Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1023 Back to the past


After Li Yichen entered the cabin, the door of the cabin was closed immediately. It felt that the cabin was well sealed and quite quiet. Li Yichen looked up and down, left and right, and found that he couldn't understand what it was, so he looked at Li Fangzhou outside. .

"Attention, I will send you to the time point of the image we saw, but I am not sure when exactly it will happen, and your mission is to grab the necklace and bring it back!"

Li Fangzhou said while operating the instrument:

"After being sent by this time and space machine, your body will have the coordinates of a time point. This coordinate can be maintained for forty-eight hours, so you must come back within forty-eight hours before you can return to the current time period!"

"In addition, as for what you said, a change in time can only change one timeline. That is because your time rules do not send out enough shock waves, or they have not been sent out at all. When I start to teleport you later, , you can experience it yourself. In addition, the cabin you are in now is a space-time machine cabin. It not only has time rules, but also includes space rules. If you haven’t mastered the space rules yet, you can try to get in touch with it!"

"I go!"

Hearing Li Fangzhou's words, Li Yichen couldn't help but curse. Since this machine is a time and space machine, it will use the rules of time and space to send him to that battlefield after it is started.

What about coming back by yourself?

Is it possible to just use time rules?

Then after coming back, won’t he still appear in outer space?

Regardless of whether he can recover his abilities after the past, at least after he comes back, he should be restricted by the rules of this world and become an ordinary person. And if ordinary people appear in space, this guy doesn't even think about what will happen. What?

Fortunately, Li Yichen also mastered the rules of space, and after leaving the last time rule puzzle, Li Yichen also tested it. His body has not been transformed, and his space rules and lightning elements can still be used, so this problem is For Li Yichen, it's not a problem!

Soon, as Li Fangzhou operated, the space-time machine began to flash with light, and there were circular halos in the cabin that kept shining from bottom to top. Li Yichen sensed it silently, but found that he could sense everything. No, it seems that as ordinary people, even if they have mastered the rules of time, they are unable to sense the rules of time.

Since he couldn't sense it, Li Yichen simply ignored it and watched Li Fangzhou's operation quietly. Li Fangzhou seemed a little nervous and stared at the operating table with all his attention. What made Li Yichen a little confused was how did Li Fangzhou do this according to that paragraph? What about the determined time coordinates of the video recording?

The use of time rules has some similarities with the use of space rules. If space rules want to travel through space, they must need a space point, that is, space coordinates. Just like Li Yichen has built so many space channels, he needs them every time. A clear space point, otherwise this space channel cannot be constructed!

The rules of time are similar. If you want to travel through time, you must determine a certain point in time so that you or other creatures can return to that time period. This is just like making a phone call. If you don’t have the other party’s phone number, then you have no chance. Way to talk to the other party!

As the halo moved up and down faster and faster, Li Yichen began to lose sight of Li Fangzhou outside, but since he had already come in, he didn't care. After all, this was a puzzle space, not reality - at least for Li Yichen Say no.

So he is not afraid of death now, or if he has to start over again, and since he came in, Li Fangzhou has been driving all the processes. First do what he said and see if he can find a way to solve the puzzle!

Finally, a white light shone before Li Yichen's eyes, and he immediately felt a sense of dizziness. Then, his body felt light, a bit like traveling through a space passage. Then, Li Yichen found that he had come to a strange and unfamiliar place. A familiar place...space!

If you're unfamiliar with it, it's because he has never been into space. Although he has already obtained the space battleship and even exchanged it for a small spaceship from the system, it is not difficult for Li Yichen, but he really doesn't seem to have thought about it. Live this!

The thing that worried Li Yichen the most did not happen. Just as Li Fangzhou said, after entering this time and space, his strength indeed recovered. Moreover, the moment he came to this world, he also felt that he was sent to this world. fluctuations in space and time.

That feeling was fleeting, but Li Yichen still felt it clearly. He didn't know if it was because the rules of time and space were activated at the same time. In short, Li Yichen felt that the feeling he had just now was definitely different from the passage through space. !

