Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1088 Conquering the Nesting Beetle

Seeing Geer rushing over quickly, Li Yichen felt a little nervous. Although Geer said it quite easily, it seemed that if he went over to hook his fingers...no, it was to hook the spider's legs, the nesting beetle would follow him obediently. , but because of the huge size gap between the two sides, Li Yichen still felt a little guilty!

This nesting beetle was not hatched from a regular insect nest, but was born from the white mist spit out by those animals. To be honest, this was the first time Li Yichen had seen this way of birth, and he was a little worried. No idea. If this nesting beetle didn't give him any respect, he would probably be crushed under his small body with just one foot!


Li Yichen looked at the mantises around him and felt a little guilty. Although these mantises were hatched by Geer using his own genes, they treated him the same as Geer, but what if Geer dies?

Over there, they trampled Geer to death. These guys won't rebel, right?

At such a close distance, Li Yichen felt that if the mantis pounced on him, he would probably not be able to dodge it, especially since these guys were swallowing the sand at the bottom of the sea. Each of them was more than one meter long and stood taller than him. A pair of It might be enough to do it alone, let alone so many!

So, Li Yichen consciously moved around, and used his mental power to keep the mantises away from him. In this way, even if they suddenly burst out, he would have time to react, and there was a mountain not far from here. As long as he entered the cave entrance and guarded it, Li Yichen would not be afraid at all. After all, these mantises are very tricky. If they see their companions injured, they will eat their own companions first!

Putting all the quivers at his feet and holding the bow in his hand, Li Yichen looked down again. At this time, the big beetle had arrived at the seaside and was opening its mouth to start sucking in the seawater. Countless sands on the bottom of the sea were being sucked up. Fly up and pour it into the mouth of the big beetle continuously!

Geer finally came to the side of the big beetle. He actually climbed directly onto the back of the big beetle. With a body length of more than two hundred meters, Geer was like a band-aid on the back of the nesting beetle. It was completely It's inconspicuous. If Li Yichen hadn't looked at it a long time ago, he might have ignored it! !

Seeing that Geer had reached the back of the beetle, Li Yichen felt a little more relaxed. No matter what, even if the big beetle didn't care about Geer, at least Geer wouldn't be trampled to death in an instant, and as long as Geer didn't die, , these mantises will not rebel, then you will be safe.

However, I don’t know whether Geer didn’t give the order or the big beetle ignored it. In short, after Geer got on the back of the big beetle, the big beetle still didn’t stop swallowing the sea sand, and the water in the sea continued to flow. pouring into the mouth of the giant beetle.

Moreover, Li Yichen discovered that the big beetle swallowed the sea water and the sea sand together, about two-thirds of the sea sand and one-third of the sea water. Could it be that this sea water also has a special function?

In the past, because those animals put their heads in the sea to swallow the sea sand, Li Yichen couldn't tell whether they swallowed the sea water, but Li Yichen could see the way of nesting beetles quite clearly.

After devouring it for four or five minutes, the big beetle still didn't stop, and Geer lay motionless on its back. Li Yichen was a little anxious because he didn't know whether Geer had succeeded and wanted to use his mental power to ask. Well, I'm afraid that Geer is using his mental power to control the big beetle now, for fear of disturbing it, so he can only wait patiently.

However, after looking back at the mantises, Li Yichen felt a little more at ease. Those guys were still very quiet, which meant that at least there was no problem with Geer now, because this guy was lying there motionless, and Li Yichen didn't even know if it was dead. Do not know at all.

Although Geer was lying on the back of the big beetle, who knew if there was any way to attack from the back of the big beetle?

After waiting for a while, the big beetle finally devoured enough sea sand, so it stopped, turned around and walked back shakingly. Li Yichen watched quietly from the mountain. He didn't know that Geer had succeeded. At least for now, it seems that it has not been successfully controlled. Otherwise, Geer would have told himself first.

Because he did not dare to disturb Geer, Li Yichen could only watch from the mountain. He had no intention of going down, because even if the big beetle was not controlled and even had a conflict with Geer, Li Yichen had no way to deal with this behemoth. Li Yichen's attack methods None of them have any effect. Unless his strength is restored immediately, he can easily and happily deal with this guy!

After the big beetle came back, it also stopped in front of the jungle. Then, it actually opened its huge mouth and began to spray outwards. However, this time, the white mist sprayed out by the big beetle was different from the previous one.

