Apocalypse Summoner

Chapter 1307: Human purgatory

In the past, in a city, there were hundreds of headless bodies suddenly and for no reason. Once the report was exported, it was absolutely a sensation like the 12th-level earthquake. Not to mention shocking the whole country, even if it was shocked, Interpol came to investigate. More than enough!

The city's police system will certainly be affected by the aftershocks of terror. I don't know how many officials responsible for public security work will not be guaranteed, even the mayor and the party secretary will be greatly implicated.

However, the entire population of tens of millions of people in Suicheng, just Suicheng University will immediately hang up hundreds of people, then for the entire urban area, I am afraid that for a short time just now, the number of deaths is thousands... The seriousness is beyond imagination!

Only the massacre of war can create such a terrifying death rate!


This is not the beginning of a war!

"Ah, help!"

"The one who wears the lama red robes is my uncle! He came to visit me from Tibet today! Scorpio, I don't believe it, I don't believe that the uncle died like this!"

"It’s terrible, I must be dreaming, right? This horror scene of murder should only exist in Hollywood sci-fi movies... Deer, you pinch me..."

"Pinch your mother for a forced! Don't be stupid, hurry to hide under the table, more and more bugs, you may break into the cafeteria at any time, it is you who can't do the next death!"

The canteen has long been noisy, like hot oil sprinkled into the red iron pot, the wave of sound waves followed by a wave, many girls have broken their throats. The pale face was like a headless fly, and it was so eager to hide under the table and in the toilet.

And more people. Then I was scared to be completely stupid. The legs were not stiff or soft, and I wouldn’t do anything other than screaming and screaming.

There were three boys, but under the impulse, they rushed to the top of their brains. They didn't know where they came from. They actually rushed out of the canteen's door in twos and threes, and went straight to the playground and the street outside. Want to save people!

Because their girlfriend is outside!

At this time, a pure black BMW rushed out of the corner at a very fast speed. Drive along the road and drive all the way to the school gate!

On the way, just as a female teacher hurriedly fled to the road, the black BMW slammed. She will knock her down. The female teacher was directly crushed by the tires, the blood splashed on the spot, and the lower body was crushed into meat!

When I saw the galloping car, the female teacher broke her leg. Some students in the cafeteria took a breath and shouted:

"That is... that is Teacher Elisa, a foreign teacher from Australia, Scorpio, both legs are broken. Send her to the hospital!"

"Nervous disease, you are all bugs outside. You can't keep your life, but you can also send a fart hospital!"

"That BMW... ah, that is the headmaster's car! The headmaster actually drove the female teacher into a severely disabled... too ironic!"

In exchange for the usual time, it is really necessary for the principal to drive a foreigner like this. It must be on the big news and cause public opinion...

However, this special moment that this life can't keep can only be like this... After all, the principal also wants to take the road to survive!

Inside the car, the headmaster’s little three were pale, shivering and screaming:

"Guo Tao, you just hit someone..."

"Crashing a fart! Didn't see a group of bugs madly killing people outside!" The impetuous principal held a face, and the combed big head was also messed up with a few strands of hair. He snarled with a pair of bulls:

"Chong! Everything left the school and said! As long as you can save your life, you can say anything, as for the person who killed him... Hey, I can take it to a foreign country for more than one year, so it is still chic!"

After that, the headmaster who did not care at all slammed on the gas pedal again. BMW’s engine made a louder “rumbling” sound, and the speed soared again, and the speed reached a hundred kilometers of horror!


Seeing such a conspicuous luxury car flying, the nearby dozens of sickle beetles were attracted attention, they turned their guns and fanned their wings and chased the past!

However, the quality of the BMW luxury car is exceptionally good. The big beggars of the sickle beetle can't break through the defense of the BMW car. At full speed, they can only leave thin cracks on the tempered glass window.

"Hey, a group of slag, this BMW is imported, and the glass window is harder than ordinary copper..."

While the headmaster turned the steering wheel and smugly thought in the heart, it was a strange pleasure that was raised unreasonably.

Others are outside, flesh and blood can not withstand the attack of the worm, was broken by a blow, but his principal is safe and sound in the BMW car, hey, this is the gap between the levels!

In the wind and power, the BMW car has already rushed out of the distance, and when it is about to rush out of the school gate, “唰”, the front glass has appeared three or four green long strips!

These long strips of insects have a ring around them, a bit like a silkworm, but it is hundreds of times larger than a silkworm, each one is one meter long, and the body is more than twenty centimeters in diameter, plus shiny light. The green skin looks like a long winter melon!

