Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1080 Activating the Insect Nest

This spider of mine may eat so much because I am around. Of course, it may also be because it does not know that it will enter a deep sleep state if it eats too much. After all, it is a newly hatched Zerg. Speaking of which, he is still a little baby, and although he was also born on this island, he may not know this island as well as Li Yichen.

After carrying the spider back to the top of the mountain with great difficulty, Li Yichen hesitated again. This mountain can absorb sand containing life energy, and this spider can also be said to grow up by swallowing sand. Even its hatching is made of sand. It uses life energy as nutrition, so if you throw it directly on the ground, will it be absorbed directly like the deer?

It was not absorbed before when it walked on the mountain, but the spider was awake at that time. Maybe it was not absorbed because of this. But if it was in a coma, Li Yichen was not sure. If it was thrown down, the spider would be directly absorbed by the mountain. If it is absorbed, Li Yichen's efforts to carry it up will be in vain.

However, it doesn't seem right to carry him like this all the time. It weighs more than 200 kilograms. Even if Li Yichen has a super strong physique, he can't stand like this all the time with such a heavy thing on his shoulders, right?

Besides, who knows where those animals appeared from?

What if they come out and find someone on the mountain and rush up again?

How can I use a bow and arrow while carrying a spider?

After hesitating for a while, Li Yichen suddenly discovered that the spider's legs were hanging on the ground all the way up the mountain. Li Yichen couldn't avoid this. Originally, this guy's legs were long, and now they have grown to nearly ten inches. It was about 3 meters long, and Li Yichen could only carry its body, but he couldn't close all its long legs.

Looking at the spider legs on the ground, Li Yichen finally felt relieved. The spider legs were connected to the spider's body and also contained life energy. Since it had not been absorbed, the spider certainly would not either. So, Li Yichen first gently pulled the spider away. He lowered it down and placed its belly on the ground. After waiting for a while and finding that there was no reaction, he breathed a sigh of relief and placed the spider completely on the ground!

This time, Li Yichen also sat down on the ground and stared at the stars in the sky in a daze. Now he was getting more and more confused. What was the purpose of coming here?

Why do things seem to be getting more and more confusing?

Shouldn't he let himself stay here to witness with his own eyes the process of the emergence of the trial place?

It might take decades or even hundreds of years. Li Yichen felt that he might not live until that time, but now he couldn't think of anything else but to wait.


After sitting for a while, Li Yichen looked at the spiders beside him, and an idea suddenly came to his mind. Since he could feed a Zerg, then... if he continued to use the previous method, could he form a Zerg here? A Zerg army?

To be honest, it does take a lot of time to make such a spider, but if you want to make more, it doesn't have to be so troublesome. Li Yichen used to use his clothes to carry the sand bit by bit, but that was what Li Yichen wanted to do. He was doing experiments, so he didn't bother to do it. Now if he really wanted to get some bugs out, he could just pick some small bug nests that weren't that big, pick them off and throw them directly into the beach, and let them absorb the sand on their own. Is it done?

Calculating the time, the night was just a little over half, and he still had plenty of time, because Li Yichen had been here last night. He remembered that there was nothing too unusual on the island from the second half of the night until dawn! Anyway, if you have time, let's try again. If he can create an army of Zerg, he can compete with those animals!

Thinking of doing it, Li Yichen looked back at the spider and found that it was still sleeping, so he just let it continue to sleep. Anyway, even if those animals appeared, it would have to wait until noon tomorrow at least. Before that, as long as it would not be If the mountains could absorb it, then there should be no danger, and if the mountains could absorb it, it would be gone long ago.

Standing up, Li Yichen picked up his bow and arrow and walked down the mountain. If he wanted to get a small insect nest, of course he had to get one from the cave at the bottom. From here, he still had to carry it so far. Only an idiot would do that. .

Arriving at the cave at the bottom, Li Yichen came to the location of the small insect nest where the little spiders had been hatched. He looked at the bare stone pillar, then looked around, and first picked up the clothes he had left here and put them on. , and then selected a small insect nest that was about one meter long, then stepped forward and hugged it hard, shook it twice, and then picked off the insect nest!

After taking off the insect nest, Li Yichen waited carefully for a while, looked around, and found no movement in the insect nest. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and then left the cave with the insect nest in his arms. Looking at the mountains that kept going downhill, Li Yichen On a sudden thought, I let go, and the small round insect nest rolled all the way down, and actually fell directly into the beach below the mountain!