The white mist sprayed by those animals before was concentrated in a small area, but the white mist sprayed by this big beetle quickly began to spread, and filled the depths of the jungle at a very fast speed...

Not sure if it was an illusion, but Li Yichen felt that when the beetles were spitting out white mist, the trees were actually absorbing the life energy in the white mist, and the white mist emitted by the nesting beetles was also mixed with sea water. This situation is really like the woods shrouded in mist in the early morning, and even the leaves are slowly becoming wet...

Of course, the nesting beetle is also constantly getting smaller when it is spitting out white mist. However, unlike the previous three waves of animals, the nesting beetle shrinks very slowly. Although it is also visible to the naked eye, after all, the nesting beetle His size is too big. According to Li Yichen's estimation, it will take at least ten minutes for this guy to completely shrink...

As for Geer, he was still lying on the back of the nesting beetle, still motionless. Li Yichen had no idea what was going on with this guy. Looking back at the still stable mantises, Li Yichen sighed, Finally, he shook his head and started walking down!

Because seeing that the nesting beetle still needs to spray white mist outwards, Li Yichen is no longer afraid of this guy. The reason why Li Yichen is a little worried about the nesting beetle is because of its huge size, but now this guy is constantly If you shrink, what else is there to be afraid of?

I just need to wait aside, wait until it is small enough, pin it to the ground with my bow, and then let Geer subdue it, right?

As for injuries?

After dealing with the Zerg for so long, Li Yichen knows that the Zerg is not afraid of being injured. As long as there is life energy, no matter how big the wound is, it can be healed! Therefore, nailing its belly to the ground with an arrow, which will not kill it but can control it, is the best way! !

Li Yichen walked down the mountainside. He couldn't let the nesting beetle leave his sight, otherwise he would not be able to control its size. After all, Li Yichen had seen it before. The smaller the animals are, the faster they shrink. ! !

While going down the mountain, Li Yichen was still paying attention to the jungle, because he didn't know what it meant when the nesting beetles spewed white mist into the jungle. What if another group of monsters emerged from the jungle like before?

This is also something that cannot be said. Li Yichen clearly saw that none of the animals that came out in front entered the jungle, and they all stopped at the edge of the jungle.

But Li Yichen entered the jungle twice before and encountered animals. The first time was a saber-toothed leopard and a pig hoof rabbit, and the second time was a deer, which was the animal he used to hatch Geer. The deer used first! If those animals did not enter the jungle, where did the animals in the jungle come from?

With the spitting of nesting beetles, the fog has spread throughout the jungle. Because the fog did not sink to the bottom, but floated on the tree crowns, Li Yichen could still see clearly. However, as Li Yichen descended further and further, he He also lost his vision in the distance, but at least he could still clearly see the large jungle close to him! !

Before Li Yichen reached his optimal shooting range, when the nesting beetle shrank to about seven or eight meters in diameter, Li Yichen suddenly received a message from Geer. It had successfully conquered the beetle! !


Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, and then stopped. Since Geer had already controlled the nesting beetle, of course he didn't have to continue downwards. Geer would definitely not deceive him. After all, it was a Zerg, and it knew how to tell lies. Belongs to advanced animals - an everyday language used by humans!

"Ger! Why did it take so long?"

After Li Yichen stopped, he looked at the nesting beetle that had stopped spitting and was climbing up the mountain with Geer on its back.

Geer immediately responded to Li Yichen. According to what it said, it had actually been able to control the nesting beetle for a long time. As it said, no matter how big the nesting beetle was, it was nothing more than a low-level Zerg. As an intelligent Zerg, Digger had no problem controlling it at all.

However, if the body size is too large, the amount of mental energy consumed by Geer to control it will also increase accordingly. The most important thing is that after controlling the nesting beetle, Geer needs to put his own mark on the nesting beetle. Once the mark is stamped, the nesting beetle completely belongs to Geer.

Only after being imprinted can the insect nest built by the nesting beetle truly belong to Geer and perfectly fit with the core of its insect nest. Now Geer is just a newly born Zerg. If you want to follow It is basically impossible for a nesting beetle as big as a mountain to mark it.

Therefore, after Geer came to the nesting beetle, he did not rush to control it. He just waited quietly until he felt that the size of the nesting beetle became suitable for him, then he began to control it and gave it It puts its own stamp…

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