Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1087 This is my little brother!

These animals spit out white mist very quickly, but while they were spitting out white mist, their bodies also began to shrink rapidly, and finally disappeared directly. In less than two minutes, all the animals that appeared in the first wave disappeared. Without a trace, all that was left behind was a large white mist...

"This is……"

Li Yichen stared at the fog. Because the fog was quite thick, Li Yichen couldn't see what was inside at all. However, thinking of what he saw yesterday, Li Yichen actually had some guesses in his mind...

Sure enough, the fog did not last long before it began to dissipate - perhaps saying it dissipated is not quite correct, because the fog was absorbed by a group of larger animals.

After the fog dissipated, another group of animals appeared on the ground. This group of animals was the ones Li Yichen and the others saw yesterday. The second group of animals that came to "drink water". Li Yichen had a very good memory. He even remembered the images of many animals. !

After the second batch of animals appeared, they also rushed to the sea impatiently. Once they entered the sea, they began to devour the sand in the sea crazily. This time, Li Yichen stared at one animal specifically, and sure enough, he discovered the clue!

Yesterday, when Geer was swallowing sand in the sea, he swallowed too much and finally fell into a deep sleep. At that time, Li Yichen was still thinking that it was because it swallowed more than those animals, so it entered this state. Moreover, yesterday Wenger's swallowing time of sand is indeed much longer than that of these animals, nearly twice as long.

But now after careful observation, Li Yichen discovered that although the time was short, the sand swallowed by these creatures was probably no less than what Geer swallowed yesterday, and even much more, because these animals had no scruples at all and were crazy. Swallowing, even the belly can be seen gradually bulging...

After this group of animals also finished devouring the sand, they also began to return, and, like the first wave of animals before, they began to spit out white mist when they returned to the circle, and their bodies also began to rapidly Zoom out.

In less than two minutes, these animals disappeared without a trace, and what was left behind was a thicker white mist. And in the white mist, the third wave of animals was naturally born. .

"Could it be that...that nesting beetle was born this way, right?"

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen couldn't help but think, and then he looked carefully below. The animals that appeared in the third wave did not know that there were spectators above, and they still rushed straight into the sea, and then began to swallow the sand crazily. Larger creatures naturally devour them faster. In the blink of an eye, the coastline that originally spread out for tens of meters was quickly shortened by three consecutive waves of animals.

It only took a few minutes for the third wave of animals to finish devouring themselves. They all turned back. This time, they still returned to the place where they were born before and formed a circle again without hesitation. began to spit out white mist continuously.

What was different from the previous two times was that the white mist sprayed by these huge dinosaur-sized creatures was more condensed than before, almost becoming reality. Seeing this situation, Geer actually made a request to Li Yichen again, thinking If you want to go down, according to what it means, that kind of life energy is quite pure. As long as it absorbs some in the middle, it can completely improve its life level.

However, Li Yichen still did not allow it, because... what was about to appear was the nesting beetle. If Geer went down now, it would probably affect the emergence of the nesting beetle, so of course Li Yichen would not agree. Besides, judging from the current signs It seems that these animals come here every day, so why bother?

Without Li Yichen's permission, no matter how impatient Geer was, he finally had no impulse and still lay down beside Li Yichen obediently. However, the spider legs that kept sliding back and forth revealed this guy's anxious mood.

"Don't worry! If you want this, we can go there tomorrow, and we can ambush in advance. As for now... you have to see if the beetles that will appear soon can help you build an insect nest!"

While Li Yichen used his mental strength to comfort Geer, he looked down. The bodies of those animals shrank extremely quickly. Even though they were huge, within two minutes, they also went from large to small, and finally disappeared completely, and they spit out... The fog that emerged was gradually collapsing, and finally, a mountain-like black shadow appeared below.

Even if he saw it on the top of the mountain, he could still feel the hugeness of the beetle. Li Yichen couldn't help but take a breath. Once it was confirmed that it was a nesting beetle, how could he conquer such a big thing?

Obviously, these animals must have their own purposes for doing this. It would be very difficult to get this big beetle to build a nest for themselves. Just persuasion will definitely not work, so the only way is to use force.

