Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1062: Marine creatures don’t mutate?

Chapter 1062: Marine creatures don’t mutate?


Kaizi's eyes widened with a look of shock. He had made such a guess, but in fact, even he himself did not expect that this situation would actually happen. After all, it was too unbelievable to say such a thing.

Li Yichen was not that shocked. After all, he had experienced such a world before, but... the world he had experienced before did not seem to be centered on him, but now this world seemed to be specially prepared for him.

Li Yichen looked up at the sky and felt slightly relieved. If this world was really prepared for him, then he should be able to reach his destination smoothly on this trip, right?

There shouldn't be any danger when traveling on the sea. After all, if the protagonist dies, then there will be no need for this world to exist.

The destination of this voyage has been told to Huang Dahu and the others, but it is already the end of the world. The previous navigation and guidance are gone, so now Huang Dahu and the others can only control the route by themselves. Speaking of which, this kind of voyage is relatively It was dangerous, but since Li Yichen insisted on going to sea, of course Huang Dahu and the others had no choice but to follow.

Now, in addition to Huang Dahu, eight of them, and Li Yichen, there is another little girl and Kaizi on the ship. Kaizi's name is Li Kai. He is 25 years old. His two companions left after Huang Dahu and the others moved the goods to the ship. , should have disappeared with that continent now, right?

Li Yichen was also looking at the coastline. Not long after their cargo ship sailed out of the port, the coastline behind him was no longer visible. This was definitely not a normal phenomenon. Huang Dahu and the others also discovered this strange situation, but the conversation between Kaizi and Li Yichen They didn't hear it, so they didn't know what was going on.

However, even the apocalypse has come and zombies have appeared, so... some more strange things are not unacceptable. Anyway, no matter how the world changes, I am still alive.

They were quite well prepared this time, including enough food, drinking water, medicine, and fuel. In Huang Dahu's words, what they brought was enough to last them three years at sea!

However, after leaving the shore, watching the coast disappear and the ship sailing in the endless sea, the feeling is a bit... lonely. Although there are now more than a dozen people on the ship, everyone on the ship seems to feel that the whole Their ship and the few people on it were the only ones left in the world!

Because this feeling always enveloped the ship, everyone on the ship was in a low mood. Huang Dahu saw it and felt a little anxious, so he found Li Yichen and whispered:

"Boss! The atmosphere on the ship is too bad, this won't work!"

"What's wrong?"

Li Yichen was stunned. Of course he noticed the atmosphere on the boat, but he also had doubts in his mind at this time, so he didn't pay much attention to it. Moreover, the boat had already set off and no one could get off, so Li Yichen didn't think much about it.

"Boss! We are at sea now. This is different from land. When sailing on the sea, it does not mean that you only need enough food and drinking water. People on the ship are emotionally unstable. If they are in this state for a long time, Come on, the human spirit can’t bear it!”

Huang Dahu replied.

"Then...what should we do?"

Li Yichen frowned. If something went wrong with the people on the ship, it would really not be a good thing for him. One was that he needed manpower to sail the ship, and the other... He didn't want accidents to happen to the people around him, although he didn't want to talk to these people. How long have they been together, but after all, these guys are calling each other boss and helping him sail the boat, so he has no reason to ignore them.


"I don't know, but... it's best to find a way to make everyone's mood better, otherwise, once one person has a problem, it may be quickly transmitted to others, and everyone's mood will collapse in the end!"

Huang Dahu said seriously, then he turned to look around and said with a worried look:

"This situation is very strange now. After leaving the shore, it seems that the continent has disappeared. We do not have satellite positioning now, so we can only sail in the most primitive way. If we make a mistake, we may never reach our destination. And...Boss, do you feel it?

It seems like we are the only ones left in the world. "

"The whole world?"

Li Yichen looked at Huang Dahu, suddenly smiled, patted his shoulder and said:

"Isn't that good?

It means we can rule the world! I bet you never thought that you would be able to rule the world one day even in your dreams, right? "

"In a world like this... let's forget it!"

Huang Dahu shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"How many people need to keep an eye on the ship while it's sailing?"

Li Yichen looked at Huang Dahu and asked.

"When we first set sail, we all had to be at our own posts, but now... In fact, it's okay not to have one person, because the route has been set, and as long as there are no accidents ahead, no one is needed to operate it! This is not Cars need someone to drive them!”

