Li Yichen had to tell this guy to eat it by himself, otherwise, it would be really embarrassing if this damn spider stuffed the eggshell into his mouth. This thing should be a good thing for it, but for it For Li Yichen, this is completely impossible to enter!

After Li Yichen used his mental power to convey the message, what surprised Li Yichen was that the little spider actually tilted his head and looked at Li Yichen again, then actually put the eggshell to his mouth and started eating...

"I'll this really okay?"

Li Yichen was stunned. He had now confirmed it.

Using this method, he could communicate with the little spider, not because the spider ate the eggshell, but because... he could feel that when his mental power spread to the spider, he actually got a response.

That kind of response was very strange. It wasn't like the way he communicated with the system. It was a clear dialogue. Except that he didn't need to speak, everything else was actually the same. However, the communication with the spider was more vague, not using words, it was a bit similar. Yu... The feeling of controlling the game is that you can command your game character to do anything, and it will not resist your orders.

There may be some differences in saying this, but this is how Li Yichen feels. In short, he is sure that he can control the spider through mental power, and the spider will also give him some feedback information to let him understand what the spider means. For example, now he It’s nice to be able to feel the spiders!

Um! Of course I’m happy to have something to eat!

Li Yichen stood there, watching the spider eat his eggshell. After eating, the spider looked up at Li Yichen. Li Yichen clearly felt that it was asking him what he was going to do next...

Why go?

Li Yichen hesitated for a moment. Now that he has this spider, he has a powerful fighter. Although this spider is much smaller than the original King of Zerg, can tell by looking at those spider legs that it is not Easy to mess with.

But Li Yichen felt that... it was better not to enter the jungle for the time being. Although he would not encounter any powerful beings if he entered the jungle, it would not necessarily be possible if he went in with this. After all, they were all born on this island. Who knows what might happen? What was the reaction?

Before he could figure out the origins of those animals, Li Yichen felt that he should just be patient for a while and not waste any time!

"Forget it, after you finish eating the eggshells, just follow me back to the top of the mountain!"

Li Yichen looked at the spider and murmured, and then he was about to use his mental power to issue a command, but suddenly stopped... After eating the egg shell?

Does this guy still need life energy?

Thinking of this, Li Yichen did not hesitate and directly sent out mental waves to give instructions to the spider. Finally, he turned around and took it down the mountain to the beach.

Seeing the beach, the spider's eyes lit up, and then he immediately sent a message to Li Yichen, strongly requesting that he swallow the sand. Of course, Li Yichen immediately agreed. He brought this guy here just for this! Anyway, these grains of sand are not from him, so feel free to eat them!

To Li Yichen's surprise, after receiving permission, the spider did not start eating sand directly. Instead, it rushed forward, rushed all the way to the sea, and then began to devour the sand in the sea.

"what happened?

Could it be that...the sand in the sea is delicious? "

Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, because when he brought the spider, he entered the beach and let it start eating. Because of the previous sand and snow, as well as the sand swept into the sea by the waves, the coastline had already advanced dozens of meters towards the sea. , so this spider’s current behavior is completely to seek the far away. If the sand in the sea was not better, it would not do this.

Looking at the spider that was constantly devouring sand in the sea in the distance, Li Yichen immediately used his mental power to ask his question, and then got feedback. Although the spider could not send clear words to Li Yichen, it could make Li Yichen understand clearly. Knowing what it means is the magic of spiritual communication! !

After Spider's explanation, Li Yichen finally understood that the sand on the beach and the sand in the sea also contain a lot of life energy, and the sand on the beach contains more than the sand soaked in the sea, but for this For spiders, the sand in the sea is more suitable for them to absorb!

In other words, sand on the beach that has not been exposed to sea water has more life energy, but it is also more explosive. There is no problem in using it to absorb it for the insect nest, but if it is swallowed directly, it is likely to cause the spider's body to explode. !

Just like wine and alcohol, there is absolutely no problem in drinking alcohol as long as it is not excessive, and it is even good for the body, because that thing is originally made of food, but if you drink alcohol... hmm! I guess you will be gone soon!

But this cannot be said to be because alcohol is not good. It is just because the alcohol content is too high, so it cannot be drunk directly. However, if there are wounds or other things on the body, there is absolutely no problem in using alcohol to wipe it. That is, it can only be used externally and cannot be taken internally. So before It was okay for Li Yichen to pour sand on the insect nest, but the hatched spiders could not swallow the sand directly.

