Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1089 The boss is controlled?

The marks of the Zerg are not made casually. Even the mantises, Geer did not put his own mark on them, because the mantises themselves have the marks of the small insect nests. This mark is innate, as long as the insects are If a Zerg is born in a nest, then the Zerg will be marked with the mark of this Zerg nest.

However, if Geer wants to erase their marks and add his own, there is no problem, but because it has transformed the small insect nests that hatched these mantises into its own insect nest core, there is no need for that. .

After hearing the message from Geer to him, Li Yichen finally breathed a sigh of relief. Everything seemed to be going well so far. The next step was to wait for Geer's insect nest to be established and then produce some insect soldiers so that they could control it. This island, and Li Yichen had already made guesses about what he had seen before.

Those three waves of animals, plus the last nesting beetle, were obviously helping something collect life energy, and there was only one abandoned or unbuilt insect nest here. Therefore, Li Yichen was basically sure that Several waves of animals are helping the insect nest collect life energy!

When it snowed before, most of the life energy landed on the mountains and jungles. Only the beach side would lose a lot. Of course, Li Yichen did not think that this loss was a mistake, because these four gaps were originally It shouldn't exist!

Although the insect nest also has entrances and exits, Li Yichen doesn't think it is difficult to seal the entrances and exits in its current state, so the existence of these four gaps should be for this kind of sand soaked in seawater!

Although Li Yichen didn't know what the sea water was, and he couldn't feel the life energy now, he always felt that the sea water had special abilities, and this thing happened to be what the insect nest needed, so there were these four There is a gap, but even Geer has no idea what this sea water is. After all, Geer is just a newly born little guy, and some inherited memories have not yet fully awakened!

However, there is no need to worry about these for the time being. Anyway, the most important thing now is to get Geer's insect nest up first, so that Li Yichen doesn't have to be cautious anymore. Now Li Yichen actually wants to go to the grass where the animals come out to find out. But he himself doesn’t dare to go!

There is a passage under the grass for sure, but no one knows if there are other animals in the passage. Moreover, in the underground passage, Li Yichen's bow and arrow are not very good, and the dagger is too short, so if he goes in , the risk is still very high.

Although Li Yichen can also take Geer and the mantises in, the mantises are flying insects after all. If they enter the passage, they will not be able to perform at all. Geer is a ground creature, but the problem is that its legs are too long. It definitely won't work.

Although he has not yet gone down the passage, Li Yichen is almost certain that the passage will not be very spacious, otherwise the animals in the first wave will not be so small. The animals in the first wave are not big, and then the second wave is much bigger, and the third wave is even bigger. Big, and then the last nesting beetle, Li Yichen felt that it was the most important, and only the white mist it spewed at the end was what this insect nest really needed!

The previous three waves were probably just preparations, from small ones to big ones, from big ones to bigger ones, and finally to the giant nesting beetle! !

Li Yichen now wanted to find out what the secrets of this island were. Previously, he felt that this was not an easy task. He might have to do it bit by bit. It might take several years to visit the entire island. But now that he has Geer, when Geer's insect nest is built, Li Yichen can lead several groups of insect soldiers out to explore the island.

His blood was used at the last moment of Geer's hatching. Therefore, Geer's body contains Li Yichen's genes, so the Zerg hatched from his insect nest will also obey Li Yichen's command. Therefore, after the insect nest is built After that, although it was said to be Geer's, it was actually not much different from Li Yichen's. Even Geer would not go against Li Yichen's will!

Soon, Geer arrived at Li Yichen's side. Although the nesting beetle had shrunk a lot, the diameter of its body was still ten meters, so Li Yichen simply sat on it.

Such a huge beetle is really as stable as Mount Tai when climbing up a mountain. Its serrated feet can firmly grasp the hard rocks and move forward steadily step by step. Although it moves slowly, its legs are long after all, so the nesting beetle The speed is still very fast.

It didn't take long for them to reach the mountain. At present, Geer had no plans to build an insect nest, because the first thing was to choose a good location!

It's definitely not possible in the jungle, which is also the territory of this giant insect nest. If you build your own insect nest in other insect nests, even the Zerg are not so careless!

