"It's Li Fangzhou and the others!"

Seeing this space fleet, Li Yichen immediately recognized it. He didn't know the markings on Li Fangzhou's battleship before, but after seeing the battle and Li Fangzhou's soul clone escaping from the bombed battleship Later, of course, he would be able to remember that the mark belonged to them.

After all, they are all people from the Source Star, so their space battleships are all of the same style. If there are no marks, it will be impossible to tell them apart!

Seeing Li Fangzhou's fleet, Li Yichen immediately swept around, and sure enough, he found a larger space fleet heading towards them in a planetary belt to the right of Li Fangzhou's fleet.


Li Yichen immediately wanted to use teleportation to rush over and tell Li Fangzhou and the others, but what made him depressed was that his and Li Fangzhou's fleets happened to be in two directions, separated by the galaxy where the trial site was located.

However, the current situation did not allow Li Yichen to think too much. He could only teleport towards the galaxy where the trial was conducted. After using teleportation, Li Yichen was shocked to find that using teleportation in the universe was actually more powerful than before. The consumption on land is nearly double.

Moreover, in the universe, it is impossible to supplement the rules of heaven and earth. It is said that the universe is also composed of the rules of heaven and earth, especially the rules of space. But for some reason, Li Yichen cannot absorb them at all.

If there are things like water, fire, earth, or even thunder and lightning elements, it seems reasonable to say that they are lacking in the universe, but due to the rules of space and time, it is impossible for the universe to be without them!

But now Li Yichen had no time to think about this. He could only keep teleporting regardless of the cost, trying to give Li Fangzhou a warning before the fleets of the two sides fought.

Unfortunately, because the distance was too far and the ambush space fleet was quite fast, the war broke out before Li Yichen reached the galaxy where the trial was located!

Seeing that the Ark Fleet was caught off guard and was instantly destroyed by several space battleships, Li Yichen couldn't help but sigh in his heart, wondering if he could do it again so that he could appear in another direction. In this case, he might be able to avoid the loss of the Ark Fleet!

In fact, if Li Yichen had teleported as fast as possible in the direction of the Ark Fleet after appearing here, he would still be able to make it in time. The problem is that this is in the universe, and Li Yichen was too focused on those universes when he was watching the images before. In the battle of battleships, it was impossible to tell their own position, so they missed the opportunity.

But now, he could only watch the battle ahead with no choice. After all, it was a battle between two space fleets. If he rushed in by himself, he would have very little effect.

Li Yichen didn't know how to pilot a space battleship. At best, he could rush forward and use space solidification to help the Ark fleet resist the attack of the opposing fleet. However, the energy beams emitted by the huge space battleships were not bullets. He couldn't even get a beam. Completely blocked.

Li Yichen had no choice but to teleport continuously and came to the vicinity of the planet where the trial took place. The loss was unavoidable, so he could only follow Li Fangzhou's plan and snatch the necklace back first.

Thinking of the necklace, Li Yichen suddenly felt something in his heart. Li Fangzhou...could he have teleported himself to the opposite position from the fleet on purpose, just to prevent himself from ruining the air battle?

If he happened to appear in the direction from which Li Fangzhou and the others came, then it would be possible for Li Fangzhou and the others to change direction and quickly escape into hyperspace before the ambush fleet came out.

But in this case, will Li Fangzhou's soul clone still enter the place of trial like he has experienced in history?

I'm afraid that's enough, then I might have changed the history of the Trial Land.

Moreover, Li Fangzhou had not met those people on the trial ground, so he would not have known that the first batch of Yuanxing people who left had become even more miserable than them. So... would the Ark Plan still appear?

Thinking of this, Li Yichen shook his head helplessly. No matter whether his wrong direction was arranged by Li Fangzhou or not, it was already like this anyway, so he had to get the necklace.

In fact, in Li Yichen's heart, he still doesn't want this space battleship to be destroyed, because he knows in his heart that these people are the Ark people, that is, the ones he saw on the Ark who slept in the dormant cabin until death. Batch people!

It was them who built the Ark for the hope of mankind, and it was they who, for the hope of mankind, would rather enter the dormant cabin, even though they knew they might never wake up, without any fear!