However, the sand grains that have been soaked in sea water are different. According to the feedback from the spider, after being soaked in sea water, although the amount of life energy in the sand grains has not decreased much, it is not so violent and can be completely swallowed. As long as your body can bear it, you can swallow as much as you want - which means you can drink alcohol, but don't overdose, as you will vomit it out if you drink too much!

After getting the spider's explanation, Li Yichen couldn't help but wonder, why is the life energy contained in sand that has been soaked in seawater no longer violent?

Does this have anything to do with sea water?

Li Yichen had tasted this seawater before, but it didn't give him the feeling of life, so he didn't pay attention to the seawater. Although the seawater here is not salty, which is very strange, there are many strange things in this world. How can I care about this "little weirdness"?

So Li Yichen himself walked to the sea and grabbed a handful of sand. The spider's explanation made him understand that his previous judgment was correct. The sand here did contain a lot of life energy, so Li Yichen could feel it before. The sand is alive.

Now that I think about it, it was because the life energy in the sand was so violent that Li Yichen felt that they were living things...

When he arrived at the beach, Li Yichen used his other hand to fish out a handful of sand from the sea. After holding it, he felt it carefully. Sure enough, in Li Yichen's opinion, these sand grains were no different from ordinary sand. He There is no feeling that these grains of sand are living things.

Then, Li Yichen held the grains of sand he picked up on the beach, immersed them in the sea, and felt them carefully. However, after a while, the feeling of life was still there. Then Li Yichen suddenly woke up and tightened the sand tightly. If you hold them tightly, they can't touch the sea water at all, so of course they won't change!

So, Li Yichen brought his other hand over, and then spread his palm. This time, all the sand in his hand was soaked by the sea water. After a few seconds, Li Yichen shook hands again and felt the sand in his hand. …

Sure enough, this time, the sand lost the feeling of life and was completely like ordinary sand. It seems that the soaking in sea water is indeed effective on this kind of sand, but...

Li Yichen picked up a handful of seawater, put it to his mouth and licked it. Didn't he find anything?

It's not salty or astringent, and it tastes very good. It feels like you can drink it directly. If you drink it with your eyes closed, it seems to be a bit like mountain spring water!

It's a pity that this is not in his own world. Otherwise, with such a sea, Li Yichen could open a water plant and be a "porter of nature"!

After studying the sea water for a long time, Li Yichen still had no clue. Finally he shook his head and looked at the spider. However, when he looked at it, he was suddenly surprised. His spider was actually floating on the surface of the sea with its belly turned inside out. Above, the eight spider legs are motionless. Are they dead?

Li Yichen was shocked and quickly used his mental power to connect to the spider, but he didn't get any response, so he hurried over and carried the spider ashore.

After carrying this guy up, Li Yichen breathed a sigh of relief. He could feel that this guy was still alive. However, what surprised Li Yichen was that this guy's body had actually grown several times. His belly, which was only about one meter in diameter, was now It's almost two meters tall, and its fist-sized head has become as big as a basketball.

"I'll go, is this... you've eaten too much to hold yourself up?"

Li Yichen shook his head secretly, then looked at the spider's body, thought for a while, then picked it up and climbed up the mountain...

This spider is estimated to weigh more than two hundred kilograms now. Carrying it to the top of the mountain is not an easy task. Even though Li Yichen is now in excellent physical condition, but... he doesn't dare to leave this guy here. Around noon tomorrow, those animals will I'll come over for a drink of water. Who knows how long this guy will sleep?


Drink water?

Li Yichen was suddenly startled. He suddenly thought that the reason why those animals rushed into the sea was probably not to drink water, but... for the sand in the sea, right?

Thinking of the message the spider had given him just now, and the fact that it was desperately swallowing sand in the sea, Li Yichen seemed to know something. The total time it took for the spider to swallow sand in the sea just now was less than ten minutes, which was longer than the time it took those animals. It's longer, but the spider also fell into a deep sleep. Those animals probably knew this, so they didn't dare to eat more, because there were many animals coming behind them, but they didn't dare to stretch themselves out. Fall into a deep sleep, otherwise, it is estimated that you will never wake up from this sleep and directly become food for other animals...

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