Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1103 Use your life to make a fool of yourself

Chapter 1103 Use your life to make a fool of yourself

Li Yichen's exit was not far away, and the spider had jumped up and rushed out of the cave, so it was almost above Li Yichen's head. With this downward attack, the distance was almost within reach. Huang Dahu and Kaizi behind him were shocked. He raised his machete and was about to come forward, but at this moment, Geer, who had been hiding above the cave, moved.

Geer was already prepared, because Li Yichen had already contacted it when he exited, and from the time when the spider avoided his own arrows, Li Yichen knew that it was extremely fast, so Geer basically After seeing this spider jump out, I pounced on it.

Therefore, just when the spider's body had just moved down a little, Geer had already arrived. Although they were of the same kind, and they were probably all intelligent Zerg from the same insect nest, Geer did not show mercy. , before the body could reach it, the two spider legs at the front had already stabbed out like lightning and sank directly into the belly of the colorful spider that was half its size!


The spider that was instantly injured roared, but because the spider had no vocal cords, the sound was not loud. However, the spider's counterattack was quite fierce, and all eight legs stabbed Geer. However, because of its small size, its The spider's legs weren't as long as Ger's, so they couldn't reach him at all.

But because both Geer and the Colorful Spider were in mid-air at this time, Geer in particular pounced directly on the Colorful Spider, so both spiders fell towards the ground. Fortunately, Geer was already prepared when he pounced, and adjusted The two spiders were entangled and flew past Li Yichen and Huang Dahu, falling towards the hillside behind them!

After landing on the hillside, the two spiders continued to attack each other, stabbing their legs and biting their mouthparts, rolling all the way down the mountain. Li Yichen and Huang Dahu also chased after them, but these two spiders The rolling speed was too fast and they were entangled, so even Li Yichen did not dare to shoot his own arrow easily! I'm afraid I might accidentally hurt Geer!

Li Yichen is very accurate in shooting arrows, especially since his eagle eye can see the opponent's movement trajectory, but the problem is that his physical strength is not good now. If he was in his heyday and had a hard bow like Tianya in his hand, even if these two spiders are now Continuously tumbling, he was confident of shooting an arrow through the eye of the colorful spider.

But now, what he is holding is just an ordinary bow, and the strength is not enough for him to fully draw the bow and shoot an arrow the moment he sees the trajectory. Although Li Yichen can draw the bow very fast now, it is not as fast as before. Fabi, in the current situation, the error of 0.01 seconds may accidentally injure Geer, so Li Yichen can only wait for the opportunity!

The two spiders were writhing all the way, sixteen spider legs rising and falling one after another, and green juice kept splashing and spraying on the mountain road. Li Yichen carefully told Huang Dahu and Kaizi not to touch the juice, and the three of them chased after each other quickly. These two spiders!

Just when Geer and Colorful Spider rolled to the bottom of the mountain, they hit a stone lying in front of them. The stone was not very high, that is, less than thirty centimeters. The inertia of rolling down made Geer and Colorful Spider The spiders bounced together, and Li Yichen, who had already seen the stone, seized the opportunity, and an arrow came quickly, "Poof!"

A loud sound pierced the colorful spider's head, and the tip of the arrow that pierced its head was less than two centimeters from Geer's eyes.


The two spiders fell heavily to the ground, and Geer was right on top. He turned his head to avoid the arrow. The moment he touched the ground again, the eight spider legs pushed himself up hard, and then fell to the side, crouching. The body stared at the colorful spider eagerly.

Seeing Geer's actions, Li Yichen was relieved. It seemed that the spider's head was its vital point, otherwise Geer would not be able to get rid of it at this time. This was because he did not want it to be hurt again when it was dying. To yourself!

After Geer left, the colorful spider kept rolling on the ground, its legs scratching around, making the ground dusty. Li Yichen, Huang Dahu and Kaizi stood on the hillside and watched quietly, while Geer was on the other side. Keep an eye on one side!

After about five minutes, the colorful spider finally stopped, lying motionless on its back. All eight spider legs were bent, and the sharp and sharp blade feet were still shining with cold light.

Geer slowly stepped forward, and first took advantage of his long legs to pierce one of the spider legs into the head of the colorful spider. At this distance, even if the colorful spider fought back, its spider legs would not be long enough, but Geer was obviously worried. It's a bit redundant, because the spider is still motionless.

At this time, Geer looked a little miserable. His body was full of holes poked by the legs of colorful spiders. Green blood was still flowing out of those holes, dyeing Geer's body dark green. It looks extremely ferocious. Of course, the colorful spider is not much better, and it is now dead.

