Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1306: Frightened and frightened!

This is another large-scale power outage!

"The trough, my mobile phone has actually failed, it is impossible, **** Nokia manufacturers, clearly with me to ensure that technology leads the world for 50 years, no problem within three years!"

"Yeah, my apple kidney eight should also be of good quality, and should not be dead endless..."

"Hey, the old lady's flea doesn't jump..."

"You see, the fans on the ceiling are not turning anymore. In the end, what happened to the bombing of the school? Did the power of the cell phone of the brothers also be cut off?"

“Is it because aliens come to attack the earth? Only the ultra-high-tech of aliens can make electronic devices in a large area...”

Just when everyone is secretly surprised, Huo Ran -

An icy force, when the air is shrouded, as the tides will flood all the people, almost all the bone marrow will be corroded into slag, and the brain will be solidified into frozen ice, making people feel like blood and needles. General pain!

For a moment, the people present were sweating, and in the next second, they all had a messy mess, as if they had just finished running the marathon!

There are some girls with weak tolerance, who fell to the ground and stunned on the spot, and the girls who were in good condition did not go anywhere. They were scared on the spot, the crotch was wet, and the water stains were still smooth. The thighs flowed all the way to the shoes, and then a pool of water was pulled out on the floor...

In the dining hall of Nuo Da, there was a faint smell of urine at once...

"Wife, how do you pee?" A canteen worker quickly picked up an aunt.

"By cough... It’s just what happened, it’s hard to die...” A big fat man licked his throat and cried violently on the floor. The whole face was so painful that it would be distorted.

"Mom. Like dead, is the food in the cafeteria poisonous..." A girl in a plaid skirt licked her mouth and frowned and complained.

People in the entire canteen are skeptical. **After the pain, there was another inexplicable irritability and panic...

The panic is like a sharp knife, which is cut on the hearts of everyone, letting blood flow away.

"Well? The picture that I saw before..."

Li Jiayu also stunned his eyes, and even the napkin in his hand could not help but fall to the ground. The delicate and delicate face was full of sorrow...

Her red dragonfly swayed for two laps, but there was a squally shower in her mind. Seems to see some blurred images...

She saw a large group of insects invading, bringing endless slaughter, all over the place, all the wind and rain, young men and women like wheat are harvested, become a meal in the dish...

She saw the whole city fall into the dark, and the dark clouds covered the sky. Since then, we have never seen the sun again. The world has fallen into an absolute cold winter. Every rain will freeze hundreds of people alive...

She saw the hungry yellow-skinned person, for a moldy bread to be able to slap friends from behind, hungry skinny people, can put fresh feces into his mouth, hungry and mad. You can even secretly steal other people's babies, cook and eat!

She saw people who were driven crazy by the harsh environment, who had lost their self-harm all day, and made countless blood marks on their laps. Those who were completely desperate, abandoned all morality and turned themselves into devils. I was able to **** more than a dozen girls in school overnight...

She saw that the poor man was entangled in the whole body, and countless sharp legs cut his flesh and blood...

Someone was drilled into the mouth by parasites. The stomach was swollen like a watermelon, and finally every hole in the hole climbed out of the dark parasite...

Some people were plunged into the arteries of the calf by caterpillars. It hurt for three days and three nights. Finally, the whole body became blue-violet, and every pore was toxic. The living was tortured to death by venom, and the dead body was also extremely inflated, and a large number of flying insects similar to flies grew, accompanied by a scent of stench.

She saw that the whole world is on the verge of breaking, and human beings are at the critical point of extinction!

And the beginning of all this is derived from the cold air that is frozen into the bone marrow!


At this time, there was a sharp and screaming insect outside, listening to people's ears, like a coin scraping glass is generally uncomfortable!

Everyone was horrified, and felt uncomfortable in the cold, like falling into the hail, and some girls were still shrinking and rushing into the arms of their boyfriends.

"Oh, this atmosphere has become so weird..."

"Look! Dark clouds!"

I don't know who is screaming in surprise. Everyone looks at the window outside. I really see the wind blowing outside, flying sand and stones, and the thick clouds are rolling over, covering the sky at a very fast speed!

In an instant, the beautiful sunny day that was still at the Dragon Boat Festival became a dark cloudy sky, and the rolling clouds tumbling wildly, seemingly secretive of the sly demons of thousands of teeth and claws...

