Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 1104 The First Insect King

Li Yichen had a big problem on his mind, so before he could figure it out, Huang Dahu and Kaizi had already returned, holding a backpack in their hands. Of course, the backpack contained ropes!

They had found a professional mountaineering equipment store to get this rope there, just in case. The ground was more than ten meters away from here. In fact, it was possible to get down, but it would be difficult to get up. , the insect nest is not like the underground animal nest, which has a special ramp for going up and down. The inside of the insect nest is a wall that goes straight up and down!

For the Zerg, this kind of wall is no obstacle to them at all. Didn’t the colorful spider climb up easily just now?

But Li Yichen and the others couldn't do that, especially since they had to bring Guo Qing's body! Rope is a must.

Huang Dahu didn't understand why Li Yichen wanted the rope. He directly handed the bag to Li Yichen and said:

"Boss! Rope!"


Li Yichen looked at Huang Dahu, opened his mouth but said nothing. He didn't know how to tell Huang Dahu about Guo Qing's death, because the two guys seemed to have a good relationship, so he simply said nothing and picked up his bag and came aside. , found a relatively solid stone and tied the rope to it.

When Li Yichen was tying the rope, Huang Dahu and Kaizi also looked down curiously, because Li Yichen was looking down the same way just now, and then they discovered the colorful spider.

It doesn't matter at this glance. Both Huang Dahu and Kaizi saw Guo Qing's body. Kaizi was okay. After all, he had known Huang Dahu and the others for a shorter period of time than Li Yichen had known them. He was just shocked when he saw Guo Qing's body. For a moment, but Huang Dahu was different. His face suddenly changed drastically, and then he opened his mouth and shouted:


As Huang Dahu shouted, he actually climbed down the mountain wall. He didn't care that his hand was scratched by the rocks on the mountain wall. When he was halfway down, Huang Dahu fell down, and his whole body fell on the mountain wall. On the ground, he immediately got up and stumbled towards Guo Qing's body!

When he came to the corpse, Huang Dahu finally confirmed that this was Guo Qing who had just been separated from them for a few hours. He knelt beside the corpse and touched Guo Qing's hard body, with tears pouring down his face...

Li Yichen tied the rope and looked at Huang Dahu from the top. After sighing, he pulled the rope and slid down. Kaizi looked at the stone holding the rope and then looked at Huang Dahu. In the end, he did not go down and just stood on it. Watching silently.

"That spider should have been hatched in Daqing, but..."

Li Yichen came to the crying Huang Dahu and said softly, while Huang Dahu stared blankly at Guo Qing's body, and then moved his eyes to the backpack strap in his hand. The backpack still had a little bit of it hanging on it from being eaten. On a small half of the eggshell.

Huang Dahu gently pulled the backpack and looked inside. There was no sand left inside. It was clean, not a grain of sand...

"No! He didn't hatch this, it was me!"

Huang Dahu's voice was full of regret, but Li Yichen was stunned, but Huang Dahu immediately continued:

"This backpack is mine. I packed a backpack of sand and poured it on a stone egg here. Then you said you were leaving, so I dropped the bag. Unexpectedly... there happened to be an egg here! The bag must have fallen on the egg!”

Hearing Huang Dahu's words, Li Yichen immediately squatted down and carefully checked the remaining half of the eggshell. Sure enough, a small half of the eggshell was buried underground, and judging from the traces, the egg should have been here a long time ago. Li Yichen lifted it He started to look up and found no broken stalagmites, so he couldn't help but frown.

If the egg was automatically broken by the insect nest, then there should be a stalagmite above the egg, but he didn't notice it at all. In other words, the egg had been hidden here from the beginning?

Li Yichen couldn't help but take a deep breath when he thought that the colorful spider had just hatched and had not even swallowed the egg shell, so it could fight against Geer. Both sides were evenly matched. Geer had no obvious advantage at all. It seemed that this egg could hatch an intelligent Zerg. , it shouldn’t be a coincidence.

Geer should have hatched from an ordinary egg. This is correct. So Geer followed the normal procedure for the birth of intelligent Zerg, which is luck or probability. And this colorful spider, before it was born, probably Its identity has already been determined.

And there is only one such Zerg in the entire hive - the Insect King! !

Only the Insect King's egg was determined before it was born, and from the information sent by Geer, Li Yichen also knew that the Insect King's egg was special, but even Geer didn't know what was so special about it. , after all, it is not the Insect King, and the inherited memory it receives will certainly not include that part!