But...if we use force...

Li Yichen looked at his bow, then at the length of the arrow, and sighed secretly in his heart. According to his estimation, it was impossible for his arrow to break through the beetle's defense, even if it could penetrate it. Based on the length of the arrow, which is about one meter, I am afraid that even the beetle's carapace cannot be penetrated. The thickness of this guy's carapace is definitely two to three meters or even thicker! !

Li Yichen was still struggling with how to deal with this beetle, but Geer had already sent him a message, clearly telling Li Yichen that this beetle was a nesting beetle, and he could build a nest for it.

"Can you handle it?"

Li Yichen looked at the beetle below and sighed, asking Geer in his mind, but the message Geer sent back to Li Yichen made Li Yichen stunned...

According to Geer, it doesn't have to deal with this beetle at all. It can control it as long as it goes over and let it build its own nest, because the nesting beetle is actually the most special type of soldier in the insect nest, because it can only Nest building and nothing else involved.

When they appear, they will only do two things, one is to build a nest, and the other is to repair the nest. When Li Yichen was at the trial site, he seemed to have only seen nesting beetles twice, once in the insect nest. Before it was built, the nesting beetles at that time seemed to have many bugs devouring each other, and finally a big beetle appeared.

Of course, because it had been so long, Li Yichen couldn't remember clearly whether the big beetle appeared after the Zergs devoured each other, or whether it crawled out of the hole directly. But this is not important. What is important is that it was originally There are indeed nesting beetles building insect nests.

After that, Li Yichen saw a nesting beetle once again, but this time he saw it after he used the rules of space to blow up the nest, and some nesting beetles came out to repair the nest. Moreover, even though he had He didn't know much about the Zerg, but Li Yichen still felt that the Zerg king was more concerned about the nesting beetles repairing the nest, because after being attacked by Li Yichen and killing several nesting beetles, the Zerg king would build a nest. The beetle took it back.

This has never been seen in other Zerg races. The attacks of other Zerg races are completely lifeless. No matter how many you die, I will always rush upward. No Zerg will retreat at all!

Therefore, it is conceivable that among the Zerg, the importance of nesting beetles is almost comparable to that of the intelligent Zerg! Of course, it is definitely not as important as the intelligent Zerg. It is estimated that it can be ranked at least third: the king of the Zerg, the intelligent Zerg, and then the nesting beetle.

However, although the nesting beetle has a very high status among the Zerg, this is only because its type of work is very important. Without it, the insect nest cannot be maintained. As a technical type of work, it cannot be replaced by other Zerg. .

But this does not mean that the nesting beetle has a high status in the Zerg. If it were in the human world, a nesting beetle would definitely be at least an engineer, and could be considered a high-level talent. It must be a superior person anyway. But among the Zerg, nesting beetles are important, but they have no status.

This is also determined by the characteristics of the Zerg. These bugs will not care about their identity because they are very important. They will still do whatever they are told. They never let the nesting beetles leave the station because they are afraid of losing them, and most importantly The point is that nesting beetles also don't have any intelligence.

In other words, no matter how important they are, they will only rely on their own instincts and the genetic genes of the insects to decide their actions. The genetic genes of the insect race are that the lower level obeys the higher level! !

Judging from the size, the nesting beetle is much larger than Guer. It is estimated that if Guer is lying on the body of the nesting beetle, he will not be able to see it without looking carefully, and will be ignored directly. However, in terms of identity, Geer is an intelligent Zerg. This group is second only to the King of Zerg among the Zerg.

Moreover, the insect nest is still in a dormant state, and not even half of it has been built, so there is not even a king of the bugs. In other words, Geer can now be said to be the highest-status guy among the bugs on the island.

Therefore, if Geer wants to command this nesting beetle, he doesn't need to work hard at all. As long as he runs over, he can basically control the nesting beetle.

After carefully studying the information from Geer, Li Yichen was pleasantly surprised. He was still thinking about how he could help Geer control this big guy before, but now Geer actually gave the answer himself - - No need to control, this is my little brother, just call him over to work!

So, with Li Yichen's permission, Geer began to go down the mountain and rushed towards the nesting beetle...

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