Everyone felt abnormal nausea and poor breathing, like a mountain pressed against the top of the head. Some people's little fingers trembled without any reason.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The two pugs raised by the staff in the cafeteria also screamed anxiously in the corner, and ran around in an uneasy manner. I don’t know what to remind people...

Outside the window, the wind rolled up a large piece of yellow sand, and rolled up the fallen leaves and plastic bags on the ground. The trees were rustled by the wind, and even some of the clothes that had been hoisted in the dormitory were blown...

"Where is it going to change the sky or is it going to come to the typhoon?"

"The weather station of Dog Day, did not predict in advance when the typhoon came, and white gave them so much tax!"

"Wait, this is not like a typhoon... I think, it is like a tornado, aunt, we are not close to the sea, is there such a large tornado?"

Everyone is exclaiming, attention has been completely removed from Li Jiayu, this situation, where there is any mood to appreciate the beauty, all began to look outside the window.

The roads, squares and gardens outside the cafeteria are all pedestrians who are crazy and squirrels. Couples, school workers, students, teachers, and visitors were all blown up by the wind. Some small sand particles also got into their eyes, so they were so embarrassed. At this time, they only wanted to hurry to the building to avoid the wind...

However, at this time -


A loud bang, followed by a violent movement of the mountain. Everyone almost stood unsteadily and fell to the ground, and the canteen was even more slammed into a piece, and it was the knife and fork that fell to the ground!


Actually earthquake!

How can this be!

Suicheng is located in the Pearl River Delta, and the terrain is stable. How could it be an earthquake!

The people in the cafeteria were shocked by the earthquake and shorted their heads. When the girls are screaming and screaming -

Not far from an audio-visual building, began to tilt, the angle of the tilt is getting bigger and bigger, and then, in the incredible eyes of everyone!


The eight-storey audio-visual building broke down. The four floors above fell off, squatting on the concrete road, picking up the violent smoke...

Such a shocking scene, really frightened the teachers and students in the canteen, not to mention girls, even the boys are shouting, some timid. Immediately hugged his head and hid under the table in the cafeteria, fearing that the canteen would collapse under the violent earthquake!

Outside the cafeteria, the people who are still holding their heads and squirrels are scared to be moved by the collapsed audio-visual building...

They frightened their courage. Nima was a terrible earthquake. During the earthquake, don't go inside the building. If the building collapses, it will be crushed alive!

But then something even more amazing happened, in the dark sky. There have been many small points, and these small points have expanded rapidly and gradually appeared in people's eyes!

Do not!

That is not a little bit!

It is clearly a huge bug that flies above the sky!

When people saw the bugs, they were all shocked because the bugs were black and red. Like a beetle, the size of the head is as big as a TV set, and it has a sharp black blade. But the most chilling thing is their mouthparts. It turns out that the two are two meters long. Oh, it looks like two bloodthirsty sickles!

The huge worm, like the reminder of the **** of death, immediately appeared, and immediately rushed toward the crowd!

Such a raging worm, scared the people outside, drastically changed, and did not dare to have any cause, and when they smashed their legs, they rushed to the building and rushed over...

However, the speed of the giant worm is too fast, much faster than the flying Swallow, and a few smashing shots after a few slaps...

In the next moment, there were more than a dozen headless bodies on the ground. More than a dozen round heads were rolling on the ground, and the shocking blood was sprayed everywhere...


Seeing the giant worms instantly harvested more than a dozen lives, the entire campus, whether in the teaching building, or in the cafeteria, or even the people in the library, all screamed with a scream!

"Bug, the worm kills!"

"Impossible! Impossible! There can never be such a large worm in the world, and the natural food chain cannot breed this creature!"

"Fast, go save people! Didn't see our beauty squad leader still outside, fuck, she fell, A Bao, Awang, as soon as I rushed out to save her in!"

"Janitor! Doorman! You don't have an electric baton, but what are you doing, go to the bugs to save people!"

"Insecticides, pesticides, isn't there a lot of pesticides in our school supermarket? I think pesticides should be able to deal with those bugs..."

For a time, the whole school was completely chaotic, but in the chaos of the crowd, the black and red giants that flew down in the sky became more and more. From the original dozens of heads, it suddenly became Seventy or eighty heads!

Even more amazing is that the attack of these bugs is really terrible!

They kill, not for predation...

But to vent their killings!

Therefore, in just twenty seconds, they have already hysterically opened the door, and there are hundreds of headless bodies on the campus. Huang Quanli has added hundreds of headless souls! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for the recommended ticket, the monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please go to m. Read.)

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