Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 22 The Terrifying Tyrant

After all, the ghost pupil is known as one of the most terrifying creatures in the apocalypse. Even though Li Yichen had imagined it to be very powerful and even covered up all the big holes for fear that it would see its flaws, it seems now that it is Still underestimated it.

Throughout the night before, except for sending some lickers to add some trouble to them, this ghost pupil had almost no sense of existence.

But now, as soon as it started to control Zhichao, it almost wiped out the hard work and sacrifices of Li Yichen and the others overnight. No one knew how it did it, and it actually had such powerful control and memory.

The huge tide of zombies is now returning exactly according to the route they traveled before, including those zombies that have stepped into the trap range but did not trigger the trap due to lack of weight. They are also returning exactly the same way.

Although more than a dozen traps have been triggered and swallowed up the zombies within the range, the total number is only two to three thousand. For a small group of zombies, this number may be all or even several times their size. .

But for Guitong's corpse wave, this number is only one-tenth, which is not a loss at all. As long as they really withdraw, the plan that Li Yichen racked his brains to come up with will be considered a complete failure.

Of course Li Yichen would not let this happen, whether it was for himself, the surviving soldiers, nearby bases, or even those who fearlessly rushed towards the corpses, resolutely detonated their motorcycles, and used their own flesh and blood to save lives for their companions. Even Li Yichen, a warrior on the road, would not let go of this tide of corpses.

Driving towards the end of Wucheng, the tide of corpses was slowly receding in that direction, while Li Yichen turned to look at the direction where Guitong might be. Because this guy had been in the center of the tide of corpses, he couldn't do anything in a short time. As long as those who evacuate Wucheng are killed, the zombie tide that loses its control will collapse again.

Arriving at the rear of the corpse wave, more than a thousand corpses had already exited Wucheng, and the number was still increasing. Li Yichen looked at the direction of the high platform, gritted his teeth and drove to the back of a hill. Later, an armored vehicle was redeemed from the mall.

This car was about the same size as his previous one, but it had a huge triangular blade on the front, and the sides of the car were also covered with spikes. Li Yichen jumped on the car and rushed towards Wucheng again...

"Puff puff puff puff..."

Driving an armored vehicle, he ran headlong into the tide of zombies that had already exited Wucheng. The sound of sharp blades entering the body could be heard densely. The zombies blocking the front of the armored vehicle were cut into two pieces by the sharp blades on the front of the vehicle, and some were even directly swept under the vehicle. , turned into a pile of minced meat.

"Damn it! Is this guy Tinker Bell? Why did he get another car?"

Wan Shan, who had been looking here with a telescope, couldn't help but murmured, but at least after seeing this car, he felt a little calmer. Regardless of whether he could kill the zombie tide or not, with this car, Li Yichen The risk has been reduced to a minimum.

Because of the sharp blade on the front of the car, the off-road vehicle was invincible against these ordinary zombies. However, Li Yichen did not get entangled with them and drove directly towards Guitong's location.

He didn't see the ghost pupils, but he saw dozens of tyrants, so it was not difficult to guess the location of the ghost pupils.

Guitong seemed to know Li Yichen's intention, so the surrounding zombies began to gather in front of the off-road vehicle. There were even a dozen tyrants walking towards the off-road vehicle. Beside the tyrant, there were dozens of lickers. .

"Damn! So many tyrants?"

Wanshan gritted his teeth and looked at the scene in the telescope, and cursed bitterly, if this zombie wave cannot be buried here, let alone Wanshan Base, all the bases nearby will face disaster. No base can face it. The impact on dozens of Tyrants.

The Tyrant is three meters tall, and his skin is as hard as steel. Most weapons, let alone breaking through their skin, would have a hard time leaving any traces on it. Their only weakness is their eyes.

But the eyes are almost at the commanding heights of its body. How easy is it for ordinary people to attack there? In particular, the Tyrant is an enhanced zombie with a certain level of intelligence and will not just sit there and let you attack its eyes.

In particular, tyrants also use weapons. In their hands, they all hold thick steel pipes or huge hammers, as well as maces filled with nails. The ferocious head of the club will probably cause damage if it hits a person, let alone someone. At one point, it’s enough to let people say goodbye to fear.

The dozens of lickers were the first to arrive. They jumped directly onto the armored vehicle and attacked the vehicle body with their claws and teeth. As for the tongues? They are not here to wash Li Yichen's car.

What comforted Li Yichen was that the armor of the armored vehicle was thick enough, so these attacks were useless. The only thing that annoyed him was that these lickers blocked all the windows and he couldn't see the road ahead.

"Damn! I'll have to get a bladed wiper next time."

Li Yichen gritted his teeth and cursed, then stepped on the accelerator hard, and then turned the steering wheel fiercely. The wheels rubbed violently on the ground, and the car body also rotated rapidly, finally throwing off several lickers.

After seeing the way ahead, Li Yichen continued to rush towards the ghost pupil's position, and even another licker immediately rushed towards him, blocking his sight. It didn't matter if he was in the right direction anyway, and his car's The weight is specially calculated to simplify the system. It only has a strong shell and an engine. Even if some zombies are added, it will not cause the trap to collapse.

"Damn it! Brother Yi is so awesome!"

Chang Guchuan held a telescope and watched the armored vehicle full of lickers running rampant among the corpses, and couldn't help but marvel.

Wan Shan, who was also looking at the armored vehicle, shook his head gently. Now Li Yichen's impact was very fierce, but soon, he was about to face those dozen tyrants head-on.

In front of the pure strength-enhanced, tall tyrant, the armored vehicle was like a toy. Wan Shan felt that... the sharp blade on the front of Li Yichen's off-road vehicle seemed unable to allow him to cut through the tyrant like ordinary zombies.

Wan Shan was right. When the armored vehicle approached, the first few of the tyrants immediately dropped the huge weapons in their hands, bent down, and directly blocked the armored vehicle with their bodies and arms.


The armored vehicle with huge momentum made a huge noise after colliding with the tyrants, and pushed the tyrant's body back more than ten meters. The tyrant's arms and body were also cut open, but in the end they could not be cut off directly. , and the armored vehicle finally lost power and stopped.

Seeing the armored vehicle stop, the other tyrants swarmed up and hit the armored vehicle with rounded weapons in their hands. The tyrants who used their arms to drag the sharp blades on the front of the vehicle stood up with force, trying to lift the armored vehicle. turn……

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