Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1046 Have you met the protagonist?

Seeing the zombies, Hou Qing suddenly panicked. He immediately turned the key that was originally inserted in the car and tried to start the vehicle. But he didn't know if there was something wrong with the car or something. The engine of the car made a few beeps and then went out. , now Hou Qing was even more panicked. He kept turning the key and stepped on the accelerator as hard as he could. Finally, the car finally started successfully. However, because he was too nervous, Hou Qing stepped on the accelerator and the car rushed out quickly and actually hit the car. He hit the car in front of him and the car stalled again.

This movement also brought their car closer to the zombies coming in front. The zombies immediately swarmed up. Seeing the crisis, Hou Qing quickly opened the car door with the broken window and ran out rolling and crawling. , the little girl behind saw that the situation was not good and got out of the car, wanting to run back with Hou Qing.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a zombie suddenly appeared at the back of the car. The little girl fell down when she was trying to dodge in panic. The zombie immediately pounced on the little girl and grabbed one of her ankles. The little girl was so frightened that she let out a loud scream. Call.

Hou Qing, who had already run a few steps away, looked back when he heard the sound. He quickly went back and took the little girl's hand, trying to help her up. Unexpectedly, the little girl actually used her hand to help Hou Qing up. , pulled Hou Qing behind him, and Hou Qing, who was caught off guard, immediately fell onto the zombie.

Seeing food being delivered to the door, the zombie immediately let go of the hand holding the little girl's ankle, hugged Hou Qing directly, and bit his neck. Hou Qing suddenly let out a shrill scream, and his The sound and splashing blood stimulated the surrounding zombies. They rushed one after another and soon drowned Hou Qing.

The Internet cafe girl took this opportunity and ran back to the truck safely. She banged on the door hard and kept shouting:

"Open the door quickly and let me in!"

Li Yichen looked at Hou Qing, who had been buried by all the zombies, and then at the Internet cafe girl. He suddenly pressed his hand on the car horn. A harsh sound immediately sounded, and the nearby zombies immediately turned towards the truck...

"No! Please let me in. I won't save my mother. I will follow you. I will do whatever you want. Please open the door! Open the door quickly!!"

When the girl saw the approaching zombies, she became even more panicked. She banged on the car door with both hands and kept crying and begging, but Li Yichen remained indifferent...

Guo Tian looked at the girl, then at Li Yichen, and then at the biting zombies. He suddenly hugged his head, buried it between his legs and cried loudly.


Seeing that it seemed impossible for Li Yichen to open the door, the Internet cafe girl finally prepared to run away, but at this time, she was surrounded by zombies. She was grabbed by a zombie as soon as she ran out for two steps. Then, more zombies grabbed her clothes, the little girl couldn't help but scream in despair!


Li Yichen stepped on the accelerator, and the truck roared and began to move forward slowly, knocking down several zombies along the way and crushing them with its wheels, and then gradually accelerated...

Li Yichen kept driving out of the city, except when he was about to leave the city, he killed a few zombies at a gas station and refueled the car. During this period, Guo Tian kept sitting on the berth in the back with his head in his arms. , didn’t even get out of the car!

Li Yichen ignored him and continued to prepare his itinerary. He found a paper map at the gas station, looked at the map carefully for a long time, and then drew a line on the map with a pen. The other side of the line was His destination!

As he drove all the way, Li Yichen paid no attention to anyone on the road, whether it was a zombie or a living person, he would hit anyone who stood in front of him!

Walking along like this, he occasionally saw gas stations where he would go in to refuel and grab something to eat in the carriage. Guo Tian recovered a little after a few hours, but his mood was obviously not high. Looking at Li Yichen's expression, It was a little weird, but Li Yichen didn't care.

After running for two whole days, Li Yichen finally approached a city and drove the car directly into the city!

"Are we... going to enter the city?"

Guo Tian, ​​who had been silent for two days, finally spoke. At this time, he was sitting in the passenger seat!

"Yeah! I want to go to sea!"

Li Yichen looked ahead and replied:

"If you don't want to go, then remember the way out. When the time comes, you can drive out. I have killed all the zombies in the service area you just passed by. You should be able to live there for a while! As for the future ...No one knows what will happen!”

"Going to sea?"

Guo Tian was a little stunned, but after looking at Li Yichen for a while, he finally didn't ask anything.

This is a seaside city. After entering the city, it only took Li Yichen half an hour to drive to a seaside bathing beach. Next to the bathing beach was a large pier with ocean-going ships, but Li Yichen did not hit those big ships. idea, because it is not something he can come up with on his own!

