Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1061 Try your best to survive

Chapter 1061 Try your best to survive

"Yes! I want to go to sea!"

Kaizi looked at his two partners and nodded vigorously and said:

"And...as friends, I advise you two to do the same as me and let's go to sea together!"


a young man asked.

"I have no idea!"

Kaizi shook his head and said:

"I just have a feeling that... our current world may not be real. It may... exist only for this person!"

"What the hell?"

The other two people were shocked and looked at Kaizi in confusion.

"What I mean is that if he leaves now, then this pier and this city may no longer need to exist and will inevitably disappear. If we don't follow him, we will also disappear!"

Kaizi said seriously, and at this time, Li Yichen, who was on the boat, also moved his ears and looked at Kaizi. Although Kaizi's voice was very low, Li Yichen also heard it. He looked at Kaizi and frowned. , I have felt this way before, but now, after Kaizi said this, my feeling is even stronger.

If... this world is really like what Kaizi said, then it will not be the one he thought. It belongs to the world he killed by himself, but a temporary creation. If this is the case, Then what he wants to verify may never be truly verified, and he may even not be able to find himself who turned into a zombie.

"Let's take a look! Anyway... once we leave, we can prove this matter."

Looking at Huang Dahu and others who were moving things to the boat, Li Yichen thought to himself.

"Uncle! Do we really want to leave here?

Where is dad? "

At this time, Meimei brought the little girl to Li Yichen. The little girl looked at Li Yichen and asked pitifully.

"Your father is responsible for driving the boat, so... you won't be able to see him during this period, otherwise no one will be driving the boat!"

Li Yichen looked at the little girl and said.

"Shall I go help Dad drive the boat?"

The little girl said timidly.

"No! Your father said that if you want to sail the boat, he must come, and no one else is allowed in the cab! Even your uncle doesn't dare to go there now, do you understand?

You can only see your dad when the boat docks, because he can only come out at that time! "

Li Yichen knelt down and touched the little girl's head and said:

"And your father said that you are very obedient, so you will wait until the day when he docks the boat and comes out to see you, right?"

"Yes! I am very obedient! I will wait on the boat obediently!"

The little girl nodded vigorously.


Li Yichen smiled, then stood up and motioned for Meimei to leave with the little girl. Then he looked at the shore. It seemed that Kaizi's persuasiveness was not very good. At least, his two companions did not agree with him. It was said that Kaizi was the only one getting on the boat, while his two friends walked towards the large truck they had driven before.

In fact, these two people only need a large truck to go back, but for some reason, these two people actually got into a large truck, sat in the cab and waited quietly. Huang Dahu and the others were unloading the goods now, and they were in the truck. Of course, the truck cannot leave until the items are unloaded.

Kaizi carried a box of food onto the ship. After throwing the things in the cabin, he came to Li Yichen, looked at him and asked:

""I'll go with you! OK? "


Li Yichen nodded, looked at Kaizi and asked:

"Is your intuition accurate?"


Kaizi was stunned for a moment, then looked at the shore and then at Li Yichen. It was at least fifty meters away from where they were talking before. He said it in a very small voice at the time. How could this guy hear him? if?

"Don't look, I can read lips!"

Li Yichen said lightly, this ability was used when he was learning their words in the trial field before he got the system. He didn't expect that he would use it here too.

"I know what I'm thinking is weird, but...whether it's true or not, there's no loss to me! Isn't it?"

Kaizi finally stared at Li Yichen and said.

"Maybe, actually... it might be safer on land!"

Li Yichen nodded.

"You said it yourself, maybe!"

Kaizi smiled and said:

"Actually, the world is no longer safe no matter what. Whether it's on land or at sea, it's all the same. It still depends on luck. If you really deserve to die, you will die wherever you go!"

"And I always have a hunch that as long as I stay with you and you don't want us to die, then we won't die!"

"Then test your idea!"

Li Yichen chuckled and said:

"Actually, I'm not sure what this world is like...Forget it, maybe we can find out after we go to sea, but...you have to remember that once you go to sea, it will be impossible for you to come back!"