Before his strength was restored, Li Yichen couldn't tell the difference, but now, Li Yichen really felt it. He didn't use the time rule very frequently, so he couldn't be sure, but Li Yichen often used the space rule. It can be said that he is quite proficient, so he immediately felt the difference between the space rules he used and the space rules he just sent here.

That feeling... Li Yichen didn't think it was easy to describe, because it felt very vague. To put it bluntly, when he used the space rules to cross the space, it was like he was crawling on the ground, from here to there, and Just now, I felt like I was in water, jumping in from one side, and then coming out from the other side...

"Well! Shock...is this what it means?"

Li Yichen murmured that the latter method was of course smoother than his own, but the most important thing was that when Li Yichen left the space, he seemed to feel the space continuously vibrating and spreading, and even Let him feel the response from other dimensions.

This was something Li Yichen had never felt before. No matter how he used the space rules in the past, all he felt was the space on his side. He had never felt that way before.

Li Yichen rarely comes into contact with other dimensions of the universe. Apart from that space trial, he has no such opportunity, but he can know that what he just sensed is a response to the space rules of other spaces!

However, Li Yichen cannot analyze it carefully now. After all, he is in space now. Although all his strength has been restored and his life is not in danger in space, after all, this place is not a place to stay for a long time, and when he comes back this time, He still has a special mission!


Li Yichen tried calling to see if the system was following him. After all, his strength had been restored, so the system might not be subject to the previous restrictions.

However, Li Yichen did not wait for the system's response in the end. It seemed that the restrictions on the system had not disappeared due to the change in time and space.

If there is a system, it will be much more convenient for Li Yichen. At least he can now exchange for a fighter plane suitable for flying in space or something else, and he does not have to rely on himself.

But now that the system has not appeared, Li Yichen can only rely on his own abilities. Fortunately, his space powers have also been restored, so moving in the universe is not a problem.

Turning around and looking around, he found that he had not seen the space fleet yet. It seemed that the time had arrived a bit early. Li Fangzhou himself said that he could only send Li Yichen to this time period, but he could not control the appearance. At which point in time.

The air battle is no longer in progress. It must be either before or after. Li Yichen thinks it should be before the air battle. In other words, the fleet led by Li Fangzhou's soul clone has not arrived yet.

Because we can't see the wreckage of the battleship now, if it is after the war, we should still be able to see the wreckage of the battleship that has not drifted far away. In addition, if the war is over by now, then Li Yichen's visit will be in vain, so he is sure that he is here Before.

After finding the planet where the trial was, Li Yichen found that he was far away from there. Fortunately, he was in the universe. Li Yichen just solidified a small piece of the space around him, and then pushed hard, and his body kept moving. Floating towards the planet.

Li Yichen can actually use space transformation, but this is the universe. Li Yichen must use the rules of space to cover his body with a layer to protect himself. Otherwise, no matter how powerful his body is, all kinds of substances in the universe will be destroyed. It's not something he can resist, so he must consume as little energy as possible.

At this time, Li Yichen finally understood the importance of the system. The main reason was that since he had the system, he has always been somewhat dependent on the system. Everything is placed in the system. He can take it out when needed, or exchange it directly. He has never Missing something.

But now, Li Yichen has nothing. Except for a set of clothes, he doesn't even have a weapon. Even Tianya has been kept in the system space.

Seeing himself slowly approaching the trial site, Li Yichen couldn't help but frown. The universe was so big that it didn't seem far away, but if he wanted to float there like this, Li Yichen felt that it might take him two or three days. It takes time to drift to the planet where the trial takes place.

However, we haven't seen the fleet of Li Fangzhou's soul clone yet, so let's float slowly for now. Li Yichen also needs to get familiar with the environment in the universe. After all, this is his first time here, and he may have to fight with him here later. Space battleships for battle!

Thinking about the upcoming battle, Li Yichen had a headache. He had nothing, but he had to fight against a behemoth like a space battleship. And just when he felt a headache, a space fleet appeared in his field of vision. Among...

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