There are also some problems on the top of the mountain, because the insect nest is not a semicircular building. Although it looks like this from the outside, there is another half below it, so the insect nest is actually a complete circle. exist.

If it is built on a mountain, an important question is what to do with the lower half?

It's not that the rock is too hard to dig. There are nesting beetles, so no matter how hard the rock is, it's not a problem. The problem is that the mountain below is empty. If you dig down, you will dig down to a certain extent. In the middle of the mountain, and the middle of the mountain... is another insect nest!

The jungle is not good, and the mountains are not good, so there is only the beach. To be honest, the beach is actually quite good, because the sand on the entire beach contains a lot of life energy, and for the insect nest, the most important thing is life energy, so , building an insect nest on the beach is actually a pretty good choice, especially since it is still outside the range of the giant insect nest!

But the problem now is that those animals appear every day, so if you build an insect nest on the beach, you will be attacked by those animals every day! Li Yichen was sure that although those animals looked like they would enter the sea as soon as they came out, if something blocked their way, they would definitely attack the person blocking the way!

Since the jungle is not good, the beach is not good, and the mountains are not good, then... the only choice left for Li Yichen and Geer may be the sea...

Li Yichen looked at the sea and silently communicated with Geer in his heart. At this moment, Li Yichen suddenly discovered that Huang Dahu was waving to him on the top deck of the Ayr cargo ship on the opposite sea. At the same time, Guo Qing next to him was holding a sign. , with several big characters written on it:

"Boss, what's going on over there?"

Li Yichen hesitated for a moment, then took off his bow and arrow, took off his clothes, waved it at them a few times, and then put his clothes back on. He had made an appointment before, and if he waved his clothes, it meant everything was safe and they could come over. After picking him up, Li Yichen certainly wouldn't want to go back now, but he could already let Huang Dahu and the others come over.

Seeing the signal sent by Li Yichen, Huang Dahu breathed a sigh of relief, but he still used a telescope to carefully observe the place, because the things around Li Yichen were a bit scary now. Originally, it was just a huge spider and a bunch of big praying mantises, but now Well, not only are the spiders and mantises still there, there is actually a huge beetle crouching next to it. Is the boss... going to be the king of the Zerg?

"Boss, will you let us pass?"

Guo Qing looked at Huang Dahu. He was holding a sign before, but he was also holding a telescope in his hand. Moreover, even without the telescope, he could still see that Li Yichen was waving his clothes! So he asked.

"Yes! Let's go there!"

Huang Dahu nodded.

"Wait a minute! Are you...are you sure that one is still the boss?"

Guo Qing asked further.

"What do you mean?"

Huang Dahu was stunned and turned to look at Guo Qing.

"I mean……"

Guo Qing swallowed, looked at the top of the mountain and said:

"Why are there so many bugs around the boss?

And each one is huge. I feel that if we pick one out randomly, we will definitely be no match. These bugs look much scarier than zombies! "

(Zombie: I am eating a box lunch, thank you!)

"Then what?"

Huang Dahu continued to ask.

"Do you think... the boss can control so many bugs?"

Guo Qing asked:

"I admit, the boss is indeed very powerful. He is very ruthless in killing zombies and has rich combat experience. But the problem is that they are big bugs, not zombies. Even if the boss can kill those bugs, how can he make those bugs listen to him? ?”


Huang Dahu was stunned when he heard Guo Qing's words. What Guo Qing said did make sense. If Li Yichen killed all the bugs on the mountain top, it would be quite an exaggeration, but at least it would be acceptable. After all, in this world, They have seen too many bizarre things, and there is basically nothing they cannot accept.

But the problem is that instead of Li Yichen killing those bugs, now it seems that those bugs have become Li Yichen's pets, and they are all very well-behaved, which is a bit unacceptable.

The world can go crazy, but can’t we?

No matter what, humans are just humans, not gods. If you want to say that a saber-toothed leopard appeared next to Li Yichen, and the leopard was very obedient, this is okay. After all, taming animals is a skill that humans have long mastered. But...taming insects?

Throughout human history, it seems that no one has been able to train insects to be obedient, right?

Those guys have no intelligence at all, how could they be trained?

If...those bugs were not trained by Li Yichen, then I'm afraid it would be a bit troublesome. Maybe...the boss is controlled by bugs?

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