"Haha! This saves so much effort!"

Li Yichen laughed. If this worked, he estimated that he could drop at least a few hundred of them in one night, and he could even get rid of some very big ones. Anyway, as long as he was strong enough to move the insect nest out of the cave, he would be fine.

With this thought in his mind, Li Yichen turned around and prepared to enter the cave to get a few more, but then stopped and looked back at the small insect nest. He felt that he should see if this one could be hatched first, so as not to waste his efforts.

The reason why the previous spider hatched successfully was because Li Yichen fed it directly in the insect nest. Now if he gets it down, he doesn't know if it will work. If it doesn't work, he will be as tired as a silly dog ​​for a long time and leave a few behind. What's the point of having hundreds of insect nests?

Thinking of this, Li Yichen gave up his idea and walked directly down to the small insect nest. Then he looked carefully, but soon he discovered that the insect nest was actually absorbing sand. It seemed that this method It should work!

However, Li Yichen still didn't go back to get more insect nests. The guy before didn't hatch in the end. He broke out of the shell after sucking his own blood. Let's see if this is the case first. If so, If so, then Li Yichen would definitely have to control the quantity. His blood... is not unlimited!

The color of the small insect nest that continues to absorb the sand begins to change. Before, the little spider's insect nest was shiny, so it was not clear whether its color had changed, because it was originally black rocks, but this small insect nest emitted The light was quite dim. Instead, the black layer on the outer skin slowly receded, and then gradually turned into the color that Li Yichen was familiar with, which was the color of the small insect nest he saw in the trial site!

"Is this... a success?"

Li Yichen was stunned. Although it was different from the little spider's, he was familiar with this small insect nest. The small insect nest that continuously hatched the Zerg was like this. Even the color was not bad. Moreover, as it continued to be absorbed, The small insect nest also began to pulsate like a heart, contracting and contracting, just like the previous small insect nest.

"If that's the case, then this insect nest should be able to hatch many insect races, right?"

Thinking of what he saw in the insect nest when he left the trial area, Li Yichen suddenly felt happy. If this small insect nest was like the small insect nest over there, as long as it had enough life energy to produce, then his own Zerg race would The army can be formed faster.

The reason for the little spider was that only one little spider hatched, and then it turned into an eggshell and was eaten by the little spider. So if other small insect nests were like this, then Li Yichen would have to make more small insect nests. , because if you get a few bug nests out, there will be a few bugs.

But if things are like this now, if Li Yichen throws out a few insect nests at random, a steady stream of Zerg armies will be hatched. He will soon have an Zerg army in his hands that can kill all the animals, and he will be able to experience the Zerg clan once. The majesty of the king! !

Sure enough, not long after, a hole opened in the top of the small insect nest, and then a Zerg crawled out. Li Yichen didn't know how many Zerg would crawl out of it, so he stepped back a little and took off the insect nest. The long bow was equipped with an arrow!

The Zerg that came out of the nest was actually a flying Zerg. It looked a bit like a praying mantis, but it was not that big, only half a meter long. For ordinary praying mantises, this was certainly considered a giant cockroach. , but for the Zerg, this size can only be regarded as small.

But when he saw it was a flying Zerg, Li Yichen was immediately overjoyed. Size didn't matter. What mattered was that this guy could fly. At least he could use it as a spy for himself. Now that he was here, although he could see the whole thing clearly, He had a complete view of the island, but he didn’t quite understand the situation in the jungle.

Having a group of flying Zerg is equivalent to having an air force. Not only can it explore the way for itself, but as long as the number is large enough, it is not a big problem to use it to fight! !

"Little guy, come here!"

Li Yichen looked at the giant mantis that had completely crawled out of the insect nest, and summoned him with his mental power. However, the wings of the newly hatched giant mantis were still a little damp. It stayed on the insect nest and did not move, but continued to The wings are shaking.

Li Yichen hesitated for a moment. He originally wanted to step forward and try to touch the little guy with his hands, but when he saw that the mantis's eyes didn't seem to give him the feeling of an intelligent creature, he decided to wait here. Let’s see what happens!

Soon, a giant mantis crawled out of the insect nest again. Its size and appearance were exactly the same as the one before. Then, more mantises began to crawl out of the insect nest one after another...

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