, they want The practice is the highest infuriating, it is said that the low-grade infuriating, can also be practiced in the deep forests of the old forest... In fact, it must be said that the martial arts family has long since ceased to exist. According to Li Bobo, the real understanding is true. The qi people, including some overseas Chinese, are no more than 20 people... oh, of course, it’s not a problem to live up to a hundred years old. After all, the physical quality is so good, as long as you don’t have to eat, it’s not Possibly, didn't you see that my cousin had already eaten 30 people's meals? The deeper the internal gas, the more horrible the appetite... Haha, the foodies, want to maintain a perfect body and want to let go of their appetite. eat, You will be connected to the internal force of it! "

As a third-rate network writer, Lin Jia is still a one-on-one. It’s half-truthful, and it’s fascinating to see a beautiful reporter. If Li Jiayu really opens a gas training class, only I am afraid that this female reporter will really want to go to the corner.

"It turns out that... Then, the next question is the second gossip. It is said that some families with a long history like to give privately to the younger generations to marry... I don’t know if this kind of dog blood will appear on your cousin... ...or, when your uncle Li Bobo is on the Antarctic continent, in addition to carrying his daughter, is there any other young guy, um, that is your cousin's childhood..."

The voice of the beauty reporter has not fallen, and hundreds of onlookers around the crowd have all erected their ears. They all played a 12-point spirit and listened carefully.

"H, rest assured... Li Bobo is very open-minded, how can he find uncomfortable for Jiayu's sister, what is the untiring fingertips for marriage, please, now it is 21st century, and people from other martial arts know how to be Yeah, let's go! What's more... Do you think that someone in this world can deserve my cousin? Who is better than appearance? Who can admit that she can make a pair of golden boy and girl with her? Then take her a punch? Even if she is driving a tank to fight with her, she can still empty the tank and take you out of the tank and punch it. She is a human figure up to the wood! Well, of course. ...... If you have to compare with my cousin than IQ, then I can't help it. She is famous for her natural stay, small confusion, everything likes to use violence to solve, and does not like to use her brains..."

Lin Jia’s occasional little humor suddenly aroused everyone’s smile, and the beauty reporter said:

"Lin Jia, you have to look at your cousin, although there are very few men who are worthy of your cousin... But, love is really hard to say, maybe your cousin will be there one day. Lucky people chased their hands... Hey, you see, in the crowd of the crowd, almost all the college boys look at your cousin’s eyes are weird... I believe that more than 90% of the people have a few Stunning and admiring heart... Giggle, you, will soon become a national scorpion, there will be countless people coming to call you big scorpion in the future."

The beauty journalist’s voice just fell, and the surrounding onlookers seemed to have made an appointment. They shouted at Lin Jia’s tacit understanding:

"Big scorpion! Big scorpion! Your cousin will give me care!"

The momentum is like a huge wave, a snowy landslide...

However, Lin Jia’s face is dark...

I’m next door!

A group of animals, Jiayu sister is Laozi, Laozi is the future of the Emperor, sooner or later to unite the earth, foot on the three worlds, only Laozi can deserve such a beautiful woman!

The beauty reporter was also happy to laugh, she reached out and shook hands with Lin Jia, smiling sweetly:

"This interview is very enjoyable, let us get enough material, this video will be broadcast on the provincial TV station... Lin, thank you for your cooperation, I wish you and your cousin a happy afternoon. ""

"Don't thank... Keke, should, should... Oh, yes, I will be the spokesperson of my cousin, plus the agent... Hey." Lin Jia felt that the beauty reporter's hand was very smooth, but with Li Jiayu. Compared with the hand, there is still a big gap, hehe, sure enough, with Li Jiayu for a long time, they are almost uninterested in the women of the earth.

"I am full, Lin Jia, take me out to play!" Li Jiayu wiped the greasy oily stain on the corner of the mouth with a paper towel, puffed his mouth slightly, and looked at Lin Jia with the eyes of water.

However, at this time -


In the sky, there was a thundering thunder, the volume of the thunder was extremely high, the glass of the window was slightly shaken, and many of the tableware on the table of the canteen were shaken to the ground, not to mention how painful the eardrum was. It is.

Even a tube on the ceiling of the canteen was actually shaken by the horrible thunder and thunder, and the broken pieces of glass were scattered!


Many girls present at the scene were scared by the thundering thunder and quickly caught their ears. Some of them were scared and white, and let go of their throats and screamed, extremely harsh!

The entire canteen was full of undulations, and the good atmosphere disappeared, leaving only a suffocating panic.

"What happened, thunder! But how could this thunder be so big..."

"This is not a thunder, and the thunder is absolutely impossible to be so harsh..."

"Yeah, there is no black cloud at all. There is no thunder in the absence of black clouds. It is estimated that there will be a big explosion not far away..."

"There must be a big deal outside. Should we go to the site to check it out?"

Just when everyone in the cafeteria is screaming...


A soft bang, the reporter's camera suddenly shut down, and even some unpleasant black smoke!


How did the camera burn out?

This is impossible. This camera is a foreign product. It costs tens of thousands of dollars. It is reasonable to say that the quality should be quite good...

Not only are the reporters stupid, but even all the onlookers present at the scene are stupid.

Because their electronic devices, all of them have also extinguished the picture, completely immersed in the embarrassing state, mobile phones, electronic watches, mp3, tablet, and even the slutty girl's massage stick in the skirt, actually can not run! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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