Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1045 The Dark End of the World

"Potsticks! Where's the tumor?"

Hou Qing grabbed Guo Tian's shoulders and asked, "The tumor is Liu Qi's nickname."


Guo Tian didn't even dare to raise his head and said tremblingly:

"After you left, he went to the toilet and asked me to play a game first. When he came back...he was bitten on the neck. He couldn't speak, and he just kept spurting blood out. Then there was chaos in the hall outside. , I locked the door and didn’t dare to come out until the Taoist leader came back. He said the tumor was hopeless, so he took me out!”

After hearing Guo Tian's words, Hou Qing slowly let go of his hand and turned to look at the Internet cafe girl. As a frequent visitor to the Internet cafe, of course he knew the girl, but he did not speak, but turned to look outside.

At this time, Li Yichen was walking through the street, swinging the bat in his hand from time to time, smashing the heads of the zombies in front of him. Although he was just an ordinary person now, Li Yichen had experience as a hunter after all. For these ordinary zombies, Li Yichen still Don't worry, as long as they are not surrounded by zombies, these zombies wandering around cannot pose any threat to Li Yichen!

Li Yichen's target was the supermarket in front. There were several large container trucks parked in front of the supermarket. These trucks were specially used to deliver goods to supermarkets. Not only were the carriages large, the cabs were spacious enough, and there were even sleepers in the back!

The space of their current car is too small, and it can't hold anything after four people. And Li Yichen is planning to leave the city, so of course he needs to change a car!

Now is the beginning of the end of the world. To be honest, Li Yichen has not experienced this kind of period, because when he traveled to the trial land, the end of the world had already begun there for decades. At this time, the zombies have not yet formed a large scale. , in fact, it is not very dangerous. Many people who died at the beginning of the apocalypse did so because of the fear in their hearts.

Just like Guo Tian and Hou Qing, a big man like Hou Qing's claws went numb after seeing zombies, while Guo Tian hid in the private room and did not dare to come out. If Li Yichen hadn't gone back to rescue him, I guess he He will also be killed by Liu Qi, who will soon mutate.

He came to the back of the large truck and beat all the zombies nearby and in the car to death with bats. Then he found several car keys. Li Yichen opened the back of the truck, looked inside, and finally picked one filled with various items. The convenience food truck is driven out!

"Everyone come out! Get in the car!"

Li Yichen drove next to the car and yelled inside. Hou Qing and the others quickly climbed out of the car and hurriedly squeezed into the cab of the large truck!

"where are we going?"

In the car, the Internet cafe girl looked at Li Yichen who was driving and asked.

"Outside the city!"

Li Yichen replied:

"The city is too chaotic now. We have to leave and wait until it gets quieter here!"

In fact, for Li Yichen, living in the city is more suitable, because there are a lot of supplies in the city, and physical goods and drinking water can be obtained everywhere. Although there are many zombies in the city, if you use various buildings , basically you won’t be caught by zombies.

If you go to the wild, there will be very few zombies, but you will not be able to find food. How many days can a person survive without food and water?

However, Li Yichen has his own things to do now. He has a guess in his mind, but he can't verify it yet, so if he wants to try it, he must leave the city or even the country.

"I...my mother is still in this city. Can you help me pick her up?"

The Internet cafe girl asked tentatively.


Li Yichen answered very directly:

"If you want to save your mother! Then you can get out of the car. The city is too dangerous now. We can't wander around the city for someone we don't know!"

Li Yichen and the others are all college students, not from the local area, and therefore have no relatives. Therefore, when Li Yichen just said that he wanted to leave the city, neither Hou Qing nor Guo Tiancai said anything.

Hearing Li Yichen's words, the internet cafe girl's eyes turned red and she turned her head to look outside. When she saw zombies everywhere and those who had been caught by the zombies and were biting them desperately, she lowered her head feebly and used He covered his face with his hands and began to cry.

"Taoist Master! How about we..."

Seeing his little sister crying very sadly, Hou Qing seemed a little bit unbearable, so he spoke, but before he could finish speaking, Li Yichen interrupted him:

"Orangutan! If you feel you can't bear it, then you can get out of the car with her and try to save her mother! But don't think about dragging me with you! I'm leaving here. If you want to follow, just stay in the car. If you don't want to... It’s okay to go down!”

"Taoist Priest! What you said is a bit too much!"

Hou Qing was stunned for a moment, then said:

"You've killed a lot of zombies on your way here. I think those zombies don't seem to be in any danger in front of you. Plus we still have such a big car. It shouldn't take much time to save a person, right?