As for Li Yichen, he was not interested in the Insect King, especially since the insect nest was sealed, so he didn't look carefully at first. He didn't expect that this special thing actually meant this!

Looking at Guo Qing's body, Li Yichen realized. It seemed that the reason why Guo Qing was sucked to death was not entirely because the life energy level in his body was too low, but because the insect egg that sucked his life energy required too much. , I am afraid that even if it were replaced by Li Yichen, the ending would probably be the same.

"It seems that Huang Dahu dropped his backpack first, and it just happened to hang on the insect egg. Then the sand in the bag was absorbed by the insect egg and began to hatch. When Guo Qing came over, he should have come in to take a look. Maybe he too I wanted to get some more sand to try to hatch the eggs, but I found that the hatching eggs were glowing, so I came down to take a look."

Li Yichen imagined what happened in his mind:

"Perhaps it was because the backpack just covered the insect egg, so Guo Qing wanted to take it off. After taking a closer look, he accidentally touched the insect egg and couldn't get rid of it. As a result, the life energy in his body was sucked away, and he got With Guo Qing's life energy, the insect king finally hatched, and we came in at that time."

Looking at the situation at the scene, Li Yichen felt that it was not much different from what he imagined, so he stood aside for a while. When he saw that Huang Dahu was almost crying, he was ready to pat his shoulder to remind him that it was time to leave! At least Guo Qing's body must be taken up and buried somewhere. He cannot be left in the insect nest.

Although this insect nest is basically abandoned, if it is activated one day, I am afraid that Guo Qing will really have no bones left.

Not enough. Just when Li Yichen was about to bend down, Geer suddenly jumped down. Seeing Geer, Huang Dahu's face immediately showed great hatred, but Li Yichen happened to look at Geer at this time, so he didn't notice. .

While sending a message to Li Yichen, Geer ran to the egg and began to swallow it. Li Yichen was surprised to find that almost all the wounds on this guy's body had healed, but the green blood was still there.

After devouring all the eggshells, a small crystal appeared at the bottom of the egg. Geer dug out the crystal and put it into his mouth...

After devouring the colorful spider, Geer also got its memory, so he shared it all with Li Yichen. From the information sent by Geer, Li Yichen finally knew that what he imagined was right, that colorful spider It is indeed an insect king, and it is the insect king of this insect nest, with the same status as Grijalva in the Trial Land!

However, according to Ger's inherited memory from the Colorful Spider, the Colorful Spider should be the first insect king among all the insect races, and this insect nest is also the first insect nest in all dimensional universes! However, it has not yet been decided whether this nest is an insect nest or a beast nest!

In other words, the underground lair and the above-ground lair are currently in a battle. Only the creature that wins this war can obtain a complete lair and become the master of the lair. It is obvious that the Zerg are currently at a disadvantage and have even been being beaten. If the animal seal below continues, I am afraid that there will be no Zerg race in the future that makes the entire Origin World tremble.

However, in fact, it is a matter of changing the soup without changing the medicine. If the Zerg does not appear, then the Orc will appear! That is, those animals underground!

It is said that the beast king of the animals below is also being sealed. In other words, the beast king is also sealed in the egg like the colorful spider and cannot come out. It is just because the lower half of the nest is currently at the upper hand. , so the Beast King can use his consciousness to command those animals, but this colorful spider has not been awakened and has been sealed.

If Li Yichen and the others hadn't appeared, there would have been basically no problem with the Beast Clan's victory, because as long as this situation continues for dozens or hundreds of years, the Beast King will be able to get enough energy to break out of its shell, and by then, it can enter Here, by swallowing the egg of the colorful spider, and then swallowing the crystal, you can truly control the entire nest, and the upper and lower halves of the nest will be completely integrated into a whole!

All those animals were chasing Geer before, and it was precisely because Geer ran down and alerted the Beast King. The Beast King sensed that this was a Zerg, so he was shocked. Although there was no life energy in the beast nest, it couldn't care less. Duo sent all the animals that had been left over to try to kill Geer!

It's a pity that those animals were only left for warning, and their combat effectiveness was not very good, so they were all easily killed by Geer. However, Geer had not obtained the inherited memory of the Insect King at that time, and did not know the existence of the Beast King. But now, Because Geer swallowed the Insect King and also swallowed the crystal that originally belonged to the Insect King, now, Geer has truly replaced the Colorful Spider and became the new first Insect King...

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