Human nature actually has many dark sides, especially for Li Yichen, who has experienced the apocalypse. He has seen evil, selfishness, greed, cruelty, etc., but no one can deny that there are also countless saviors in mankind. There is no shortage of heroes in human beings, no matter what world or era we are in.

At least, this is the case for the Ark people in front of them. They may have shortcomings of one kind or another, but when it comes to issues related to the continuation of mankind, none of them are timid and afraid of death! For Li Yichen, this is a hero. It doesn't matter what you have done, but what you chose in the first place!

Watching the Ark people's warships being destroyed one by one, Li Yichen took a deep breath. He knew that it was useless to go out, so he could only hide here. In fact, he really hoped that he could join this battle and be able to fight with the Ark people. People fight side by side once.

Although Li Yichen has no weapons, he can teleport into an enemy warship, kill the people inside, and make the warship lose control. However, judging from the current battle situation, this seems to be the case. It doesn’t help!

Therefore, Li Yichen did not move, just hid himself and watched the battle silently...

The battle in front of him was exactly the same as the image he had seen before. Soon, the Ark people's fleet was completely suppressed. They didn't even have a chance to escape and could only move closer to the trial site!

At this time, Li Yichen finally discovered that the Source Star battleships that ambushed the Ark people seemed to be deliberately forcing them to the planet where the trial took place!

Because their main attack targets now are the space battleships on the periphery, but they don't pay much attention to those close to the trial place. Isn't that the trial place they prepared?

Why would they deliberately force humans into that place?


Li Yichen murmured, thinking of the zombies that once roamed the trial area, and he also suddenly remembered that the undead seemed to have many similarities with the Zerg.

With the same huge number and the same life energy, they can advance smoothly, and they can also be divided into many different arms, and even their own life forms can be changed.

And the most important thing is that in the past trials, the undead have defeated the Zerg and won the first place in the trials! This is why the Immortal King Archimonde was rewarded by the Arbiter - the Source Star!

Although in the trial place, because the rules of heaven and earth are not strong enough, the strength of the Zerg is not fully utilized, but is the same for the undead?

If there are stronger rules of heaven and earth, the undead will also grow rapidly. In addition, Li Yichen still remembers that before the trial has begun, the undead can lay out in the trial area in advance and cultivate a large number of zombies. To fight against the Zerg tide.

Moreover, when the Zerg comes to the trial land, a special army of Zerg will be sent to continuously attack the territory of the undead and provide them with more life energy!

If we just look at the results of the trial in the trial ground, it can be said that the Source Star people succeeded, because the undead race they created finally defeated the Zerg race, and it was under the same environment, although there was some cheating in it. Suspicion, because they let the undead lay out in the trial area in advance, but as long as a life form that can fight against the Zerg appears, it will be the victory of the Source Star people.

Moreover, Li Yichen thought for a while and according to the information he got, the undead won the last trial. Then, there was no arbiter in this trial, and it even seemed like the trial place had been abandoned. Got it!

So... do the people from the Source Star think that the undead are enough to fight against the Zerg, so there is no need for a trial place? Moreover, they will cultivate a large number of undead in their own world, and of course they have no intention to take care of it anymore. These trial races in the trial land.

Looking at the air battle in front of him, the more Li Yichen thought about it, the more he felt that his guess was correct. However, looking at the Ark fleet, he didn't know whether it was before the trial or after the trial!

Li Yichen's guess was indeed correct. After the victory of the Undead, the Yuanxing people felt that they had mastered the method of defeating the Zerg, so they planned not to conduct trials again. In fact, this space fleet was not specially made to ambush the Ark Fleet. , because they had no idea that the Ark Fleet was coming!

The reason why this fleet appeared was to completely destroy the place of trial! After all, the Trial Ground has a space passage leading to the Source World, so after the Source Star people felt that the Trial Ground was useless, they no longer wanted to keep this passage.

On the way here, their space detectors discovered the Ark Fleet. Just looking at the style of the battleships, they knew that this was the wave of people who left the Source Star!

Therefore, they ambush the Ark Fleet. This was an order issued by the Commander-in-Chief of the Space Fleet at the time. In fact, not all Source Star people would be hostile to those of the same race who left. Unfortunately, the Ark people were unlucky and encountered What happened to be the one who arrived was an extremist who believed that leaving the Source Star was betraying humanity, so this air battle broke out...

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