Geer moved forward again, raised his previous spider legs and pierced the colorful spider's chest again. Seeing Geer being so cautious, Huang Dahu and Kaizi couldn't help but look at each other, and both saw the shock in each other's eyes, while Li Yichen was With a calm expression, he already knew at the trial site that although these intelligent Zerg could not speak, their intelligence was not much lower than that of humans.

If it hadn't been for the containment of the insect nest, so the intelligent Zerg had to fight tooth and nail to protect the core of the insect nest, I'm afraid Li Yichen wouldn't have been able to kill those intelligent Zerg so easily, and even severely injured Grijalva, driving the Zerg out in one fell swoop. A place of trial!

After confirming that the colorful spider was dead, Geer finally pounced on it and bit the colorful spider's head. Then, the entire colorful spider began to shrink continuously. Li Yichen knew that this was Geer devouring the colorful spider!

"follow me!"

Now that the battle is over, there is nothing interesting about Geer devouring colorful spiders, so Li Yichen waved his hand and took Huang Dahu and Kaizi back up the mountain. Although Li Yichen was sure that Guo Qing was dead, he still had to go back. One was to After Guo Qing was buried, the other one also wanted to see if he could figure out what happened before.

According to Li Yichen's guess, this colorful spider should have been hatched by Guo Qing, and the process was similar to his own. However, when the genes were finally absorbed, Guo Qing himself was sucked into a human being because there was insufficient life energy in his body. Dry.

Since Guo Qing is dead, of course he has no way to control the colorful spider. After the colorful spider hatches, of course, like Geer, it must first devour its own eggshell. It was at this time that Li Yichen and the others discovered the colorful spider. Spider, then shot the three arrows.

Of course, the attacked colorful spider wanted revenge, so he immediately chased after it. Who knew that there was also a bigger spider named Geer? In the end, this colorful spider died within ten minutes of hatching. It should be regarded as having the shortest life. of intelligent Zerg.

However, Li Yichen is still a little strange now, because the egg from which this colorful spider was hatched is obviously much smaller than the one that hatched Geer, and the size of the colorful spider is also half smaller than that of Geer, especially since this guy has just hatched, even his own The eggshells haven't been eaten yet, but where's Geer?

Not only had he hatched long ago, ate up his own eggshells, but also absorbed a lot of sea sand to strengthen himself. It stands to reason that, being an intelligent Zerg, Geer's strength should far exceed that of the colorful spider.

But looking at the situation of the two spiders just now, it seems that Geer didn't take advantage. If it weren't for Li Yichen's arrow, the final outcome would be hard to say. The strength of this colorful spider is really... very powerful! !

Huang Dahu and Kaizi followed Li Yichen. They didn't know what Li Yichen was going to do. They didn't see Guo Qing's body. They were at the back before and saw Li Yichen shoot a few arrows downwards, and then asked them to retreat. Then this A colorful spider rushed out of the cave!

Entering the cave again, Li Yichen first made a gesture by sitting down, then came to the edge and looked down carefully. He didn't know how many eggs Guo Qing had hatched. Now Geer was still at the foot of the mountain, inside the cave. There are only three of them. If another intelligent Zerg breaks out, I am afraid that all three of them will die here, and it will be too late to even call Geer to rescue them.

Fortunately, after searching carefully, Li Yichen didn't find any traces, so he breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to Huang Dahu:

"Go to the top of the mountain and get the rope to come down!"


Huang Dahu did not move forward, he nodded directly, turned around and walked out of the cave with Kaizi, while Li Yichen looked at Guo Qing's body below, let out a sigh of relief, and slowly sat on the ground.

In fact, he didn't get along with Guo Qing and Huang Dahu for long, but in this world now, Huang Dahu, Guo Qing, and Fu Qiang were the three people who were most familiar with Li Yichen, and they were obedient and gave Li Yichen a lot of help. Now he suddenly died. One, Li Yichen also felt sad.

Fortunately, he had experienced a lot of life and death, so he didn't cry bitterly, he just sat there and thought quietly.

What Li Yichen was thinking was, if this world exists just for his ultimate trial, when he completes the trial and leaves this world, will this world completely dissipate?

So, what about the people in this world?

As well as those zombies, bugs, and even Geer.

Are these living beings temporarily created by that mysterious existence, like beings like extras, or... are they also real beings?

The rules of life in Li Yichen's memory seem to be the only one who created the suppression zone in the Valley of the Dead Army, but he could not create life, or even make himself immortal. So, if life cannot be created, Huang Dahu They must be real, no different from me, but if so, what is the purpose of their existence in this world?

Is it just to cooperate with his own trial?

This is equivalent to using your life to play a minor role, right?

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