"I am leaving!"

Opening the car door, Li Yichen picked up the mountaineering bag filled with food and fresh water that he had prepared a long time ago. He glanced at Guo Tian, ​​then jumped out of the truck and walked into the beach. Guo Tian watched quietly in the car. Li Yichen faced several zombies and knocked them over with the knife in his hand. He looked back at the two steel knives Li Yichen had collected before and placed in the cab, his eyes full of confusion!

Li Yichen chopped down a few zombies, then came to the small pier of the beach, looked at several boats parked at the pier, and finally chose a three-story yacht!

This kind of yacht is actually not small, and it is safer to sail. The most important thing is that he can barely operate this kind of yacht by himself!

"Hey! Technology is still not good enough!"

While cleaning up the zombies in the passage leading to the yacht, Li Yichen lamented in his heart that the Ark was tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands times larger than this yacht, but if such a large spaceship only needs to maintain the most basic navigation capabilities , he can handle it alone, but here, he can't even drive a larger ship, so he can only choose a relatively small yacht.

After hacking to death more than a dozen zombies, Li Yichen finally boarded the yacht. There were no zombies on the yacht. They probably either went down the passage or fell into the sea!

After checking carefully, Li Yichen dropped his bag, took out the map again, measured the length of the sea he wanted to cross, and estimated the time based on the speed of the yacht. Then he stepped off the yacht and collected some necessities from the shore. , and moved a few barrels of oil from other yachts back, placed them in the lowest cabin of the yacht, fixed them with settings, and then prepared to leave!

"Hey! Wait! Are you leaving the land?"

Just when Li Yichen got everything ready and jumped off the horse's head to loosen the rope, several people actually came over. These people were all young and looked well-dressed. They should be the kind of children from rich families, but Li Yichen Of course he didn't care, he just looked at those people lightly and nodded lightly.

"Can...can you take us with you?"

The speaker was a young man in his mid-twenties. He was wearing a plaid shirt and he didn't look like he had ever been hungry.


Li Yichen shook his head and said:

"I'm not going to seek refuge on some uninhabited island, I'm going to another country to save my family!"


The young man was stunned, then turned and looked at his companions behind him. Li Yichen was right. When they saw Li Yichen preparing to leave in a boat, they thought he was going to find a small island to take refuge, so they took the risk and rushed over, planning to fight with him. Li Yichen leaves together!

These people were in another yacht. They were very lucky. When the disaster happened, none of them mutated, and they were originally planning to go out to sea, so there was enough food and fresh water in the yacht. So they hid in the yacht and stayed there until now.

In fact, they had planned to leave here and find a small island before, but they were not sure whether the creatures in the sea had mutated! Two of these young people like to read apocalyptic novels. They said that after the apocalypse, the sea will be more terrifying than the land because there are more creatures in the sea and they are all quite large.

After hearing what these two people said, the others became even more frightened, so they did not dare to get off the boat for fear of being discovered by zombies, but they also did not dare to walk around on the boat for fear of being noticed by mutant creatures that might exist in the sea, so they all hid in the cabin secretly. They looked outside until they saw Li Yichen coming.

They had all seen Li Yichen kill zombies before, which made them think that Li Yichen should be a very powerful guy. Those two people who like to read novels even thought that this guy might be the protagonist, so they suggested that they follow Li Yichen! Maybe he can survive! After all, people who follow the protagonist in novels usually don’t die easily!

The others had already had enough time in the boat, and not many people questioned after hearing this. Just when Li Yichen was pumping oil in a yacht next to them, several zombies in the passage on their side were attracted, and they were already attracted by Li Yichen. Killed, so they ran over!

Now that he heard that Li Yichen was not leaving here to find a small island to hide, but was going to cross the ocean to another country, the young man hesitated a little and looked back at the others.


The two readers of the novel looked at each other and actually nodded together. Anyway, they just need to follow the protagonist. Does it matter if he goes to another country or a small island?

Maybe this guy still has a system, and once he hugs his lap, he may take off soon.

"By the way! Are there any powerful mutant beasts or something in the sea?"

After nodding, one of them suddenly looked at Li Yichen and asked.

"Of course there is, so I don't recommend that you go out to sea. It's best to find a separate building nearby and stay in it after cleaning up the zombies. There don't seem to be many zombies here. If you have nothing to do, it can be used as a base to clean up. !”

Li Yichen replied without thinking...

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