"If it's really what I think, this place will disappear after we leave, then why should I come back?"

Kaizi raised his head and looked at his two companions who were still waiting in the car to unload the goods.

"If you want to know the answer, you have to leave quickly, so... let's do it together!"

Li Yichen patted Kaizi on the shoulder, and then walked to the gangplank. Kaizi looked at Li Yichen's back, took a deep breath, followed, and began to help transport supplies to the ship.

There was really a lot of supplies in seven large trucks. It took them most of a day to get everything on board, including dozens of barrels of diesel, which were used to power the cargo ship's engine. !

Of course, the cargo ship actually has sails, but they are used as a backup means. That is to say, after the ship is completely out of oil, it will not drift on the sea. At least it can rely on the wind to continue moving forward!

"Boss! Everyone works together! It's time to set sail!"

After loading all the goods, Huang Dahu led Guo Qing and Fu Qiang to Li Yichen and shouted loudly.

"Okay! Then get ready to go!"

Li Yichen nodded, then looked at the two guys who had already left the dock in their car, and then looked at Kaizi:

"You still have a chance to get off the ship now!"

"Let's go! I once had a dream where I watched a continent disappear before my eyes. I have a hunch that today, maybe that dream will really appear before my eyes!"

Kaizi looked at the dock and said calmly, and Huang Dahu and the others frowned when they heard Kaizi's words, because they had not heard what Kaizi said before, and hearing this now, of course they were inexplicable.

"Dahu! Let's sail the boat! Let's go!!"

Li Yichen looked at the shore and finally said.

"Okay! Don't worry, boss! We're leaving now!"

Huang Dahu agreed, and then left with Guo Qing and Fu Qiang. They were a cargo ship and needed a lot of manpower. In fact, they could just barely sail the ship away. If there were two less people, it might be possible. Even the most basic navigation of the boat is no longer possible.

Li Yichen doesn't know this, and even if he does, he might not care. Li Yichen has a weakness now, that is, he is actually just an ordinary person now, but in his heart, he still regards himself as the one who can use the rules of space and time. A strong man, Li Yichen, who has all his strength, is a well-deserved strong man, but now... maybe even a mutant fish can kill him, but he just dares to go to sea! !

The cargo ship slowly sailed out of the port amidst the roar of the whistle. In the words of Huang Dahu and the others, this was a ritual. Although it might attract the attention of mutant beasts, it must be done before leaving the port!

Li Yichen didn't care. He and Kaizi were standing on the top floor of the cargo ship, staring at the port behind. After Kaizi said this, Li Yichen became somewhat interested. He also wanted to know whether this world was specifically designed for Prepare your own world.

In the world of I Am Legend, Li Yichen already has experience. He at least already knows that it is not impossible for a world to be created just for one person. At least in I Am Legend, that world is There is only one New York City. The other cities exist in Robert's memory, but do not exist in reality, and they will never be able to reach them.

Moreover, Li Yichen can't be sure whether that world still exists now or whether Robert is still alive, because he has left that world. Unless there are more puzzles about there, he may still be able to see Robert again. ,.


"What would you think if...I mean if, after we leave, this continent really disappears?"

Thinking of the world of I am Legend, Li Yichen looked at the port gradually disappearing and asked softly:

“I mean…if this world was created for me, what about you?

What is the meaning of your existence?

To prove my existence? "

"I have no idea!"

Kaizi didn't look at Li Yichen either. He was also looking at the shore and replied softly:

"Whether this world is real or not, at least I know...in my consciousness, I really exist. I don't want to die, and I don't want to disappear, so regardless of whether my existence is meaningful or not, for me personally, I don’t even want to die! Even if my death has no impact on the world or has any impact on other people, but... I still want to live and try my best to live..."

"Do whatever I can to... survive!"

Li Yichen looked at the shore and murmured, and under his gaze, the port in the distance actually began to slowly disappear as Kaizi expected. The disappearance... was like There is something that breaks it down, turning it into particles, and then gradually dissipates...

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