Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 198 The base was attacked

At this time, the Death Army Valley had just welcomed a team, but this team looked a little embarrassed, as if they were fleeing for their lives.

As soon as they entered the Dead Army Valley, they were discovered by Xiaohu's Death Shadow. Now Xiaohu's Death Shadow is mainly responsible for the work of scouts, and will cooperate with the Redemption Legion to enter the Duanjun Mountain to hunt some mutant beasts and get some for the base. Meat is back.

The Hellscythe Legion focused its main energy on leading the cannon fodder and the brave survivors to clean up the zombies in the Valley of the Dead, and also separated some people to go fishing at the lake.

Because of Li Yichen's suggestion, they have dug an artificial lake beside the lake, and even dug a deep ditch leading directly to the moat outside the city wall, so that the fish in the lake can follow the ditch directly into the moat. No need for them to bother.

Perhaps because of the isolation from outside zombies, the high-level zombies in the Valley of the Dead have not mutated. They are just ordinary lickers and tyrants. With Xiaomao's protection, they are basically in no danger.

After using the second Jiuzhi injection, Xiaomao has successfully become an evolver, and his sonic attack range has also become stronger, and his ability to control zombies has become even worse.

It can be said that as long as he wanted to, there would be no accidents among the survivors cleaning up the zombies. However, according to Li Yichen's instructions, Xiao Mao did not do that. Unless high-level zombies appeared, he would control them and let the Hell Scythe Except for the soldiers who surrounded and killed him, he didn't pay much attention to the other survivors.

As a result, other survivors suffered some casualties. To be precise, there were only deaths and no injuries, because as long as a small scratch was made, the survivor would turn into a zombie and even be killed in advance by his companions. !

Some survivors retreated after witnessing the deaths of their companions. Xiaomao will ignore these people. If you have the courage, come forward. We will give you a chance. If you retreated on your own, I have no obligation to help you regain your courage. , in this world, everyone has to rely on themselves.

After discovering the team, Xiaohu was the first to notify Wanshan. Wanshan immediately used a telescope to observe the team heading towards them and felt that they were not looking for trouble, so he He took Li Dong, Gao Shu, Kong Tian and others out to greet him.

"My name is Lin Li! I am the leader of a small base over there. Our base was attacked by zombies. A guy named Li Yichen rescued us and said we could come here!"

The visitors were none other than Lin Li and others. As soon as Lin Li saw Wan Shan, he raised the feather arrow that he had already held in his hand and said to Wan Shan.

Wan Shan took the feather arrow and looked at it. Yes, this was the feather arrow used by Li Yichen, so he looked at Lin Li and asked:

"Did you... meet a zombie?"

"Can you confirm my identity now?"

Lin Li did not answer, but asked directly.

"Well! This is Xiaoyi's feather arrow, others shouldn't be able to get it!"

Wan Shan nodded. Before Lin Li, several waves of people had come to join them with Li Yichen's arrows, so Wan Shan could naturally determine their identities.

"That's good! Get ready quickly, someone is coming to attack you!"

Lin Li breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly.


Wan Shan was shocked:

"People? Who?"

"I have no idea!"

Lin Li shook his head:

"We met their vanguard, which consisted of about a hundred people. We originally thought they were from your base, so we took a few people to contact them, but we were directly attacked by them."

"Li Dong! Go back immediately and activate level one combat readiness!"

Wan Shan looked at Lin Li and the people behind him, immediately turned back to Li Dong and said, then waved to Lin Li:

"Come! Enter the base first!"


Lin Li nodded and led his team into the base, while Xiaohu's shadow of death was hidden around them, watching their every move!

"Those sons of bitches killed dozens of our brothers!"

While walking towards the base, Lin Li cursed:

"If we hadn't originally gone in the same direction and I only brought some combatants to chat, our losses might have been even greater!"

"What are their losses?"

Wan Shan turned around and asked.

"About a dozen people died! They attacked suddenly, and we had no defense at all!"

Lin Lidao said that in fact, after the attack, some people on Lin Li's side even asked not to come to the Death Army Valley. They felt that Li Yichen just asked them to come here by themselves, and then they would kill them all here.

But Lin Li felt that if Li Yichen really wanted to kill them, there would be no need to go to such trouble, and the clothes those people were wearing didn't match Li Yichen's style.

Especially after seeing Wan Shan, Lin Li confirmed his thoughts, because the combat uniform worn by Wan Shan was obviously similar to the one worn by Li Yichen.

"Lao Kong! Lao Gao! You take Leader Lin Li and his people to settle down, and I'll arrange the people to prepare for the battle!"

After entering the base, Wan Shan said directly to Kong Tian and Gao Shu, and then ran into the resort first.

Looking at the two tall walls of the Hell Capital Base and the extremely majestic building of the resort, Lin Li and the survivors in his base took a breath of air.

This kind of building was not uncommon before the end of the world, even in abandoned cities, but it was quite difficult to appear in a base with water.

At this moment, the Hell Capital base suddenly remembered a siren, and the sound continued to echo in the Valley of the Dead. All the people outside the base, after hearing the siren, all retreated to the base as quickly as possible. , not even trophies like zombie corpses.

The Redemption Legion in Broken Army Mountain also quickly withdrew. At this time, the Hell's Scythe, which had returned the fastest, had already deployed its defenses on the first city wall. Seeing these guys looking like they were facing a formidable enemy, Chang Guchuan He frowned and rushed into the resort.

"what's the situation?"

Chang Guchuan asked loudly as he entered the conference room.

"Someone came to attack us. It was said by a person from the base who was pulled over by Xiaoyi. They encountered those people! I have asked Xiaohu to go check it out with the shadow of death."

"Report to the leader! There is indeed a team heading towards us. There are about less than a hundred people, all of whom are Enhancers!"

At this time, a member of the Shadow of Death rushed in and reported to Wanshanhui:

"Brother Hu has led people to investigate the way they came. He wants to see how many people are coming to attack us from behind!"

"Yeah! Good job! Keep investigating!"

Wan Shan nodded and said, then turned to Li Dong:

"Dongzi! Pay attention to those who have just arrived. That team is all composed of strengtheners. They can actually kill more than a dozen and bring so many old, young, sick and disabled people here. This seems a bit strange. Most likely!”


Li Dong nodded and took the two people out, while Wan Shan looked at everyone present and showed a smile:

"Everyone, this is the first time our hell capital base has been attacked. Xiaoyi is not here, so let's show those guys that even without Xiaoyi, we can still kill all the guys who dare to mess with us. Go to grandma’s house! Get ready to fight!!”


Hearing Wan Shan's words, the morale of the people below suddenly soared, and they roared together. Then they all poured out of the conference room, organized the personnel, and entered the combat positions that had been practiced countless times, waiting for the arrival of the enemy...

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