Huang Dahu replied.

"Okay! In that case, let everyone come on the deck and let's fish together! We still don't know what the mutant beasts in the sea look like!"

Hearing Huang Dahu's words, Li Yichen nodded and patted his shoulder. When collecting supplies before, they took a lot of fishing nets, fishing rods and other things to sail on the boat. Of course, these things are indispensable. Not only can people To pass the time, the fish you catch are also a source of food!


Huang Dahu nodded. Li Yichen's idea was not too good, but Huang Dahu couldn't think of any other ideas now. At least if everyone fished together, it could distract everyone's attention, which was considered the last resort.

Li Yichen actually knew that this method was not that reliable, but this was all he could think of. Now that he had no system and was an ordinary person, this was the only idea he could come up with. After all, he was in the capital of hell. , he has always been a hands-off shopkeeper. In a situation like this, maybe Wan Shan will know what to do, Li Yichen...

In fact, Li Yichen himself has some doubts in his heart. He should be undergoing the final trial of the space system rules, but now he does not have the ability to control the space rules. How on earth can he complete the trial?

Or... did I hear it wrong when I came in? They said "intermediate" instead of "ultimate"?

"Forget it! No matter it's intermediate or ultimate, get there first and see if you can find me in this world!"

After Huang Dahu went down to call people, Li Yichen looked at the direction of the ship and sighed in his heart!

Soon, Huang Dahu led everyone to the deck. They also took out nets, fishing rods and other fishing gear, and arranged these things skillfully, and shouted to Li Yichen:

"Boss! Are we starting?"


Li Yichen nodded. He was still standing at the highest point of the ship, looking down, with a bow and arrow on his back. He wanted to keep an eye on it to be on guard against mutant beasts that might appear!

In fact, their cargo ship is already very large, but compared with the sea, it is completely insignificant. Moreover, most of the creatures in the sea are also very large. If a mutant beast appears, it will swallow the ship in one bite. Not surprising!

Under the command of Huang Dahu, they hung the trawl net behind the boat, hung several fishing rods with mixed bait, threw them into the sea, and distributed the things everyone was responsible for!

The little girl was also there. She looked at the fishing net and fishing rod with some curiosity on her face. Kaizi looked at Li Yichen high up, thoughtful in his eyes. Then he picked up a fishing rod and skillfully hung the bait on it, then flicked it. Into the sea!

Everyone had something to do, and the atmosphere on the boat finally got better. Moreover, to Li Yichen's surprise, the net behind them quickly yielded results!

"Quick! Set up the net!"

Huang Dahu immediately called on everyone to start dragging the trawl net. Smiles appeared on everyone else's faces. Li Yichen took off the long bow in his hand, pulled out an arrow with his other hand, and stared at the net below.

Huang Dahu used the crane arm on the cargo ship to hang the trawl net, so he quickly retrieved the net. Looking at the fish caught in the net, Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, and then put down his bow and arrow.

Although Li Yichen was far away from the trawl net, the eagle eye effect was still there. He could clearly see that the trawl net contained some ordinary marine creatures. Although he could not name them all, at least from the appearance of those fish and shrimps Look, there's not a single mutant creature here! !

When Huang Dahu dragged the net onto the deck and sorted the fish catch with everyone, Kaizi also looked at the fish inside, then looked up at Li Yichen, hesitated for a moment, walked up, came to Li Yichen and said:

"It seems that...the creatures in the sea have not mutated?"

"I don't know! Maybe... it's because the virus was blocked by the water, right?"

Li Yichen replied casually. In fact, he knew in his heart that water could not block the zombie virus. Moreover, in the trial area, there were also mutated creatures in the water, which were even more ferocious than those on land. He didn't know this world. Why haven't the aquatic creatures mutated? But... if the marine creatures didn't mutate, that would definitely be a good thing. At least their voyage would be much safer!

"Where is our destination?"

After hearing Li Yichen's explanation, Kaizi was noncommittal. He just looked at Li Yichen and asked.


Li Yichen replied that there was nothing to hide, and Huang Dahu and the others already knew the destination of their trip! The last time he killed the zombie version of himself at the space gate, it was within the confines of Putrajaya. Although he didn't know if there would be a mutated version of himself in this world, all Li Yichen could think of now was to go Check out Putrajaya...

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