That's her mother! The little girl is filial. From this point of view, it is worth our time! "

"I said! If you think it's worth it, then go ahead and I won't stop you!"

Li Yichen looked ahead and said:

"And... you're right. These zombies really don't pose much of a threat to me. As long as I'm careful, they can't hurt me. But is it just because I'm very powerful and can kill a lot of people?" Zombies, do I have to save people?

Whose rule is this?

Countless people in this city are in danger now. Should they all ask me to save them? "

"It's true that she is filial to her parents, but I'm not her parent. I can rescue her while she's in the Internet cafe. That's enough. I don't have that obligation to do anything else I want to do after that!"

"You are so cold-blooded!"

Hou Qing couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"Haha! This is the end of the world. If you are too passionate, you will steam yourself!"

Li Yichen smiled calmly.

"Where is your home?"

Hou Qing no longer paid attention to Li Yichen, but patted the girl at the Internet cafe and asked.

"It's just over Qingchun Street, very close to here!"

"Okay! I'll go with you!"

Hou Qing gritted his teeth and said, then turned to Li Yichen:


Without saying a word, Li Yichen stepped on the brakes and looked back at Hou Qing:

"Have you decided?"

"It's decided! Even if the end of the world comes, I will choose to be a human being, not a cold-blooded animal!"

Hou Qing stared at Li Yichen, but Li Yichen didn't care. He picked up the bat and handed it to Hou Qing:

"You might need it!"


Hou Qing took the bat, stood at the car door, and looked back at Guo Tian:

"Guotie, are you coming with me?"

"I...I won't go!"

Guo Tian looked outside and shook his head desperately!

"Orangutan! I won't wait for you, so..."

Li Yichen also spoke, but before he finished speaking, Hou Qing smiled disdainfully:

"There's no need for you to wait for us! We have nothing to do with you anyway!"

"As for the relationship... there is quite a bit of it. At least I saved you two just now!"

Li Yichen looked at the Internet cafe girl. The Internet cafe girl didn't dare to look at Li Yichen and clutched Hou Qing's clothes tightly.

"I'll open the door when you're ready?"

Li Yichen didn't intend to persuade Hou Qing, but looked down and asked.

"open it!"

Hou Qing turned to look at Li Yichen:

"Even in the last days, I hope I can maintain people's kindness, and I hope you don't become so selfish all of a sudden! Otherwise, your last days will be dark! I will rescue her mother! I'll see you again in the future. !”

"Won't see you again!"

Li Yichen shook his head slightly and then opened the car door!

Hou Qing immediately jumped out of the car, and the Internet cafe girl followed him closely. Li Yichen closed the car door and then didn't move. He just sat quietly on the chair and watched them.

It seemed that because there was a girl behind him, Hou Qing became more courageous than before. He actually knocked over a zombie with a bat. Although he didn't kill him, Hou Qing immediately followed him and hit him on the head several times. , until the zombie’s head is completely smashed!

"Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!"

Looking at the corpse of the zombie, Hou Qing propped his bat on the ground and gasped for air. It seemed that it was easy for Li Yichen to kill zombies before, but when he did it himself, he found that it was definitely not that easy. This was a zombie. The zombies made him feel a little exhausted. If two more came, Hou Qing probably wouldn't be able to bear it.

Looking back at Li Yichen, who was watching him quietly in the car, Hou Qing suddenly regretted it. If he hadn't been impulsive because he saw the girl crying, he wouldn't have had the courage to come down. But that's what happened now, he But he didn't have the nerve to run back to the car, so he looked at a car next to him!

There was a driver in this car, but he had turned into a zombie. He was roaring in his seat, but because he was wearing a seat belt and the doors were closed, he couldn't move at all.

"Come here!"

Hou Qing decided to get this car. The zombie sitting in the cab and tied with a seat belt should not be difficult to deal with, so he said to the girl, then came to the car, swung the bat and hit the car. The cab window was smashed!

Later, Hou Qing tried his best to stab the zombie in the head with the bat, but because of the angle, he couldn't use his strength. In the end, the girl picked up an iron branch with a sharp tip from the ground and handed it to Hou Qing, who then used the iron branch to Pierce the zombie's head.


Unexpectedly, after the zombie died, Hou Qing was about to open the car door when he heard the car's horn blaring. It turned out that after the zombie died, he lay directly on the steering wheel and pressed on the horn button!

Hou Qing was shocked and quickly opened the car door, then dragged the zombie's body out of the car, sat in the cab, raised the rear door lock, and the girl also opened the door and got in.

However, due to the sound of the horn, several zombies were already walking towards their car. Two zombies who came out of the store next to them had already arrived next to the car...

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