Li Qingfeng's suggestion was very simple, that is, the small bases outside are now almost all run by puppets found by the Kingdom of Heaven from outside. They only go over occasionally to take a look.

In this case, the safety of researchers at each base cannot be guaranteed. No one knows whether those puppets will suddenly go crazy, and human ambition is enough to make these bases less stable.

The Kingdom of Heaven has always focused on the research of zombies. Although the most important research laboratories are located in their own bases, those on the periphery are only auxiliary research or help with some experiments.

However, because these research laboratories are located in the headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven on various continents, every time they need a test product, they need to go out and capture it themselves. This was also Li Qingfeng's main job before.

Li Qingfeng proposed that he go outside to find a place with a good geographical location and a lot of zombies to build a base, and build it into a base similar to a base city standard, absorb the surrounding survivors, and set up the laboratory. in it.

In this case, with him as "one of their own", they can ensure that there are no problems in the safety of the laboratory, and whether they want human experimental subjects or zombie experimental subjects, they can get them nearby, not to mention far away, at least In terms of time, you can save a lot.

A high-ranking official in the Kingdom of Heaven who liked Li Qingfeng finally agreed to this plan after several requests. So, Li Qingfeng came here and built a huge base based on Fengcheng!

After the base was established, until a few days ago, the base was still nominally owned by the Kingdom of Heaven, but it was only controlled by Li Qingfeng himself.

He has been suppressing the research in that laboratory, at least suppressing their research on humans. Even if someone in the base made a serious mistake, Li Qingfeng would rather kill him or expel him than send him to prison. Enter the laboratory.

As for the researchers in the laboratory, Li Qingfeng asked them to focus on researching zombies under the banner of the Kingdom of Heaven. He is a formal member and is highly valued by the top management. His status is naturally not comparable to that of a puppet like Tiger Shark, so No one in the laboratory doubted him, and they were all very cooperative.

Just a few days ago, something suddenly happened at the top of the Heavenly Kingdom. It was said that several elder families who controlled the Heavenly Kingdom suddenly had a dispute and showed signs of splitting, so Li Qingfeng took the opportunity to get rid of the control of the Heavenly Kingdom.

He calculated very accurately that his base was in the relatively deserted Far North Continent, which had not received much attention from the Kingdom of Heaven. Now that civil strife broke out, no one would send troops to quell his base.

But even Li Qingfeng himself didn't know that there was a secret base of the Paradise Kingdom in Beilu Port not far from him. After learning that Li Qingfeng had escaped from his control, the Paradise Kingdom actually used the zombies there to attack Feng Feng. The city base launched an attack.

"You said...the top leaders of the Kingdom of Heaven are split?"

After understanding the origin of this base, Li Yichen finally felt relieved, but another thing Li Qingfeng said caught his attention, so he quickly asked.

"I also heard this from a brother who stayed in the Kingdom of God in Heaven."

Li Qingfeng's eyes flickered when he said this, and Li Yichen immediately understood that this brother of his should be this guy's "undercover" who stayed in the Kingdom of Heaven, and his role was to help him find out information about the Kingdom of Heaven.

But Li Yichen didn't care about this. What he was thinking about now was whether the current situation in the Kingdom of Heaven might be related to Lin Yichen!

"Do you know what happened?"

Li Yichen pretended not to see Li Qingfeng's eyes and continued to ask.

"This is not very clear. My brother is just an ordinary member of the Kingdom of Heaven. He has no way of knowing about high-level matters."

"Hmm! Do you know... the base of Heavenly Kingdom in Hanhui Province? It is said that it is going to be built into a base city!"

Li Yichen thought for a while and asked again.

"I know! This started a long time ago, and it was influenced by me. It is said that the person in charge of this plan is the Lin family among the six major families!"

Li Qingfeng nodded and said.

"Six major families?"

Li Yichen was stunned, Lin Yichen had never told him.

"Well! These six major families are the founders of the Kingdom of Heaven. They claim to have been instructed by some guide to establish the Kingdom of Heaven. In short, it is the kind that can save mankind from water and fire, but what they do every day , but they are all studying how to improve the intelligence of zombies, it’s so nonsense!”

Li Qingfeng curled his lips and said:

"Since you destroyed the Tiger Shark Base, you should have seen that armored tyrant, right? That thing is the prototype of those intelligent tyrants! Although you destroyed that one, there are still people in other bases who have successfully researched it."

Pointing to the vaguely visible Destroyer, Li Qingfeng continued:

"This guy was created by the underground laboratory in Beilu Port. Of course, it's just this one. Because the materials on this guy are too expensive to be mass-produced, so other brains, they all compare it with ordinary tyrants. Merged, those intelligent tyrants you just killed!"

"After staying in the Kingdom of Heaven for so long, the only thing they are doing is to continuously improve the intelligence of zombies, and they also claim that this is the only way to save mankind. Do you believe this? I don't think even zombies believe it. !”

(Zombie: Brother! I really believe it!!)


Li Yichen frowned. He suddenly thought of Li Fangzhou. Didn't that guy call himself the guide? Moreover, he seems to have left many people behind. Could these six major families be the ones he originally chose?

"Have you also heard of the Guide?"

Seeing Li Yichen's expression, Li Qingfeng quickly asked. He was sure that Li Yichen was not from the Kingdom of Heaven because he had never seen him. Could it be that this guy belonged to another organization?

"heard about it!"

Li Yichen thought for a while, nodded and said:

"I met the person in charge of Yinhui Base City, listen to what she said!"

"The person in charge of Yinhui Base? It seems to be from the Lin family. Didn't she drag you into the Kingdom of Heaven?"

Li Qingfeng asked curiously.

"No! She said... she wanted to merge that base city into my base and move it to the Valley of the Dead!"

Li Yichen smiled and simply told his agreement with Lin Yichen.

"What? This is impossible!"

Hearing Li Yichen's words, Li Qingfeng looked shocked, then thought about it carefully and said:

"I bet she is using you! It's impossible for people from the Lin Family Base City to merge into your base. Even if they go, they will only attack you! You must be careful!"

"No way?"

Li Yichen was stunned. Unfortunately, if he were in the Death Army Valley now, he would know that if he dared to make this bet with Li Qingfeng, he would definitely be the loser...

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