They patted the thin wings like a bee, and the body slammed and shivered, and slammed a few times, and spewed a turbid water column from the sharp mouthpiece!

These water jets are lasing on the front glass of the car, and immediately there is a thick black smoke. The "Ziz" bursts like a fierce explosion of crude oil. In the next second, the principals and Xiaosan in the carriage are scared!

Because the front glass is corroded and corroded a big hole. Because the car is driving at a high speed, there is a gust of wind coming in from the front without the front glass, blowing two people's hair dancing!

"What kind of insect is this, impossible, impossible..."

The headmaster screamed, but the car slammed into the front of the sulphate worms during the high-speed driving. The sulphate worms rolled into the car compartment along the glass hole, and the four sulphate worms climbed onto the two. More than a dozen disgusting insect legs were hooked on their clothes, and two of the sulphate worms gave joyous insects, screaming in the screams of Xiao San. Piercing their sharp-pointed mouthparts into the abdomen of the third...

In the next moment, a strong corrosive acid flows into the abdominal cavity of Xiaosan along the mouthparts. As soon as the wax is burnt, the Xiaosan is melted at a very fast speed, and it is corroded into a beach in a second. The smelly yellow water, the entire sub-seat is soaked!


The headmaster was so scared that he was sweating and screaming in his throat. Because he was afraid that he would make a scream, it would further stimulate the insects like silkworms, and then he would be like the little three, being eroded into corpse water by insects such as strong acid...

But even if he doesn't say anything. Still can't change the fate of death. When the sulphonic acid worms ate the corpse of Xiaosan, they climbed onto the principal again, and a sharp-pointed squid pierced the head of the principal. Melt his head with strong acid. from head to foot……

The headmaster had a bleak end and wanted to drive away. I didn’t expect it to die more ugly, but there were many people who were worse than him.


A fat student with glasses was too frightened. He smashed into the stone during his escape, and his knees slammed into the ground, hurting him to roll around and bitter.

"You are all right, classmates. Hurry up, get up. I will help you to go to a safe place!"

The gentle and anxious voice sounded, but a beautiful woman extended a helping hand to the fat student. The fat student took a closer look. The beautiful woman was actually a pregnant woman living in the school generation. The stomach was bulging and it seemed to be pregnant for eight months. That kind.

The fat student hesitated, but in the end he reached out and let the pregnant woman hold her hand and thanked her:

"Thank you...you, you should run by yourself, bring me, you will go slower..."

The pregnant woman smiled softly: "I am pregnant, but I can't see death, every life is equal..."

The voice of the pregnant woman just fell, and the sound of "嗡嗡嗡" came from behind. The fat student slammed back, but saw a sly beetle beating the murderous eye behind him, carrying a strong murderousness, and it was too fast. The cover of the situation is rushing over!


The fat student's face changed dramatically, and he gnashed his teeth and tried to push the pregnant woman out three meters away. However, the next moment, he had already passed by the rapid flying sickle beetle...

A good head, so flying into the sky, the fat student's face still maintains an expression of anxious panic, but unfortunately, his expression will always solidify... the only one who can accompany him to Huang Quan, only that one From the neck fracture, violently squirting a blood column one meter high!

When the skull fell, the sickle beetle seemed to be hungry and hungry. He actually hugged his head with the insect legs, and then he squirmed and squirmed his mouth and chewed his head like an octopus ball. They are milky white brain and scarlet warm blood!


The pregnant woman who was pushed to fall to the ground looked straight and could only make a stern sigh. She even climbed and rolled, and never dared to look at the fat student’s body, tearfully facing the entrance of the building. Climb, but when she is only 20 meters away from the door -

She slammed into a bicycle behind her!

On this bicycle, there is a couple, the boy who rides on the pedals, and the wind and the wind, the sand and the stone, so dead, there are a few sands into the eyes of the boys, let him conditioned The ground closed his eyes, and when he didn’t look at the road, the bicycle that hit the ground hit the belly of the pregnant woman who fell to the ground.

The pregnant woman was pregnant for eight months, and there were two people on the bicycle. When the bicycle was added, it was more than two hundred kilograms. When she was hit by two hundred kilograms, she was so painful that her eyes were black and she fainted. The stomach is deformed, I want to come to the fetus has been killed, and her lower body is also bloody...

The two men and women fell off the bicycle, but the wolverine was abnormal. The man was okay, the woman broke his head and was holding his forehead and chilling...


With such a delay, the sickle beetle has already finished eating the human head, and it puts its attention on the couple... (to be continued.)

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